s. You also need to be careful what you wish for, the bulk of the community do not like our 'domainer' community, and they massively out number domainers....
Luckily -
3.2 Activities
c. the promotion of competition in the provision of domain name services;
d. the promotion of fair trading;
I'm not sure what your intent was to suggest such an analogy on a domainer forum it kinda flies in the face of the auDA constitution stated above; Without domainers how would auDA fairly settle the trading of domain names within the market? Would auDA hold an in-house auction for the domain name and it goes to the highest bidder? Or would the registries hold the cards and become the “domainers” also, who brokers the deals between two companies should one seek to sell an interest in their domain name, the auDA or the registries? The domainer is the key to a successful domain market place.
What has the auDA done to ensure the domainer market is informed and structured.
f. adopting open and transparent procedures which are inclusive of all parties having an interest in use of the domain name system in Australia;
The entire premise of a domainer market is to provide efficiency of purchasing a
premium domain name, that’s capitalism and free trade, if it weren't, auDA would simply be an autocratic dictator.
I can tell you that the board doesn't pick and choose. auDA usually verifies that the applicant is a real person, gives the board a list of names and the board accepts it.
so a PTY LTD company is a real person? Surely membership can be automated, in 15 years auDA managed only 188 members?
what if someone tried to sign up fake members and that person's agenda was to stop monetisation (or domaining) ? Isnt it a good thing that the board could prevent that.
9.1 (b) Membership is held by a Legal Person, and each Legal Person may only hold one membership in auDA.
But, This doesn't stop a PTY LTD company having membership, directors, partners, even staff of the PTY LTD company can all sign up...10 memberships all of which can be influenced by a common motive/agenda. I see Your company is a good example of holding multiple memberships on the demand side [its not wrong according to the auDA constitution] ...so how can you determine a member is "fake" if he or she agrees with the sentiment of another? if the numbers support the views then changes are made. Free membership means increasing the numbers so manipulators work harder to achieve their goals. It makes me wonder how many on the demand side are not influenced by certain agendas within such a small membership circle? Namely, an Indifference towards domainers.