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Direct registrations are happening


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i asked my guys in india, vietnam and china and they all said their clients prefer .com

It would be a terrible result for Australia if direct registrations caused the same confusion here and drove more people to .com.

Ultimately it would see auDA, AusRegistry and the registrars as losers rather than winners.

TBH I don't think that would happen given com.au's strength, but why risk it?


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Germany is doing the opposite, the Germans think introducing the .com.de is a far better extension than the current 17 million registered .de extensions...lol

Exert taken from com.de website;
40% of all registered country code domains currently carry their respective .com.xx domain extension. This percentage is growing rapidly as demand increases for globally visible domains with great names and commercial appeal.
Australia with .com.au, Brazil with .com.br and China with .com.cn, are amongst the 97 countries that use .com.xx extensions to successfully represent commercial websites.
Leveraging the global recognition and proven success of these domain extensions, .com.de presents an exceptional opportunity to attain instant presence in the German and global markets without any restrictions.

This is just centralnic stuff. Still it show that registrars/registries will think up an argument to bring in anything that creates revenue.


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Personally I am looking to pick up the .com's sometime you do find a diamond there still. I have ZERO trust in registrars pushing more and more unneeded new fad extensions around the world for no reason but to make them more profits. It has created a mess for internet users and businesses etc . many are a failure such as .sydney . this dot this dot that etc etc seriously 3000 extensions due to demand they are needed? PURE B.S. and greed

.com is global for billions of people . Everyone knows it is the best no matter what country they are in. This is why you see people from every country trying to get the .com first and paying large amounts for it.

You can have a .com and be global running it from any country with far less red tape, unlike the red Tape auDA has had in Australia for the last 16 more years and before that even worse with Melbourne IT being involved charging over $120 for a 2 year .com.au registration!. Isn't it time people see through all this?

.com.au is for a maximum market of about 10 million qualified people.. taking out babies etc etc.

.co.nz active New Zealand market maybe a few million people at most.


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I keep yo-yo-ing over what the best rules should be, but I honestly think this direct registration debate can be made really really simple.

Option 1. Leave the .com.au and don't bring in direct .au EVER​

Option 2. Bring in direct .au and FORCE all the 2LDs (xx.au or xxx.au) domain names to switch to their exact match .au version (by communicating with each other and buying each other out) and then PERMANENTLY CLOSE all the 2LDs (.com.au(,) .net.au(,) .asn.au(,) .id.au) FOREVER, so they don't ever exist again, and so we don't ever have to go through any of this bullshit again in the future.
Let's say the .net.au version buys out the .com.au person so they can claim the direct .au(.) Great, then the .com.au person has a bunch of money and can go and buy another name in the direct .au space.

If direct .au comes into being, and we are still left with all these lame .com.au(,) .net.au(,) .asn.an and .id.au versions... What an absolute luke-warm, no-ice, watered-down drink of pale-orange cordial (straight from the tap, unfiltered) our Australian domain name industry will become.
At this point, any other method of implementation can only be seen as money-grubbing by auDA and registrars as they double and triple-dip (through defensive registrations) common Australian businesses.

This will only see auDA and registrars making big quick bucks over a short few years, but on the flip-side, the value of the Australian domain name industry, its credibility and trust will be damaged forever. Not unlike when a billion-dollar fracking company quickly fracks the land for all the precious valuable minerals hidden beneath, only to see the land become baron and destroyed, the water become poisoned, never to grow anything of value for decades or centuries.


