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Direct registrations are happening


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I certainly wouldn't be buying a .co.uk name unless it came with the .uk rights.
and thats exactly what everyone else is thinking, another example defensive registration for the sake of it ! , you can't sell a domain unless you pay for the useless "other" one.
is this where we are heading?


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I still think that we need to wait before judging the .uk uptake, as businesses still have a timeframe in which to buy their equivalent.co.uk name..


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"Only recently we reported on the many benefits business owners can attain by registering a premium generic .com.au or .net.au domain names. Our carloans.com.au case study showed how a premium generic domain name helped their business decrease marketing and AdWord spend while increasing revenue and brand awareness.

Clearly, savvy business owners are aware of the .au aftermarket value and are using it to their advantage.

In September 2011, investmentproperty.com.au became the highest recorded domain name at auction when it was snapped up for $125,000 by New South Wales property developer Vision Homes. Only last year, the domain names – sydney.com.au, melbourne.com.au, brisbane.com.au, adelaide.com.au and auction.com.au – were touted for sale with a projected retail price somewhere in the order of $1 million as a total package.

I encourage business owners to contact their Registrar and consider a premium generic .au domain name for their business.

No doubt we’ll see even higher domain name sales in 2014 as the intrinsic value of .au domain names increases.

Although 2014 will see many new options become available in the market, my expectation is that the possible confusion will make premium generic domain names in established namespaces even more valuable.

In the face of confusion, people will default to something they trust and understand.

By George Pongas|January 6th, 2014|News

About the Author: George Pongas

George has been actively involved with the Australian domain industry since 2003. He currently holds the position of Director - Product Management at AusRegistry, the appointed .au 2LD Registry Operator. He is also serving his fourth term as a director on the auDA Board after being popularly elected by the supply class in October 2015. In the past, he has held CEO and other senior positions at successful Registrars, and played a valuable leadership role in shaping the .au retail sector in its formative years. He is dedicated to contributing his commercial sensibility and extensive industry experience to the benefit of the Australian domain industry and all Internet users."​


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1. Another Australian extension such as direct .au to compete against the existing .com.au and .net.au, .id.au extensions is not needed is will add to confusion.

2. In the United Kingdom and New Zealand people have defaulted back to what they know being the .co.uk and .co.nz. Google is also using them as the default for searches and their own websites.

3. There is an Aftermarket if people want to buy existing names that are registrants or they can contact owners to make offers.

4. Ausregistry and auDA have promoted the value of paying more to buy a premium generic .com.au and .net name. auDA in fact made $millions from auctions off .com.au names.


Many people have invested in the .com.au based on the "encouragement", press releases, advice and recommendations of Ausregistry and auDA. Another competing additional .au extension puts at risk this investment advice people have taken.

"Premium .com.au domain names a valuable asset for Australian businesses"

5. 2015 / 2016 Worst year ever for United Kingdom domain name registrations and renewals, directly in line with the additional .uk extension. I have spoken directly with Nominet. Has auDA, AusRegistry, the past auDA board who voted for another .au extension, candidates and existing board member spoken to them and read the facts? Was this material posted or included in the Australian surveys? Did Melbourne IT and their entities post it on their solicitations for yes only votes ? No is the answer
  • Only 6% of .uk name versions of .co.uk have been registered in the last 2 years. A total disaster!
  • 99% of .uk registrations are only for defensive purposes by the .co.uk owner. Of the Millions of available outside of the .co.uk equivalent the direct available open market .uk names are not being registered.
  • Independent report shows major problems in surveys and existing registrants not being informed of the change plus implications of the additional extension. Sir Michael Lyons Report & Board Response
  • Nominet have seemingly taken off from their website a lot of documents they used to justify the new direct .uk extension initially. Too embarrassed perhaps or to avoid being sued for false and misleading information? I've asked for a copy of it or for them to fix the link with no response. http://www.nominet.uk/how-participate/policy-development/IntroducingSecondLevelDomains/qanda
  • They have admitted the poor .uk direct results and things have not gone as well as they had hoped. They are now in cover up stage removing information from their website which they used before to poush in the direct .uk extension. They refuse to supply the working link or pdf's of it.... Why? Cover up.
    404: Page not found
    The page you were looking for cannot be found.

  • They have admitted their direct .uk processes, surveys, implementation where not conducted well and not enough registrant engagement took place plus proper testing and modelling on possible detrimental affects of existing registrants. Raised by Sir Michael Lyons Report.

