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Domain appraisals on .com.au's


Top Contributor
I don't think I have ever sold a .com.au where someone has just made an approach of their own bat, that is not a good state of affairs where you basically have to chase buyers to move anything. A good name should get regular inquiries of its own accord.

So essentially you are a bad .au domainer who has bad names compared to the rest of us

You like .com because it compensates for your inabilities to pick, buy and sell .au domains

fyi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-serving_bias



Top Contributor
Snoopy is this a typo 20? 200 or 2000 maybe?

Nope, and hoping to go even lower with everything that is going on right now with .com.au, the market will get weaker and weaker.

AUDA just emailed 200,000 domain owners and told they are planning to bring in another almost identical extension.


Top Contributor
Nope, and hoping to go even lower with everything that is going on right now with .com.au, the market will get weaker and weaker.

AUDA just emailed 200,000 domain owners and told they are planning to bring in another almost identical extension.

auDA never emailed the 2000 domain name owners emails I know with a .com.au. How do we know who they emailed and if it was 200,000 or not...will it be on the website or public minutes how they chose the emails.. from a certain registrar group customers etc?

Did they email the Melbourne IT group's yes vote customer database for the Yes vote again that Melbourne IT and all of their registry / reseller entities pushed for?


Top Contributor
Nope, and hoping to go even lower with everything that is going on right now with .com.au, the market will get weaker and weaker.

AUDA just emailed 200,000 domain owners and told they are planning to bring in another almost identical extension.
PM me your .com.au names if you want to sell up.


Top Contributor
Hi Cherie, I'm looking to sell some .com and .com.au domains at wholesale prices at the moment - see thread here.

Sorry Christopher. Just thought that since mine was the first reply on your mega thread (way back on page 1), that I'd add the last post as well. :)
Lol. Its totally cool, I realised I can just un watch the thread, and its all good.

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