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Regular Member
@demandclass - Whilst Gosper doesn't sound too flash, and I'm sorry you lost money, it seems to me that you really have yourself to blame.

Why you wouldn't have some sort of written agreement if you're investing this sort of dough / planning this type of venture? Even on the back of a beer coaster or by exchange of emails. Business 101.


Regular Member
Hi guys thanks for your comments and feedback.

@ Designer: I have written recourse per documentation, just no signed contract, which I commented "more fool me" in my statement. When doing business, especially amongst mates, you would only think that they would honour what they said their intentions are, and I can add, over and over and over again and if unable to do so, at the very least communicate with you and say so.

I'm seeking legal advice now on the matter.


Not happy Tim

I’m glad James has put it out there about Tim Gosper.
Regardless of what others think, and I respect the notion that one is ‘innocent until proven guilty’, it’s all about the history of complaints against him that just stack up and up and are inexcusable. The endless diatribe of very unhappy experiences of customers of Tim Gosper’s website Voucher.com.au appear on the review site http://www.loveonedaysales.com.au/daily-deal-website-reviews/voucher-com-au-review/ they cannot just be coincidence.

I feel it’s a bit like an accountant employed in a position of trust, who sees all this money just sitting in the company account and temptation gets in the way, and, well “I’ll just borrow a little, gamble it on a sure thing, win lots of money and put the ‘start up’ money back in the account – nobody will notice” Right? Wrong! A few million later and with no sudden wins at the track or the Casino, the company goes belly up. And the trusted employee is found out far too late but is headed for gaol.

I know it is Tim’s scenario however I don’t see much difference in what Mr Gosper did when he created an online voucher purchasing site and couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver. Even with poor business skills, or his own clients/suppliers not delivering from their end, when the goods can’t be acquired to service the orders, just refund the money and get the hell out the business; and what the hell, respond to your growing number of dissatisfied purchasers. They simply emailed Tim for a refund of their hard earned money. But NO! Tim just kept taking the money over months of trading. Surely, when swimming in an endless supply of purchases unable to be fulfilled, $5 here, $40 there, $120 there, and then you takes the website offline; doesn’t it reek of either intentional fraud or fraud as a result of being commercially naive and getting in too deep. I hate to think how many dollars that might all add up to!

It’s a bit like the song from the musical Evita “and the money keeps rolling in…” Then there are the developers and start up people like James who loose far more than $5 or $120. Yes sure, why wouldn’t you get a deal in writing with a business partner, as they say “never go into business with family or friends”. But you do trust friends don’t you? That’s why you call them friends.

I eventually got the Office of Fair Trading - QLD to investigate Tim’s practices, and have been escalated to yet another official who doesn’t seem to make much progress about the alleged fraud, still waiting… that’s my gripe so far. Cheers smallfish.


Top Contributor
I’m glad James has put it out there about Tim Gosper.
Regardless of what others think, and I respect the notion that one is ‘innocent until proven guilty’, it’s all about the history of complaints against him that just stack up and up and are inexcusable. The endless diatribe of very unhappy experiences of customers of Tim Gosper’s website Voucher.com.au appear on the review site http://www.loveonedaysales.com.au/daily-deal-website-reviews/voucher-com-au-review/ they cannot just be coincidence.

I feel it’s a bit like an accountant employed in a position of trust, who sees all this money just sitting in the company account and temptation gets in the way, and, well “I’ll just borrow a little, gamble it on a sure thing, win lots of money and put the ‘start up’ money back in the account – nobody will notice” Right? Wrong! A few million later and with no sudden wins at the track or the Casino, the company goes belly up. And the trusted employee is found out far too late but is headed for gaol.

