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Top Contributor
Oops - my maths was a bit out on the % increases! Thanks to @Bacon Farmer for setting me straight! Correct version below.

  • In August 2015, there were 121 Demand Class members – in July 2016 there are 237 Demand Class members – an increase of 96%.
  • In August 2015, there were 29 Supply Class members – there are now 44 members – an increase of 52%.

I hope AUDA don't use this as justification for their ridiculous roadshow spending when in fact the increase is likely due to AUDA's perceived poor decision on .au.

Naomi Rowe

This new member is a disappointing sign no doubt. Josh has got buckley's chance this year in my view.


Top Contributor
if there were 121 deman voting in 2015 and the total votes equaled 150, given each member has 2 votes it suggests only 75 of 121 voted ? or many simply only voted once.


Top Contributor
if there were 121 deman voting in 2015 and the total votes equaled 150, given each member has 2 votes it suggests only 75 of 121 voted ? or many simply only voted once.

Getting members to actually vote is probably a pretty big deal.


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if anyone joined as a businss/company and not their name can you please PM me, i just want to marry names up with dnt members


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Interesting to note my shinny new Auda cap has the Au part in a different colour as if to promote the .au
Disclaimer ......I don't wear caps


Top Contributor
.au, uk do the same, it just means it emcompasses the other shitty extensions like .id.au, .net.au

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
You think auDA is ahead of the game and at this stage should be reading "com.auDA Domain Administration Ltd"?
It would be interesting to know if anyone has an old auda cap where the lettering is all the same colour"
Disclaimer ..... I don't where caps

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