Nominet publishes a range of reports and statistics, which can be downloaded in this section. Reports & Statistics

Reports: Map of the online world – 2016
Reports from previous Board meetings are archived by date below.
6. 2015 /2016 Worst year ever for New Zealand domain name registrations and renewals. 1 year after direct .nz came in.
https://www.dnc.org.nz/sites/default/files/2016-08/Domain Name Commission - Annual Report - .pdf

“The dip between February and March 2016 reflects the one-year anniversary of the end of the preferential registration and registration period – an important part of the registrations direct at the second level change. It appears that some registrants, having exercised their preferential registration rights, have subsequently let the shorter version of their name drop.”


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People and business are waking up! auDA you are on notice! Smart Company picks up the threat to Australia Business and the existing 3 million Australian registrants!

Say NO to the money grabbing push for another competing Australian domain name extension! It can be stopped!
Direct AU domain registrations: a new Australian internet tax?
Jim Stewart /
Thursday, November 17 2016


" What I’m calling a new Australian Internet tax isn’t an actual tax, but it might as well be. There’s an organisation in Australia called the auDA, which is the Australian Domain Administration. They’re pushing to have direct .au domain registrations. After all, having yourname.au sounds pretty awesome, right?

Trust me, it’s anything but awesome.

The problem with this idea is that it’s a horrible one for business. If you own a business in Australia, you’re going to have to buy new domain names just to make sure cyber squatters don’t register your name out from under you. Depending on your business, you may have 20 variations or more of your basic business domain name.

All told, roughly three million more domain names will have to be bought, just to cover the existing domains list in Australia.

According to the auDA, there are some benefits, which are dubious, at best. They say it gives Australians more choice in domain names, when it actually forces us to pay for even more domains.

They say they’re responding to market demands, but the only actual demand to be found is at the end of a badly worded survey they sent out to 3,000 people. In essence, they’ve created a situation, and then called it a demand. The result is only financially good for domain registrars and re-sellers.

Fortunately, there’s a way to fight back. AuDA is a membership organisation. I joined it a little over a year ago. There’s still time to make an impact, as the association is still doing research on the subject.

Become a member and make your feelings known as they consult with their membership. The small membership fee is a tiny percentage of what you’re going to have to pay if this ruling passes. How many domain names are you going to have to buy if this happens?

For more information, visit the StewArt website.

Jim Stewart is a leading expert in search engine optimisation. His businessStewArt Media has worked with clients including Mars, M2 and the City of Melbourne."


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Neustar Inc USA's ( Ausregistry) plan to sell another 3 million competing domain names in Australia has been exposed.
  • Small survey 3000 out of 3 million!
  • "Rigged" yes only voting by some who stand to make financial gain
  • No contact to all 3 million registrants from anyone about it
  • Claims which have now been proven false from the UK and NZ years results and reports
Is this around the Neustar inc USA bought Ausregistry and stated they bought it for the massive profits it can make from Australian domain name registrants... and how they can make even more with another extension.... and basically "forced" defensive registrations?

Ausregistry ( Neustar Inc USA) is on the board of auDA, they have been involved in policy and voting. If they get the rights to sell another new extension and an additional 3 million competing .au Australian domain names they can make massive financial gains... is this a conflict of interest?


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You sure have quite a passion.

100% Yes with 20 years invested into the international domain name space, lot's of customers depending on me and a lot of money invested so far I sure do have a passion for it and I hope others do also get more involved. There is no use just complaining if you don't read the facts and know different sides positions and why.

This may be the first auDA AGM where people are actually listened to and not shut down and rushed out for "drinks" to close down discussions prematurely.

Now is the time for people to get their questions ready or even write to auDA now and ask so it in the record finally and not swept under the table anymore like it has been for too long.

I appreciate some may prefer not to read the information provided.....yes there is a lot and I apologise for this, however some are reading it and that is the only way for improvements and more oversight it seems. I do know some on the auDA board and staff are finally reading dntrade and at least listening to concerns and feedback. They did not know a lot also.... especially lacking was their knowledge of the the real stats from .UK and .NZ.

It is time for positive change and to fix a lot of old problems which have been neglected. I think the new CEO is making some progress it seems but he has people fighting against him obviously who are not happy to "lose" what they had.

Stopping the "gravy train" is one thing but making the existing .com.au and .net.au system better is also crucial and that should be everyone's main focus to wants to be on the board or working at auDA.