I know it is Tim’s scenario however I don’t see much difference in what Mr Gosper did when he created an online voucher purchasing site and couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver. Even with poor business skills, or his own clients/suppliers not delivering from their end, when the goods can’t be acquired to service the orders, just refund the money and get the hell out the business; and what the hell, respond to your growing number of dissatisfied purchasers. They simply emailed Tim for a refund of their hard earned money. But NO! Tim just kept taking the money over months of trading. Surely, when swimming in an endless supply of purchases unable to be fulfilled, $5 here, $40 there, $120 there, and then you takes the website offline; doesn’t it reek of either intentional fraud or fraud as a result of being commercially naive and getting in too deep. I hate to think how many dollars that might all add up to!

It’s a bit like the song from the musical Evita “and the money keeps rolling in…” Then there are the developers and start up people like James who loose far more than $5 or $120. Yes sure, why wouldn’t you get a deal in writing with a business partner, as they say “never go into business with family or friends”. But you do trust friends don’t you? That’s why you call them friends.

I eventually got the Office of Fair Trading - QLD to investigate Tim’s practices, and have been escalated to yet another official who doesn’t seem to make much progress about the alleged fraud, still waiting… that’s my gripe so far. Cheers smallfish.

I like the way you write smallfish. Plus you offer a cogent point of view.

To my mind, there are three separate issues here though.

1. Consumer complaints against Voucher.com.au

Given the number and weight of complaints, the conduct exhibited here is totally inexcusable to my mind. Guilty as charged.

Funnily enough, I and another member here were two of his first complainants. I was just looking back at some old posts, and back in February this year (when life was sweet), we purchased a spypen from voucher.com.au. It never arrived, and after some polite questions and many excuses, we eventually got our refunds. We thought no more of it.

2. James's business venture with Gosper

I'm aware from talking with James of a lot of stuff that hasn't been mentioned here. Based on that, Gosper sucks big time. But James should have dotted his "i's" and crossed his "t's". And I know he realises that now.

Having said that, Gosper has been given the opportunity to come on here and give his side of the story. He has been logged on every day for the past few days, so he has had the ability to. He hasn't done so, so to my mind, that speaks volumes.

3. Sale of domain names via this forum

Gosper has been flogging off domain names in recent times. As johno69 has said, he has even offered his flagship - the "Voucher" set of names. Anyone contemplating buying these set of names should be very careful. Not just because of the consumer complaints either. I'll post further about this under "Legal Matters" - that way only members can read it, and it won't be indexed by Google.


Hi Honan, I've only just joined this discussion, but as I was careful to say in my original post, I agree with the notion the one is "innocent until proven otherwise", as others reminded me, and I have pointed out that the facts seem to stack against the person of interest, however....it was interesting to note that the Dear Tim Gosper is watching everything we say and do, preferring not to comment.

I mean what could he say to vindicate himself, so he's sitting back laughing until he hears a knock at the door from the Tax Office of similar.

I don't mind that he belongs but chooses to be quiet, Karma baby Karma.

I'm sought of glad he can see how much people in the industry or in the other world, find him abhorrent, I only hope his close family will respect him tomorrow when his world and his wealth collapses, regards smallfish.


Top Contributor
if you read "googlegirls" link you can see its not just "us" "the domainer community", you see its everyday people, i just couldn't believe how long that comments section was :eek: and thats just the people who know how to get involved.

its WAY past James's issue now as a subject.

we are wasting our time on this subject now, neds post said it all, he's had time to reply, so get rid of him so some newbie doesn't get sucked in.

another reason to have a "traders ranking"

anyone who wanted to have a say has had a say by now.



Are my comments irrelevant? I do not know where you all sit about someone who uses domains like toilet paper.

However, in retrospect I guess you are just shutting him down, I suppose that it a viable strategy maybe? smallfish


Top Contributor
We'll give Tim another 24 hours to give his side of the story. If we don't hear a satisfactory response from him, he will no longer be welcome to be a member here.



Top Contributor
We gave Timmy the opportunity to refute the accusations against him, but despite being regularly logged in, he has declined to do so. In the best interest of the community, he is no longer a member here.



Good result.
It's funny how you use the 'juvenile' or naive "Timmy" when referring to the Gosper. Maybe very appropriate.

As they say 'You reap what you sow....' smallfish

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