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AUDA membership made easy


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auDA doesnt make decisions on the basis of how much money it will make, it doesn't need the money, just take a look at the annual report. Your comment suggests that your two points are mutually exclusive, that is not the case.

i'm sorry but I do think Auda wants the money. They could have had cheaper names years ago but they chose to keep prices high and then simply give away money via the Foundation and increasing Auda expenses each year. ..

If they do not need the money then the new .au extension should be FREE for all existing .com.au registramts if the registrant wants the .au name also. Let us see if Auda wants to charge or indeed does not want the money.

Auda certainely wanted the money years ago when it auctioned off every .com.au generic name in Australia and made a fortune because they had reserved them all!


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CIRA Membership FAQ
The following FAQ offers you key information about membership:
CIRA Membership Basics
Membership Enrolment Process
Membership Support

CIRA Membership Basics
What is a .CA Member?
Membership in CIRA is open to .CA Registrants who apply for membership and are authenticated and admitted in accordance with the CIRA's Policy on Membership. A Registrant without a Domain Name is not eligible for membership.

Learn more about the benefits of being a .CA Member.

How do I become a CIRA Member?

To become a CIRA Member, you must have an active .CA domain name.

A. If you do not have a .CA domain name:
  • Register a new .CA domain name. You will receive an email invitation to become a CIRA Member following the registration process (Please visit Why.CA to learn how to register a .CA domain name.)
B. If you currently have an active .CA domain name, click here to apply for CIRA membership.

For more information, please contact Member Services by email at member.services@cira.ca or by telephone at 1-877-913-5335, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (ET).

What is the difference between individual and non-individual membership?

When registering a .CA domain name, Registrants must choose one of CIRA's official legal types which denotes their eligibility to hold a .CA domain name. An individual Registrant is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, legal representative, or an aboriginal person. All other legal types, such as Canadian corporations, are considered non-individuals.

Does being a Member affect my .CA domain name?

No, being a CIRA Member does not affect your .CA domain name in any way.

Does it cost anything to be a CIRA Member?

CIRA Membership is completely free.

Can I become a CIRA Member at any time?

If you have an active .CA domain name, you can become a CIRA Member at any time.

I have more than one .CA domain name. Can I take out a membership for each name?

No. An individual or organization may have only one CIRA membership, regardless of the number of .CA domain names they hold.

Why does CIRA require enrolment for membership?

As a Member-driven organization it is important to CIRA to have an active membership and to know who our members are. By requiring enrolment for membership, CIRA is able to confirm every CIRA Member's identity.

How do I exercise my CIRA membership rights?

CIRA will email you to notify you of events in which you can exercise your membership rights. For a full list of CIRA membership rights and benefits, click here.

I am no longer the Registrant for a .CA domain. Can I maintain my membership?

Membership in CIRA is restricted to individuals who are listed as the Registrant for a .CA domain name. You can become a CIRA member again by registering a new domain name, and applying for membership.
Membership Enrolment Process
I initially chose not to become a CIRA Member, but now I would like to enrol. What do I do?

As long as you hold a .CA domain name you can become a CIRA Member at any time.

Is there any reason CIRA might not accept my CIRA membership enrolment?

Reasons for CIRA not accepting your membership application could include, but are not be limited to, the following reasons:
  • You already have a membership.
  • Your online registration form was not complete. If you faxed or mailed in your registration, your form may not have been legible.
  • The ID that you scanned and attached to the online form, or that you faxed or mailed in is not clear
You applied for membership under the wrong legal type (i.e. individual or non-individual membership). If your application is not accepted, CIRA will notify you of the reasons so that you may make necessary adjustments and re-submit your application if applicable.


Top Contributor
Auda certainely wanted the money years ago when it auctioned off every .com.au generic name in Australia and made a fortune because they had reserved them all!

Agree. That was a big double standard because they had a prohibition on selling a .com.au's at the time whilst they were happy to auction off thousands of premium .com.au's themselves. One rule for AUDA and a different rule for everyone else.

Secondly let's not forget about the $10 million in the bank also, another example of why it is about money.

Lastly AUDA have been "overcharging" domain owners for way too long with a $3.85 fee and it is about to get worse with half a million more defensive registrations. If AUDA weren't in this for money that fee would have been reduced to a more appropriate level.


Top Contributor
Agree. That was a big double standard because they had a prohibition on selling a .com.au's at the time whilst they were happy to auction off thousands of premium .com.au's themselves. One rule for AUDA and a different rule for everyone else.

Secondly let's not forget about the $10 million in the bank also, another example of why it is about money.

Lastly AUDA have been "overcharging" domain owners for way too long with a $3.85 fee and it is about to get worse with half a million more defensive registrations. If AUDA weren't in this for money that fee would have been reduced to a more appropriate level.

There is no reason why Australian domain names costs more and $4 a year. This gives some profit to ICANN, AUDA,AUSREGISTRY and a reseller.

$10 million in the bank means Auda may blow it all.. give away via the "foundation"..

Auda needs to focus on domain names not be a charity itself with registrants money. It should never have set up any foundation in the first place.

The internet will exist without Auda promoting it.


Top Contributor
There is no reason why Australian domain names costs more and $4 a year. This gives some profit to ICANN, AUDA,AUSREGISTRY and a reseller.

$10 million in the bank means Auda may blow it all.. give away via the "foundation"..

Auda needs to focus on domain names not be a charity itself with registrants money. It should never have set up any foundation in the first place.

The internet will exist without Auda promoting it.