It is strange a lot of new members where signed up and their address is vacant blocks of land... It appears some people may want to get back onto the gravy train...... do they have delusions they may get into the big league Icann gravy train or was the nice befits from former auDA good also... it appears quite lavish from recent revue of expenses and service provider billing.

Let's see this year. It is one side Supply verses the other side Demand Domain registrants etc but one side "supply" and "old school beneficiaries" seems to be actively "stacking" the demand side member votes in their favour also now more than ever.

Certainly it could happen if someone in "Supply" wanted to force in more ways to make a financial gain ( new .au extension or whatever ) it could be possible to sign up Supply staff, friends, family and "ghosts" as demand members... and then have that block vote from demand to support the wishes of those in "supply".

Lot's going on in the background from what in hear..This may be why the new CEO was questioning opening up auDA membership and questioning the status of existing members.. ..if they are legit or just branch stacked for supporting Supply or also demand voters for bringing back people who may have been moved on...50 new auDA members in 1 hit with "questionable" details, links or validity is a concern. The best solution allow all domain name registrants to be auDA members and then cross check their domain name registrant details are also legit as a start.


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Melbourne IT has related entities, staff etc now signed up as auDA Supply and Demand members.

Netfleet is just one example of an auDA member may not be valid under the auDA membership rules. They are an associated entity of Melbourne IT.

auDA have expressed concern and requested a "risk report" it appears there has been "stacking" of membership by some parties.

I consider the actions of Melbourne IT ( and some of their their related entities ) in soliciting a "yes only vote "for another competing additional .au extension may be a possible conflict of interest which should have not have been allowed and it makes the survey results and auDA board vote invalid.

I also feel AusRegistry has a conflict of Interest in the materials they published and promoted to push in another competing .au extension. It appears in some cases it is inaccurate, has have been properly researched or proven factually and it was never checked by the auDA board or auDA staff nor taken into proper consideration when writing survey questions or process for feedback and registrant input.

"Where will the next 3 million .au domain names come from?"

Goerge Pongas is an auDA board member, Employee of Ausregistry / Neustar Inc USA, auDA Supply member and also himself an auDA "Demand" member.

George has actively pushed for another .au extension



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More informed people are coming out and commenting against the proposed additional competing .au extension now they are hearing about it...

Imagine if auDA and Ausregistry had contacted the existing 3 million registrants with facts and invited them to do a few properly worded surveys and also imagine if auDA stopped auDA board members from yes vote stacking the surveys!

auDA, ausRegistry, Melbourne IT, past auDA board members and some present auDA board members have a lot of questions to answer... as well as some associated auDA supply and demand members.

Conflicts of Interest can be a very serious matter especially when financial or other gains may be involved, as well as damage to the many years of work done to build the reputation of Australians domain name .com.au system internationally.

auDA, Ausregistry, Melbourne IT, Supply and auDA board members need to focus on making .com.au and .net.au better for users, owners and our global reputation.... not making it worse!


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I just was bored so i went incognito and onto google uk which is .co.uk, and did masses of searches, weddings, cars, lawyers, motels, etcccc and could not find a single .uk domain name on the first page.
Big brands like vodafone, airbnb, reed ( jobs) , telegraph, independent, hertz, expedia, bbc the list goes onnnnn ALL use .co.uk still
After this many years is that not evidence enough that .au is not needed, and we use them as a model for a reason to change.
it seems the preferred alternative to .co.uk is .com not .uk


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With the auDA AGM coming up, I thought some people may be interested in my input to the recent consultations.

My submission is available to view/download here:

Good information but in my opinion there is little use giving in at the end and talking about implementation using the UK model.

The .uk has failed and so has .nz both Nominet United Kingdom and DNC Domain name Commission New Zealand's vast information now show this and admit it. The auDA policy panel and auDA board and survey writers did not consult with Nominet or DNC at all so why did they use them at all as justification for another Australian competing extension. In those countries those bodies never reserved all the generic words and then auctioned them for $ millions in profits.... the list goes on of differences.

in both .co.uk and .co.nz anyone in the world could register them at any time unlike Australia's rules for registrant eligibility set by auDA panel and board.

There is no majority for any proposed additional .au extension. a yes voted stacked survey result of only 3000 people with misleading survey questions is invalid and so are auDA board members who voted for it who have financial gains and conflicts of interest.

There are 3 million existing Australian domain name registrants and they al deserve to know about it and have all the facts presented and then fair voting and independent perhaps government boards decide.

