I’m glad James has put it out there about Tim Gosper.
Regardless of what others think, and I respect the notion that one is ‘innocent until proven guilty’, it’s all about the history of complaints against him that just stack up and up and are inexcusable. The endless diatribe of very unhappy experiences of customers of Tim Gosper’s website Voucher.com.au appear on the review site
http://www.loveonedaysales.com.au/daily-deal-website-reviews/voucher-com-au-review/ they cannot just be coincidence.
I feel it’s a bit like an accountant employed in a position of trust, who sees all this money just sitting in the company account and temptation gets in the way, and, well “I’ll just borrow a little, gamble it on a sure thing, win lots of money and put the ‘start up’ money back in the account – nobody will notice” Right? Wrong! A few million later and with no sudden wins at the track or the Casino, the company goes belly up. And the trusted employee is found out far too late but is headed for gaol.
I know it is Tim’s scenario however I don’t see much difference in what Mr Gosper did when he created an online voucher purchasing site and couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver. Even with poor business skills, or his own clients/suppliers not delivering from their end, when the goods can’t be acquired to service the orders, just refund the money and get the hell out the business; and what the hell, respond to your growing number of dissatisfied purchasers. They simply emailed Tim for a refund of their hard earned money. But NO! Tim just kept taking the money over months of trading. Surely, when swimming in an endless supply of purchases unable to be fulfilled, $5 here, $40 there, $120 there, and then you takes the website offline; doesn’t it reek of either intentional fraud or fraud as a result of being commercially naive and getting in too deep. I hate to think how many dollars that might all add up to!
It’s a bit like the song from the musical Evita “and the money keeps rolling in…” Then there are the developers and start up people like James who loose far more than $5 or $120. Yes sure, why wouldn’t you get a deal in writing with a business partner, as they say “never go into business with family or friends”. But you do trust friends don’t you? That’s why you call them friends.
I eventually got the Office of Fair Trading - QLD to investigate Tim’s practices, and have been escalated to yet another official who doesn’t seem to make much progress about the alleged fraud, still waiting… that’s my gripe so far. Cheers smallfish.