I think the biggest wastes of money are the awards nights, Christmas parties at the Park Hyatt and the enormous increase in "communications". That more than doubled from the year prior, how does 10% of AUDA's income get spent on that?


2014 $314,728
2015 $701,556

Maybe this is the explanation

A major highlight of 2014-15 for auDA has been the focus on improving our communications, which has led to the breadth of speaking opportunities and media appearances over the year................

With a greater focus on communications, we have been able to more effectively promote the value of .au to our many stakeholders and educate people about the vital role auDA plays within the ccTLD community at home and abroad.


AUDA doing self promotion is not a good way of spending registrants money.


Top Contributor
communication ! to who? the converted?
and still after all that "hard work" at speaking engagements almost nobody who owns a domain name knows theirs !!!!


Top Contributor
I think the biggest wastes of money are the awards nights, Christmas parties at the Park Hyatt and the enormous increase in "communications". That more than doubled from the year prior, how does 10% of AUDA's income get spent on that?


2014 $314,728
2015 $701,556

Maybe this is the explanation
AUDA doing self promotion is not a good way of spending registrants money.

Auda and Ausregistry are actively using funds to self promote themselves so they can increase their chance of being given the ongoing rights to run the system it is as simple as that.

Both contracts are due to go out to tender in 2017. let us see if they do in fact go out to tender or not or just extended again


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Does anyone know when new members get to find out about their confirmation of 'membership'?


Top Contributor
Does anyone know when new members get to find out about their confirmation of 'membership'?
Mine took around three weeks from the meeting date, although that included Christmas which probably blew the time out a little.


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What was the outcome of the vote anyway? Did I miss it, or have the results not been announced yet?


Top Contributor
the election is prior to the AGm in sept/oct ? ish
if you are a member you'll get notified when to vote


Top Contributor
I see auDA has updated their members list..
I've just done an article on Domainer that compares members (in both classes) from 2015 to 2016.

  • In August 2015, there were 121 Demand Class members – in July 2016 there are 237 Demand Class members – an increase of 196%.
  • In August 2015, there were 29 Supply Class members – there are now 44 members – an increase of 152%.


Top Contributor
  • In August 2015, there were 121 Demand Class members – in July 2016 there are 237 Demand Class members – an increase of 196%.
  • In August 2015, there were 29 Supply Class members – there are now 44 members – an increase of 152%.
Oops - my maths was a bit out on the % increases! Thanks to @Bacon Farmer for setting me straight! Correct version below.

  • In August 2015, there were 121 Demand Class members – in July 2016 there are 237 Demand Class members – an increase of 96%.
  • In August 2015, there were 29 Supply Class members – there are now 44 members – an increase of 52%.


Top Contributor
Canada membership is FREE and they have over 15,000 members. Everyone with a domain name can vote. There is NO supply and No demand differentiation.
"Membership Benefits

The Internet is changing every day, and a .CA membership will give you an edge and a say in how it changes. Through years of Member feedback, including extensive surveys and consultations, we have updated our benefits to give Members what they need to get the most value from their Internet presence.

Be part of a community of 15,000 .CA holders who, like you, have an interest in making the Internet work for them!


  • The quarterly .CA Member E-newsletter, to keep you informed of the latest CIRA and Internet-related information. Log in for access to the latest issue
  • Exclusive media monitoring, providing Internet news from Canada and around the world. Log in to access the latest news
  • Networking opportunities for business development and knowledge sharing. Find out about recent and upcoming events

Get involved in developing the Internet:

CIRA IS its Members, and by becoming a .CA Member, you can influence CIRA's critical work:

  • Be involved in CIRA's governance and direction through our Board of Directors Elections and Annual General Meeting.
  • Participate in membership surveys and other consultation on Internet issues.
  • Have a say in the development of the Internet worldwide through CIRA's involvement in international Internet organizations.

Learn more about how you can get involved with CIRA and make the most of your membership."

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
I think such a large increase in new members in the absence of any membership roadshows by auDA, means people are pissed off.

The current demand side directors better hope they got enough of their friends, brothers, employers to become new members to prevent getting dumped..


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i think no matter what the outcome of WHO gets elected its a win for demand class, nobody/so many people have joined auda at this specific time of all times because they are fully aware of whats at stake here and how unjust the past has been.
Which means all demand class candidates have to be clear and firm on their position so :
a) we can vote to our beliefs
b) make them state their beliefs
c) make them accountable for what they say and what they stand for

In the end the victors, hopefully, should be the correct ones for the job and god help them if they lie !
this would also heed a warning to next years candidates as well as the actions in 2016/17 of the current demand class board members Grant Wiltshire and Miguel Wood.



Top Contributor
Its been bought to my attention that given the right situation you can be a supply and demand class member, i always knew this but never gave it much thought till now.
as a demand you can only vote demand, i'd say there is no true blue demand class members who can be supply? but if you are both you can vote both which brings to light a conflict of interest of supply members, its plainly obvious no supply class member would vote for me SO we have a demand class member who really has no desire to help demand class improve its position on the board, that member would prefer someone that is possibly swayable in decision making.
SO clear we have someone on our side playing for the other team, just doesn't seem right.
Which means i have to get 2 votes to negate the effect, one to even then one to make a diference if they had voted for me, get enough of them and you have a situation where supply class is dictating who gets voted into demand class.

eg: the supply company joins auda as supply, and someone from the company joins as demand to vote the supply way, but how do you stop it, i know an employee of a supply company who is a demand member because he leans towards demand for himself, it would be also not right to prevent him from being a member because of where he works.

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