This has been 100% rigged for some parties financial gain. People know who they are now they have been exposed.... even auDA has exposed them with several statements.


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auDA board Members Melbourne IT ( Netfleet) really went to town with the pro .au propaganda in addition to the "yes only vote stacking" which auDA admit is a serious concern.

I think some of this is misleading and has now been proven wrong from UK and NZ results and annual reports.

auDA what have you done about auDA board members and their conflicts of interest , ...public disclaimers etc?

Where did Melbourne IT ( Netfleet) get official ( non existent?) auDA advice of a 6 month registration period and then a land-rush? This is not only false but has not been advised by anyone at all.... You may like this to happen but it will not!


"Lye says it is likely existing .com and .com.au domain holders will get six months to register for a comparable .au domain.

"Then a land-rush period will start," he says

"If you don't act fast [once the change comes into effect], you could risk losing your domain name to someone else, which could put you in the position of having to buy it back at an extremely high cost so it's vital for businesses to be aware so that they can protect themselves."

If you don't act fast, you could risk losing your domain name to someone else,

David Lye, founder, Netfleet
Opening up a new world of domain names will be viewed as both opportunity and threat to small businesses, according to experts.

"If you are a SME owner you may feel annoyed that you are almost forced to do it, it's another cost," Lye says.

But it is also a rare opportunity to buy domain names previously unavailable, and perhaps ditch more long-winded names.

Lye's advice – if this proposal is adopted – is to register for the appropriate .au to protect your business from rivals or domain investors.

"There are 3 million registered [domains] in Australia today ... and it's likely a lot of people will love this opportunity to save essentially four letters from their web addresses."

Revenue raising
Lamb Agency managing director Greg Nelson is less glowing. He sees this proposal as a revenue-raising exercise.

"Gone are the days when you needed to secure every flavour and typo of your domain, for example lambagency.com.au, lambagency.com, lambagency.id," says the Brisbane-based digital agency boss.

"You are wasting money if you are still doing this so I don't see this move as being an additional 'internet tax' for SMEs and, if anything, the problem is going to be for the regulator to set this up as a credible domain.

"Within Australia, .com.au is seen as more credible and relevant than .com. And nobody uses .net.au, even though it was a relatively common domain name used 15 years ago."

If .au becomes an option it will need to provide a value offering not currently provided by .com.au.

"Like a certain level of certification or whether it is an Australian-owned business... 'Buy Australian. Shop DOT AU'.

"They can't just add yet another domain into the mix just because they can."

But Sydney business owner Dale Beaumont, founder of Business Blueprint, says this has to happen because Australia is running out of suitable names available to business owners. ???????

"Stories like a local Melbourne dry-cleaner trying to secure the name melbournedrycleaners.com.au and finding it is already taken by another national business are common," Beaumont says.

One challenge ahead will be re-educating consumers to type in the new shorter domain name.

"Typing in .com.au or .com is hardwired in the way we search today so I think .au is a good thing because it is the best chance we have to push the reset button and free up some domain names for these small businesses."



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It seems a bit hypocritical and a good example of stupidity of some people commenting for another un needed competing .au Australian extension.

Dale Beaumont, founder of Business Blueprint registered both Businessblueprint.com.au and businessblueprint.net.au
What happens if someone else wants those names Dale? .... the names have run out because you have them both... Greedy?! Maybe they can have BusinessBlueprint.au can they instead of you? What affect will that have on your business, branding, email contact issues, traffic etc....

Dale let's have another competing businessblueprint.au extension to the Businessblueprint.com.au and businessblueprint.net.au and set the reset button on your business as you suggest everyone else does :)


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in 2014 ( still on their website) Melbourne IT already admitted there where over 700 other extension options for people to register names in... certainly that's a lot of options!! Now there are 3000 competing extensions so why another .au??.... more money they hope!

What is this new opportunity?

Currently there are only a few web extensions available at the end of a web address: .com, .org and .net for example. From 2014, over 700 new addresses will be made available. New spaces such as .WEB, .SHOP. .SITE, .MED, .FILM and .HOTEL.

These new spaces will give you the opportunity to create a unique, focused and memorable web address that your customers will remember, and allow you to align yourself within your industry, location or with a personal interest. For example mountain.bike or melbourne.camera.

Boost your search engine placement with relevant, specific and simple addresses for your business." Is this True ???


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the names have run out because you have them both... Greedy?!
no, just an early example of what people have done with all this .au talk, i've done it myself pre .au because i didn't want confusion, not every name i have , just my best ones.


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