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Who Bought What On The Drop?


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Picked up child.net.au today. I was also after pest.com.au, my bid was equal to the highest, but who knows how far the winner was prepared to go... $1,500 for such a short memorable name is very good value in my opinion.


Top Contributor
Second highest bidder again for two of the $x,xxx domains. Someone out there keeps outbidding me...


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Who ever purchased Social Networking domain today had deep pockets as they are the owner of a big recruitment firm...


Top Contributor
OK OK... so we just had a jam packed Drop.

Who picked up what?

I was the price setter for a couple of domains (bugger). Though I managed to grab SupplementStore.com.au


Picked up UsedExcavators.com.au then just hand regg'd the singular :p

Agreed - good pick up Don. Should be easy to get content for that one with a bazillion hostels all over the world!


Top Contributor
Picked up UsedExcavators.com.au
I was watching the bidding on that one given the discussion on these forums.

Truth be told I was surprised to see it get to $280! You must have really wanted that puppy, especially when you could have hand regged the singular.
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I was watching the bidding on that one given the discussion on these forums.

Truth be told I was surprised to see it get to $280! You must have really wanted that puppy, especially when you could have hand regged the singular.

Not hard to get ROI on used diggers :p


Top Contributor
Not hard to get ROI on used diggers :p
If you're in the industry then definitely.

But last time I checked there weren't many affiliate offering for excavator sales or leads.

Are you in (or have clients in) the excavator business?


If you're in the industry then definitely.

But last time I checked there weren't many affiliate offering for excavator sales or leads.

Are you in (or have clients in) the excavator business?

My background is construction and I know the most of the major auctions. Prolly just run free classifieds and see what comes of it for now.


Top Contributor
I picked up t-shirt.net. To me, a bargain as I already run a few t-shirt sites and ready to develop it.


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Nada for me for a long time. Haven't really seen much of interest until today. Plus many of the so-so ones seem overpriced IMHO.

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