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Top Contributor
Mark could you possibly have 2 different messages indicating the reason for being unable to backorder the domain? Eg:
  • "This domain has already been backordered" - if the domain has been backordered.
  • "Unable to backorder at this time" - if it is a premium domain or falls within the 4 week to expiry period.


Top Contributor
OK, I have a solution... nobody bid on it, my budget is 19.9... oh, shh...

laugh or cry :)


Top Contributor
That's correct.

Could it have been 4 weeks ago? We do have a restriction on backordering domains that are expired (0-31 days from dropping). We also do restrict a collection of the most premium domain names.

Our backorder service was never intended for speculative domaining, but more for the retail market...

Is there a chance or has it ever been done that names have been allowed to be backordered within the 0-31 days period previously?

This is news we did not know " We also do restrict a collection of the most premium domain names."

Either way whats marketing.com.au really worth. its not as attention grabbing or valuable as many others on the aftermarket already really is it?
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Data Glasses

Top Contributor
My email from drop shows it has no search volume .......

Marketing.com.au marketing 0 $1.99 Computers 0

where as CutePuppy.com.au cute puppy 880 $0.43 Apparel 0

surely you can see the better value domain
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Top Contributor
Mark, on the 13 Feb I actually received an email from yourself stating that the domain may have already been backordered. I also enquired about premium domains being blocked from backorder to which you gave a proforma response stating that domains in pendingDelete status could not be backordered but did not say premium domains would be excluded?



Top Contributor
Mark, on the 13 Feb I actually received an email from yourself stating that the domain may have already been backordered. I also enquired about premium domains being blocked from backorder to which you gave a proforma response stating that domains in pendingDelete status could not be backordered but did not say premium domains would be excluded?


Hi just,

That is the case 99.9% of the time. Our exclusion list is tiny so chance of it being on there was slim. You never told me the domain name too so I couldn't say either way.

Fair point though I should have mentioned we had a small exclusion list so you knew - it wasn't intentional not to. I will get this added to the backorder exclusions and try and make the backorder guide more transparent.


Top Contributor
Maybe $100k if the marketing magazine publishers knew about it such as marketingmag.com.au etc

anyones guess these days with names. One thing for sure is the market has taken off thanks to Drop and Netfleet

Might be worthwhile drop and netfleet putting on telemarketers / sales people to advise potential buyers of names dropping for auction or available on their sites?

99.9% of people would have no clue about drop and netfleet so still imagine once people actually know about their services what will happen to the domain aftermarket and the prices decent names will fetch

still happy with what names that can be bought for in the .com.au market for decent prices but obviously the cats out of the bag now and deeper pockets are needed now then previously. ( same as realestate obviously not much goes down in value if its the right location)
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Top Contributor
marketing.info recently sold 10k in 2011...

I know .info is not good but idea of exact TLD.

I think realistically around 20k...But knowing how hungry every one is for domains probably 30k


Top Contributor
This is news we did not know " We also do restrict a collection of the most premium domain names."

I have never backordered a name, but I must admit I did not know this either.

Our exclusion list is tiny so chance of it being on there was slim. You never told me the domain name too so I couldn't say either way.

Fair point though I should have mentioned we had a small exclusion list so you knew - it wasn't intentional not to. I will get this added to the backorder exclusions and try and make the backorder guide more transparent.

Speaking in my personal capacity, I think this policy will cause you more grief / aggro than it's worth Mark. Thus I think every single name should go to drop auction.

Or, every single name should be allowed to be backordered with no favouritism to any party. The minute you start holding back some "premium" names, you will always cop it from someone.

To me the first option is the fairest, because not everyone has access to the names coming up. It is therefore a level playing field.

Plus it makes commercial sense to me.

Just my 2 cents worth.

P.S. Looking forward to tomorrow - should be exciting!


Top Contributor
Thus I think every single name should go to drop auction.

Or potentially make a rule like you can only backorder trademark terms or business names (I have advised clients to backorder their business urls (often not trademarked) in the event they are stupid enough to forget to renew).

I think generics should just be put on the free market with the highest bidder winning.

It's the best situation for everyone involved. It's best for NF, it's fair for bidders, and ultimately the domain ends up in the hands of the person with the deepest pockets, which usually indicates they also have the vision/ability to extract the most value from the domain.

Simple capitalism.

P.S. Looking forward to tomorrow - should be exciting!

I think it has the potential to go $50,000+

I'll be shocked if it doesn't get to $15,000.

I so wish I had pockets as deep as the blokes that will be bidding tomorrow - I'd happily invest five figures in this baby!


Top Contributor
To me the first option is the fairest, because not everyone has access to the names coming up. It is therefore a level playing field.

I agree with your comments Neddy but I have less than 6 months experience in domaining and am fairly able to figure out which names are coming up based on speculation, so I would argue that everyone with a little bit of ingenuity would have access.

Nevertheless I think yours and CNCs suggestions are good ones.

Looking forward to seeing how it plays out tomorrow!
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Top Contributor
The name was purchased for around $5K on the generic domain name auction - I remember it well as I was going for it, but thought at the time $5k was getting too high (remember at that stage there was no resale!).

Would have been nice staying in that auction for a little longer to secure the name, ah!

It sounds like a name Pacific Octane would go for...

Good luck for the new owner!!!



Regular Member
i'm 100% certain this is going to get too rich for me but I love watching the bidding.

#4 Bidder 3 Mon 11 Apr 2011 13:32:27 $15..... then they are out.

I know they'll probably come back but I love the thought that bidder 3 got to $15 and went .... 'woah $15! too rich for me ' :)


Top Contributor
Yeah that was me. Another dollar and I wouldn't of been able to join that gym for 2 bucks. :rolleyes:

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