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Click Frenzy


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Comments from FB users:

"Very. It's a scam to get yr email to send you junk mail"

"Its ***t anyway... can buy stuff cheaper in store than through this site!!! Its really not good"

"Retailers will be wrapped!"

"And they had the nerve to charge retailers $1500 for the first listing and $750 for each subsequent listing. Shocking."

:D Bingo! Someone already understood their plans...


Top Contributor
click fail alright

How can Aust get it so wrong.

I'm going to drive to the nearest harvey Norman and pray


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$50 bucks says

Gerry Harvey took over the servers and his share price will be 3 cents higher in the morning.
yes I am getting timeouts, and when I dont get them on the homepage I get them when I click on a deal.

Great to see Aussie retailers getting involved, maybe next time they will be able to handle the traffic


Top Contributor
Comments from FB users:

"Very. It's a scam to get yr email to send you junk mail"

"Its ***t anyway... can buy stuff cheaper in store than through this site!!! Its really not good"

"Retailers will be wrapped!"

"And they had the nerve to charge retailers $1500 for the first listing and $750 for each subsequent listing. Shocking."

:D Bingo! Someone already understood their plans...

I know personally from mates working on big brands they paid more than 1.5k for the first listing.

More like $8,000+


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story of the night


Top Contributor
What a day/night!

Probably the funniest tweet I've seen tonight:

Won't somebody think of the kerning? #clickfrenzy RT xxxxxx: I honestly keep thinking it says dick frenzy



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anyone think the failure is a GOOOODDDDD marketing strategy? heaps of news coverage you couldn't pay for, imagine the people talking tomorrow at work across the country !

"if it was that good then i will try it next time" ??????

could be a "bait and switch" marketing , it could go VERY right or very wrong, i think they are going to end up with millionssssssss of dollars of free press because of this.

i suspect the failure was planned. IMHO



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I didn't see any great deal...very disappointing.

They don't discount in the way American retailers do.


Top Contributor
Australian Retailers Need To Take This On Board

This is no PR stunt Tim, no one in Australia is smart enough to juggle it too be honest.

Oz is flat out making a good - half decent TV commercial let alone this.

It's a wake up call that OZ have moved into online shopping and even more so mobile shopping on devices. Young adults (whatever word you want to use for the demographic) are buying online right now from their phones and tablets.

Oz salied past catching up with the rest of the world and with Oz's prosperity sailed straight into mobile country.


Above is why Australian retailers should really be worried. Oz shopppers just bypass OZ. Plus Amazon are here.

Do you not think Jeff Bezos got his email in the US yesterday and emailed the CEO in OZ and Said
"these guys are fools,this is a walk in the park, lets open tomorrow, and the weather is great"
See you downunder next week
Jeffery P Bezos.

It's all good for business.

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