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Click Frenzy


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Next time around there shouldn't be a need for retailers to go through a 3rd party like Click Frenzy. The event should be public and not mandated by any one entity, especially one that is collecting email addresses for no real reason.


Top Contributor
Next time around there shouldn't be a need for retailers to go through a 3rd party like Click Frenzy. The event should be public and not mandated by any one entity, especially one that is collecting email addresses for no real reason.

Not sure what you mean by "should be public", they are running a business like all the other companies involved. Given the enormous success of this I'd imagine those retailers will be signing up again.


Top Contributor
Next time around there shouldn't be a need for retailers to go through a 3rd party like Click Frenzy. The event should be public and not mandated by any one entity, especially one that is collecting email addresses for no real reason.

if i start to get spammed they will want to have an unsubscribe link in the email



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What a difference one letter makes!

Amazon have Bezos in charge.
Clickfrenzy have Bozos in charge.


Top Contributor
Amazon have Bezos in charge.
Clickfrenzy have Bozos in charge.

but they still managed to squeeze a pretty penny from the retailers...so here is their business model:

1 reg a domain
2 spread the word around...how did they get all the media involved? That was the winning factor.

3 charge $$$$$ the retailers

4 the rest...who cares about it...lol.

Anyone of us could have done it...and done it better I guess.


Top Contributor
Anyone of us could have done it...and done it better I guess.

Yeah right.

If this was a domainer site it would 2 paragraphs of lousy text ,some adsense ads plus 2 visitors consisting of the site owner & google bot. I'm sure the trusty dreamhost account with have withstood the "traffic barrage" just fine though.


Top Contributor
Yeah right.

If this was a domainer site it would 2 paragraphs of lousy text ,some adsense ads plus 2 visitors consisting of the site owner & google bot. I'm sure the trusty dreamhost account with have withstood the "traffic barrage" just fine though.

Have you ever had a smile on your face in your life? Just once?

Data Glasses

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Saw that earlier, can't imagine much of a market for the extension or why a company would even need a separate domain.

comments mentioned if someone will remember that extension they will remember a longtail .com

.......nough said i guess


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lets get back to CF

how about we ALL stop giving them backlinks and just call it CF , as i said before i think its been a media stunt.

remember vege mit 2.0?



Top Contributor
lets get back to CF

how about we ALL stop giving them backlinks and just call it CF , as i said before i think its been a media stunt.

remember vege mit 2.0?


I don't recall every second person rushing out to buy vegemite 2.0.

Seems the larger retailers are happy with the result,

'We did phenomenal figures and we were very happy with it,'' said Jane Mance of Windsor Smith, a wholesale footwear retailer. ''We got what we would normally get in a month in one night as far as unique visitors to our website, and I have to attribute that to Click Frenzy.''......

"Benedict Brook, a spokesman for Woolworths, which manages two brands taking part in the promotion - Dan Murphy's and Masters Home Improvements - said their websites saw a spike in visitors, especially when the Click Frenzy website became unavailable.
''We had around 200 per cent more customers than usual,'' Mr Brook said.

Lastly this is probably the most revealing,

However, Melbourne IT, which monitored the availability and response times for 153 websites that participated in Click Frenzy, said between 6pm and midnight on Tuesday night about ''about two-thirds of the participating sites had issues, which is not good''.

So it seem the level of interest was way beyond what most retailers thought they'd get. I'm guessing the "refunds" are going to be limited.



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i don't want another "trampoline thread" so i will just say this and i'm out, then lets see what happens in the future.

STINKS of media spin, i suspect advertisers were told this is what would happen beforehand and thus gain millions of free media for the website and future promotions, the future brand exposure value of the website would go up and all participants had their publicity strategies ready for this morning, no doubt the newspapers/media were in on it as well eg: harvey norman would have said " HERALD SUN... do this article or ELSE .......... we pull some advertising".

its been done many times before but they did this really well, helena is now talking about the next one so it was a short lived disappointment.

just my opinion, time will tell if i am right or wrong and i really don't care either way.



Top Contributor
This whole event and the way it was organised just baffles me. Be interesting to see how next year turns out, and whether CF will exist or *hopefully* retailers just come together and follow the Cyber Monday model, sans middleman.


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