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Click Frenzy

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
This is no PR stunt Tim, no one in Australia is smart enough to juggle it too be honest.

Oz is flat out making a good - half decent TV commercial let alone this.

It's a wake up call that OZ have moved into online shopping and even more so mobile shopping on devices. Young adults (whatever word you want to use for the demographic) are buying online right now from their phones and tablets.

Oz salied past catching up with the rest of the world and with Oz's prosperity sailed straight into mobile country.


Above is why Australian retailers should really be worried. Oz shopppers just bypass OZ. Plus Amazon are here.

Do you not think Jeff Bezos got his email in the US yesterday and emailed the CEO in OZ and Said
"these guys are fools,this is a walk in the park, lets open tomorrow, and the weather is great"
See you downunder next week
Jeffery P Bezos.

It's all good for business.

Even more reason for decent internet and server/service infrastructure. Bring on the NBN.


Top Contributor
They should have hosted it AWS sydney servers ;) also if you look at the site it is soo image and code heavy...also why slap adsense all over it


Top Contributor
also why slap adsense all over it

I doubt it is Adsense. Adsense wouldn't show 4 banner ads all for the same company. Looks more like a private ad deal - either way, considering the amount the companies were paying to be included in the sale, it's not really necessary.


Top Contributor
Was this primarily a link site project? So people had to register to get access to and then redirected to the individual stores from clickfrenzys' site?

My missus who has no technical or IT interest apart from social communications said to me:

"So since the public had to register, why didnt they have multiple mirror sites/servers and allocate a specific entry link (server specific) to each person that registered to shop rather than funneling everyone through the one entry point....ie call it clickfrenzy1, clickfrenzy2, to spread the load."

Sort of makes sense to me, keep the main site for registration only and then the registered user gets sent an entry link to a set server, depending on capacity these could be redirected to other mirror sites (e-traffic cop).

Obviously I dont have a lot (reads:almost no) technical experience myself on this sort of stuff, but thought I'd throw it out there for discussion, in case someone had plans of doing something similar :eek::eek::eek::eek: (I definately dont)


Top Contributor
Out of curiosity I checked the availability of 'clickfail' and it went about 11 hours ago.....wonder what will come of it?


Top Contributor
What has NBN got to do with it?

This is a total stuff up for Australian retailers online.

Trying to be glass half full.... I can't see how anyone with shares in DJ's, Myer, or Harvey Norman etc acting as a Super fund manager can't be scrating their heads today and asking themselves what do these D!ckhead CEO's get paid for?

It's beyond comedy and really is close to tragedy.


Good Morning Mr Bezos

How are you today...........?

It's Sunny in Downtown Brisvegas, Sydney, and Melbourne and the warehouses are taking shape nicely.



Top Contributor
“What happened come 7pm, we had a couple of million users trying to query the site at the same time,’’ he told Channel 9’s Today Show. “We had geared up for 1 million users.”

He is honestly trying to make us believe that 1 in 10 people in Australia were trying to visit the site at the exact same time? (That's including children). I find that very hard to believe, even with all the publicity the site had.


Top Contributor
Reality is it was a hugely massive success for the clickfrenzy crew and a fail for the corporates that advertised on their website.

Here's why clickfrenzy was a massive success:
Consumers perceived clickfrenzy as being endorsed by all the corporates that advertised on them, along with Channel 9, 10, 7, News Corp etc etc etc. that mentioned / advertised them leading up to the "sale".

The outcome from this for clickfrenzy was:
1. Free advertising and endorsements that they would not have been able to afford. No other start up, let alone existing companies have had that level of exposure in such a short period.
2. If clickfrenzy got one million email addresses, it matters not if they have to refund all the advertisers. The email addresses are on the clickfrenzy database, not the advertisers. Those current and active email addresses are a marketing dream and would normally cost about $10 per aquisition.


Top Contributor
Refund time ...............

Retailers on failed Click Frenzy website begin discussing refunds

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/technology/r...ds/story-e6frfrnr-1226521002703#ixzz2CoSrPqfU

Just had a quick sqiz at their privacy and T&C 's....generally by agreeing to the t&c's and joining the clickfrenzy you dont hold them liable for any losses that are as a result failures outside of their direct control (inc. technology).

As far as data collection...from the quick read of the privacy policy basicly the registrants agree to up to 5 years of contact by clickfrenzy (and its group) or third party participants assigned by clickfrenzy. I reckon Smee hit the nail on the head.


Top Contributor
Just had a quick sqiz at their privacy and T&C 's....generally by agreeing to the t&c's and joining the clickfrenzy you dont hold them liable for any losses that are as a result failures outside of their direct control (inc. technology).

The article was more referring to the retailers that paid huge bucks for banner advertising. I guarantee you that they will be getting some form of refund. ;)

I agree with you re the punters.


Top Contributor
helena was all excited last night, said " i'm going to go xmas shopping on CF............." then she couldn't get on.

this morning i said " CF is back online" and her reply was " errr "

there has been no mention of CF today so lets see what happens next time.

"banner ad refunds": definately will happen.


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