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Option 2.
i think we all agree on opton 1 as "an option" , your option 2 doesn't really account for MANY things.
id and asn really don't matter, the owners of those KNOW what they bought so they aren't going to want anything else.
net.au is the problem but buying the com.au out won't happen often and your suggestion is if they can't scure the com.au then THEY will have to totally get a new domain in .au thus limiting their potential for a good domain thats not held for the .com.au OR the final owner to then get the .au, so the .net.au is Fk'd either way.
they are never going to get as good a domain for the price they can sell their current.com.au as the market will turn into a domain profitering with over inflated prices as no doubt their would be a time deadline before you STOP them and delete their .net.au
hopefully thats not what you meant and you actually meant to stop FUTURE registrations of the .net.au so those who have it can keep it and those with .com.au move to a .au

so your option 2 reduces supplies domain sales but reduces optons forever having been left with just .au ! never going to happen IMO. increases a .net.au owners cost no matter what path they take, still causes EVERY .com.au to rebrand and re-seo to .au

if i was on the board even i wouldn't vote for your option 2, and its far from "simple", people happy with their id and asn will go WTF leave us out of this crap we aren't hurting anyone.

not giving the right for .net.au to have the .au is one thing but to force them out totally is not the way to go.



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auDA had previously issueds propaganda information promoting the direct .au extension as being of benefit to people who currently held or who considered owning the .id.au.... so this shows just how confused some at auDA are or where....

.id.au was another failiure new extension that was brought in without any need or market recognition. Shameful

What Are .ID.AU Domain Names?

Published July 2, 2011

Most Australians would be familiar with .com.au, net.au and .org.au; but not so much .id.au domain names - even though they've been available since 1995.

Unlike .com and .net names, which can be registered by anyone, Australia's .com.au domain extension is reserved for commercial enterprises only. The .org.au extension can only be registered by charities operating in Australia.

The id.au extension has a special place in the .au namespace - it's purely for individuals. While the name of the person who originally proposed the .id.au name is not known; in October 1994 an Australian online pioneer by the name of Robert Elz again floated the idea of an extension for Australians for personal use - and by early 1995 the domain was created.

The .id.au extension has only the following eligibility criteria - registrants must either be an Australian citizen or resident.

However, there are some limits as to the type of name that can be chosen. For example, generic terms usually won't be permitted. The following name selection guidelines apply:

- it must exactly match the registrant’s name, or be an abbreviation or acronym of the name.

- a name can be derived from or include one or more words of the person's name.
- can be a personal name by which the registrant is know; in other words, a nickname.

In order to keep the .id.au name space purely geared towards individuals, the extension can't be used for commercial purposes to represent a community group. One of the other benefits of the .id.au extension is that it's cheaper to register.

If you would like to register your name as a domain name and want it to have a distinct Aussie flavour, consider registering an .id.au - as its accompanying slogan says; "it's all about you."


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FREE ID.AU Promotion... How many have been renewed since.... NOT MANY!

AusRegistry id.au "free trial" promotion

Posted by Jo Lim on 15 September 2003

AusRegistry has launched a special promotion for id.au, the domain space for Australian individuals, commencing 15 September 2003.

Up to 50,000 id.au domain names are being offered on a "free trial" period for 6 months. Once the trial period is over, the registrant must pay for their domain name licence if they wish to keep it.

Please Note: For the purposes of the promotion, auDA has authorised an exception to the Transfers Policy (2003-03). People who register an id.au domain name as part of the promotion will not be permitted to transfer their domain name to another registrar until the end of the 6 month free trial period.

For more information about the promotion, please see MyWebname.com.au.


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10.33% decline in 2016 shows Ausregistry's call for the need for another new Australian domain name extension such as the proposed additional .au is FALSE

As you can see Registrant transfers is increasing. this is why auDA, Ausregistry, auDA Supply board members etc want to keep charging fees for Change of Registrants COR to keep the cash cow giving. Most other countries allow FREE COR. YES FREE USING THE REMAINING REGISTRATION PERIOD!


Massive drops in registrations and renewals of .net.au, .id.au etc.
This means there is plenty of names available for people to register at the moment. No new extension is needed it might actually make things worse! maybe many will drop even their .com.au registrations and renewals due to the confusion Ausregistry and auDA is planning to create with a new .au extension they will need to spend $ millions on the marketing and try and teach people about....

Does auDA pay Ausregistry to be in the Ausregistry magazines with full page advertisements? I hope not... you scratch my back I'll scratch yours...!


  • 16071General.pdf
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1. Reduced Australian domain name registration fees. auDA, Ausregistry to make 10% of what they currently make. They should not be making such massive profits and hurting the domain name registration system and competitiveness of Australian domain names.

