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WHY? because thats the way the "self-regulatory, non independant acting totalitarianism" organisation wants it.This outrageous imbalance needs to change.
WHY? because thats the way the "self-regulatory, non independant acting totalitarianism" organisation wants it.This outrageous imbalance needs to change.
There is a massive under-representation of end users, but the question for all of us is why would 99% of end users who have one or two domains for their business feel the need to join?The out of proportion influence of the supply side needs to be addressed.
As does the massive under representation of end users.
that would help i think if it was supported by notifications from auda.Maybe all domain name owners should be given a vote on demand directors?
Erhan, you are to be commended for your past efforts. In fact, not many people on here would know that you tried year after year to get elected as a Demand Class Director, and were just pipped on the post time after time. Very frustrating it was for all of us! Conspiracy theories abounded.
Also, you were on the previous Names Panel - and even were part of a minority report back then! You fought the good fight for all of us.
Then you switched tack, and got elected first time around as a Supply Class Director. (Only about 28 +/- members in Supply, as opposed to about 125 members in Demand). Smart move.
So while you have never answered this question on here, I guess it is fair to assume that you would have to support direct registrations given that you represent Supply? It would probably be electoral suicide if you didn't.
Having said that, I do know how adamant you are about the implementation discussion being handled properly - and that is a big comfort to me and others.
As I said before, be careful what you wish for. If everyone was a member then I would put money on the fact that domaining would be prohibited as would monetisation...I agree.
All domain owners should get automatic membership - like the Canadian model.
And the different classes of membership abolished.
As I said before, be careful what you wish for. If everyone was a member then I would put money on the fact that domaining would be prohibited as would monetisation...
Thanks Ned
Decisions I take are not based on what will be popular amongst people who voted for me, but what is in the best interests of auDA. This is my obligation as a Director at law. It is very different to public office.
With the issue of direct registrations, it has been approved, the focus should now be on a model for implementation. I would love to hear from everyone on this issue. Everyone should come along to the 7 June drinks that we are having in Melbourne. I hope to get up to Sydney and Brisbane too. As you say the implementation is very important, that is why we need everyone to be active in the discussion so that groups like domainers can put forward solid submissions.
I think that everyone will soon see that the auDA board under Stuart Benjamin's leadership has started a transformation of auDA, this will become evident through this year and you will be pleased! Even small things like online membership applications have started to roll out.
Decisions I take are not based on what will be popular amongst people who voted for me, but what is in the best interests of auDA. This is my obligation as a Director at law. It is very different to public office.
Thanks Ned
Decisions I take are not based on what will be popular amongst people who voted for me, but what is in the best interests of auDA. This is my obligation as a Director at law. It is very different to public office.
With the issue of direct registrations, it has been approved, the focus should now be on a model for implementation. I would love to hear from everyone on this issue. Everyone should come along to the 7 June drinks that we are having in Melbourne. I hope to get up to Sydney and Brisbane too. As you say the implementation is very important, that is why we need everyone to be active in the discussion so that groups like domainers can put forward solid submissions.
auDA doesnt make decisions on the basis of how much money it will make, it doesn't need the money, just take a look at the annual report. Your comment suggests that your two points are mutually exclusive, that is not the case.If that is the role of directors then it is a pretty big problem in my view, i.e. voting in someone to "further AUDA's interest". The problem being that AUDA exists to administer in the *public interest*, not in its own interests. AUDA doesn't exist to make money or help registrars make money.
Given that the Internet naming system is a public resource in the sense that its functions must be administered in the public or common interest, auDA recognises that the management and administration of the au ccTLD are subject to the ultimate authority of the Commonwealth of Australia
You can quite correctly quote your obligations as a Director now - however, you were not appointed; you were elected in a competitive environment. This was effectively your candidate statement back in 2014.
None of us on here are silly Erhan. We know you are a Supply Class Director, and you have to represent your constituency. That's the reality (which I can accept). You keep trying to divert the issue of where you stand by saying it's a done deal, and let's all just get on with it.
(I do often wonder though how things would have been had you been successful in being elected as a Demand Class Director).
Many people on here like you and respect you (and some of us are even your clients); however, I'm sure I speak for a number of people when I say that we need to support two Demand Class candidates who will represent us as domainers and domain investors. That's why it's great to see someone of the calibre of Shane Moore signal his intent, and so eloquently set out what he stands for (if elected).
auDA doesnt make decisions on the basis of how much money it will make, it doesn't need the money, just take a look at the annual report. Your comment suggests that your two points are mutually exclusive, that is not the case.
I am not diverting any issues, I along with yourself have been two of the biggest advocates for a discussion on direct registrations. That is a good thing. Just look at my posts on DnTrade I am talking about the issue all the time. I don't run away and hide, I am happy to engage with people, even if we dont agree on everything
I get the sense that the whole election discussion is not solely about the best interests of domainers, but rather an opportunity to punish existing Directors for accepting the recommendations of the Names Policy Panel. If that is the motivation I can understand it, but it is best to call a spade a spade.
thats never been my view, my beef is the other 1.7 million owners that still don't know anything about it, thats where you will get your real answer.I get the sense that the whole election discussion is not solely about the best interests of domainers, but rather an opportunity to punish existing Directors for accepting the recommendations of the Names Policy Panel.
the "decision is made" is a major reason for our promotion of the persons who best represent us ( whoever that may be) as is the case with any is a done deal the day names start resolving. Until then I'd say it is a live issue.
auDA doesnt make decisions on the basis of how much money it will make, it doesn't need the money, just take a look at the annual report. Your comment suggests that your two points are mutually exclusive, that is not the case.
I have no idea idea what they charge per registration (because they seem to like to hide that), but whatever it is, it is clearly too high.