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Top Contributor
We also do restrict a collection of the most premium domain names.

In your quest to be transparent, you could always publish these names.

Our backorder service was never intended for speculative domaining, but more for the retail market...

If another market finds a use for the service then so be it. It really needs to be available to all.

As Ned mentioned I agree all names should be either let go to auction OR all names available to be back ordered.

The 31 day rule is ok of course.


Top Contributor
It was an old TV show. The characters put their hands together and said "With our powers combined"...

Just gave me a big dose of nostalia is all. :)


Top Contributor
It was an old TV show. The characters put their hands together and said "With our powers combined"...

Just gave me a big dose of nostalia is all. :)

Haha, I was kidding techmo. :p

Yeah, 13 hey, I thought it would go for more though.

I won bidding for proteinpowders.. will see if we snap it up or not.


Good sale, I thought it might have gone higher - great name. Weird to see it drop considering the previous owner is a veteran domainer.


Top Contributor
$13112 on both. Too cheap.

I was really surprised it didn't at least get above $15,000.

When I watch opportunities like that go begging it makes me think if a few of us here on DN Trade had of thrown together a couple of grand each along with our depth of knowledge of online marketing we could have developed something substantial.

I won bidding for proteinpowders.. will see if we snap it up or not.


Weird to see it drop considering the previous owner is a veteran domainer.
Yeah what's the deal with that?


Top Contributor
Yeah I noticed he has over 8,000+ domains...

Probably just lost track of this one...

Looks like Chris Burgess picked up this one at DROP.
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Top Contributor
Well done DROP! Good to see you back in the mix!

Yes - competition is great news!

Good sale, I thought it might have gone higher - great name. Weird to see it drop considering the previous owner is a veteran domainer.

True on both counts. I hope Tony P. is ok - nothing happened to him? I've been tring to get hold of him on another matter for a while now.

Yeah I noticed he has over 8,000+ domains...

Probably just lost track of this one...

Looks like Chris Burgess picked up this one at DROP.

Congrats Chris! Fantastic pickup - cheap too.


Top Contributor
They forgot to renew a domain i hand registered back in the day too. was a headache back then.
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