2. Reduced Australian domain name renewal fees... register for longer and get it cheaper. Buy 2 years get 1 year extra free so a total of 3 years for the price of 2.

3. FREE COR Change of registrant. The existing domain name license period will be transferred to the new registrant owner. This can be done now online FREE by some registrars/ resellers as it is in most other countries.

4. Focus on promoting the existing names better. If they are a failure or drecreasing in registrations or renewals after the tens of Millions auDA has spent on marketing etc over the years why? Why has auDA failed is it because of the increasing number of extensions creating confusion and competition in the domain name market.. so Suppy and registrars etc are is actually creating the problem themselves?

5. No more auDA Christmas parties, award nights or foundation grants. All of this wastage CUT immediately. It is not the role of Australian domain name administration at all and it never was.

6. Time to end the Junkets and network of people acting with conflicts of interest in positions of power or board or advisors / registrars etc.

7. If people want grants or Freebies they apply from other bodies not auDA whose money is made from Australian domain name registrants.

8. If auDA is making too much money and profit and feels they have to give it away or increase their expenses every year so it seems to remain a "not for profit" auDA needs to reduce wholesale domain name fees drastically right now.




Top Contributor
I keep yo-yo-ing over what the best rules should be, but I honestly think this direct registration debate can be made really really simple.

Option 1. Leave the .com.au and don't bring in direct .au EVER​

Option 2. Bring in direct .au and FORCE all the 2LDs (xx.au or xxx.au) domain names to switch to their exact match .au version (by communicating with each other and buying each other out) and then PERMANENTLY CLOSE all the 2LDs (.com.au(,) .net.au(,) .asn.au(,) .id.au) FOREVER, so they don't ever exist again, and so we don't ever have to go through any of this bullshit again in the future.
Let's say the .net.au version buys out the .com.au person so they can claim the direct .au(.) Great, then the .com.au person has a bunch of money and can go and buy another name in the direct .au space.

If direct .au comes into being, and we are still left with all these lame .com.au(,) .net.au(,) .asn.an and .id.au versions... What an absolute luke-warm, no-ice, watered-down drink of pale-orange cordial (straight from the tap, unfiltered) our Australian domain name industry will become.
At this point, any other method of implementation can only be seen as money-grubbing by auDA and registrars as they double and triple-dip (through defensive registrations) common Australian businesses.

This will only see auDA and registrars making big quick bucks over a short few years, but on the flip-side, the value of the Australian domain name industry, its credibility and trust will be damaged forever. Not unlike when a billion-dollar fracking company quickly fracks the land for all the precious valuable minerals hidden beneath, only to see the land become baron and destroyed, the water become poisoned, never to grow anything of value for decades or centuries.
Option 1


Top Contributor
agreed, thats "agreed" instead of "greed"

8. If auDA is making too much money and profit..................

many sporting clubs across australia are not for profit but make profit, they need to initially to have reserves for bad times, once that is satisfied they reinvest in the club, cheaper prices for members, at the ballina rsl you can become a member at the front door for $5 and instantly get a membership card, the discount on a beer with lunch covers the cost immediately.

there's no massive wasted spending by directors and employees, they spend the money on club facilities, local sponsorships that promote the clubs values which gains more members thus more profit thus more for members and the rest is obvious.

instead auda gather the profits, does virtually no promotional activity outside of its already known base....us... which does nothing for involvement by general domain owners, they HATE membership and when it increases they call it "member stacking" , the fact is more members the less chance of stacking as the % possibilities do.

the problem is dropping the wholesale domain price will not alter the retail, eg: MIT at $153.98 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if auda is to stay they need to change their ways quickly, if it was a football club the entire board would have been sacked or very strongly reviewed by now, the upper management also must have their hands dirty and JUST changing CEO so contempt to every domain owner.

the progression of .au must be stopped, all decisions made i believe are void because of conflict of interest.



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auDA Board Minutes for 25th and 27th July are finally out. The meeting on the 27th was also a dinner - by the looks of it, this was to effectively rubber stamp the new CEO appointment. Wonder how much that cost?!

As for the meeting of the 25th, the Minutes are really abridged. Members are effectively being treated as mushrooms again.

Full story on Domainer.


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i just did a who is at ausregistry and its been changed, a new look, so i read some things and ended up here: https://ausregistry.com.au/what-is-a-comau-and-netau/
have a look at this paragraph:
"Also, many businesses register a com.au and net.au version of their company name, products, profession to protect their branding. This helps eliminate confusion in the marketplace if someone else happens to register the same name in a different namespace."

Confusion? soooooooooooo adding a .au isn't going to cause more confusion?



Top Contributor
i just did a who is at ausregistry and its been changed, a new look, so i read some things and ended up here: https://ausregistry.com.au/what-is-a-comau-and-netau/
have a look at this paragraph:
"Also, many businesses register a com.au and net.au version of their company name, products, profession to protect their branding. This helps eliminate confusion in the marketplace if someone else happens to register the same name in a different namespace."

Confusion? soooooooooooo adding a .au isn't going to cause more confusion?


Blackmail scare tactics.... register your name in all 3000 world extensions to protect your brand..... and make the registrars and bodies RICH!

Not even the world's largest companies with massive budgets bother anymore to register lots of extensions and options! Melbourne IT has not even done it themselves!

Most .net.au versions of the .com.au are still available! There is plenty of names up for grabs still in Australia via direct registration, Drops, Aftermarket etc.

The whole myth and yes Vote rigging by Melbourne IT about demand for a new .au extensions was a scam for some people to make more money....

Direct .nz registrations and renewals are dropping so the BS Ausregistry, Melbourne IT, auDA and some other board members used to push through the proposed additional un needed direct .au extension is laughable. It is a massive conflict of interest and a total scam.

Let us see what the new CEO at auDA does about this scam now it has been exposed and auDA itself admitted the new porposed additional direct .au extension was only passed due to the last minute yes vote survey stacking from the auDA board member Melbourne IT. Did Melbourne IT get taken off the board for the Yes Only survey vote rigging which inflated yes votes past the no votes?

3 million .com.au registrants deserve the right to be properly informed and vote on any new proposed direct Australian .au extension. auDA and Ausregistry have the database... why not let people know the truth and have a vote? 1 vote per registrant.. and lets see also who writes the new survey this time so that is not slanted to a yes vote again!

I hear a rumour someone else may be leaving auDA soon?... It is strange a lot of people have pushed through such a massive change and then depart or suddenly say they are not involved once they got it in? Everyone knows who pushed this in and who will be responsible for a massive con and stuff up.

I heard anther rumour someone on the auDA board claimed they would get a bonus from their employer for getting the direct .au extension in.. ...That is shameful and a total conflict of interest of it is true. Who looks into these things or are they hoping people will stop talking about it all and it will just happen?


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Not many people are taking up the direct .nz and .uk extensions.
Statistics released by United Kingdom Nominet and New Zealand https://www.dnc.org.nz/ both show it has failed with a lack of new registrations and increasing non renewals! people are still registering and renewing the .co.nz and .co.uk extensions as their preference and they continue on google to display higher on an exact word for word comparison.

Not even google uses the direct versions for many countries.

The money gouging scam has been exposed..Not even threats by supply that people need to register the additional extensions are working not matter how much advertising supply etc is spening to push it.

What happens if I have the rights but do not want to register the domain name?
If your domain name is eligible for the .uk equivalent, but you don’t want to register it, no one else will be able to register it until 10 June 2019. After 10 June 2019, the domain will become available to anyone who wants to register it.

If you would like someone else to be able to buy the .uk domain name before the 10 June 2019 – for example you may have been asked if you would be interested in selling the domain name to another person or company – you can do this. You will need to register the .uk domain name yourself and then transfer the domain name to the third party.


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I think you need to wait until the reserved period runs out to know the final interest here because like all of us no one wants to pay double the registration costs until they have to. I certainly wouldn't be buying a .co.uk name unless it came with the .uk rights.

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