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This Is Embarrassing auDA


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It is strange tome when some auDA Board members stab Tim and Simon in the back and then expect them to remain "unanimous" in all of the last years woefully wrong decisions and ditrections auDA has chosen to follow.

Tim and Simon. WAKE UP and STAND UP. Speak out now or you will not only lose your Board positions people will continue to see you both as weak puppets being pulled for propaganda purposes only.

I do no understand how 3 auDA Directors can tell me they all voted for the full auDA Board meeting, agendas, resolutions old notes etc and future ones to be on the auDA website yet they all say all of their counterparts on the auDA Board where against it except them??

It is also a fact 3 auDA Board members want Benjamin to resign but he will not and he is being "protected" to remain so auDA and some on the board "save face"

I have my doubts Benjamin is paid just $40,000 a year in total including expenses etc. Is this really the facts auDA or is what you have published recently misleading? I have heard it is $120,000 plus and a special board resolution was made?? Where are the facts? It will come out eventually.


Top Contributor
It is strange tome when some auDA Board members stab Tim and Simon in the back and then expect them to remain "unanimous" in all of the last years woefully wrong decisions and ditrections auDA has chosen to follow.

In my view not much of what comes out of AUDA can not be trusted any more. They use the word "unanimous" when the decision is obviously controversial and they are trying to convince members that a harmonious decision was made.

It is wearing thin especially when many of the statements are porky pies such as the claim that the CoC was legally solid (even though they started removing the most dubious parts not long after) another one was the claim that the minutes were not removed under the motivation of limiting information to members.

When AUDA uses an emotional word or sentence you can be sure that something is up with the claim being made.

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
Ok. I'm not up to speed at all on this matter, but it appears that Tim is spineless (sorry Tim - just seeing it as I see it), and AUDA are desperately trying to save their cushy paycheck.
Seems like more exposure of AUDA is needed to uncover what appears to be some pretty shady work.
I don't know shit about most of this so take my commentary with your last exhale... Gone.


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Data released on director remuneration (pretty sure this is new)

auDA Director remuneration schedule
Effective 27 October 2014

Independent Director*
Annual Remuneration: $40,000

Elected Director
Fee per meeting (Board only**): $1,000

*There is no additional remuneration for the Chair.

**Fees are not paid for attendance at Committee meetings.

Under clause 5h. of the auDA Constitution remuneration of directors is approved by ordinary resolution of the members of auDA in general meeting. The last review of director remuneration was in 2014 and was approved by member vote, with 100% of supply class votes and 93% of demand class votes.



Top Contributor
Data released on director remuneration (pretty sure this is new)


This seems at odds with the facts and is perhaps misleading on purpose?
Are they saying the auDA Chair receives $40,000 in total with no further reimbursement or compensation? I seriously doubt this is factual. Others are saying he is paid $120,000 a year plus reimbursement for numerous expenses etc?

What was the special resolution passed to pay the Chair more after the previous Chair was stabbed in the back and his position taken?
  • Do Directors receive any form of expense reimbursement?
  • Who is traveling at auDA expnse to ICAAN International junkets?
Is the auDA CEO and staff traveling economy or Business class?
What class of hotels are they staying at? Hilton's ?

We where all told the new auDA CEO and Board would greatly reduce auDA spending, cut attendance to Icaan junkets, stop the expensive travel.. has this happened?


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Are they saying the auDA Chair receives $40,000 in total with no further reimbursement or compensation?

This seems to be what they are saying. I have heard differing figures as well but sounds like that is right one.

I believe this also helps clarify the talk of why he did his boardroom shuffle from demand to independent.


Top Contributor
This seems to be what they are saying. I have heard differing figures as well but sounds like that is right one.

I believe this also helps clarify the talk of why he did his boardroom shuffle from demand to independent.

They are not actually disclosing tha on top of that they are paid expenses, flights, travel etc etc


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What is embarrassing is the fact that they cannot even get their response to resolution 4 correct.

"That Stuart Benjamin be removed as a director of the Company with immediate effect."

This is the statement that they issued to all members.

auDA Special General Meeting: Statement and Recommendation from the auDA Board

"The initial request contains 4 resolutions. Acting on legal advice that invalid motions cannot lawfully be put to a meeting of members, the Notice only contains one Motion, seeking to remove the Chair. That motion will therefore be debated."

Stability and structure is integral to the successful execution of the goals and objectives highlighted. Disrupting the composition of the board will work directly against that. For these reasons your Board urges you to vote AGAINST the resolution to remove the Chair."



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Thanks to our many registrar friends for keeping us informed of the following.

The meetup / lunch that auDA had planned for registrars on Monday has been postponed (at the request of registrars). They apparently would prefer to wait until after the SGM. Makes sense. When this was first announced, we called this out as a "pork barrelling" attempt by auDA!

This is a brief excerpt from the email auDA sent:

"Thank you for your interest in the auDA Registrar Round Table with auDA Board directors. As requested by registrars, the date of this event has been changed to Monday 14 August. This event is part of our ongoing commitment to help build a stronger and more effective supply side. In order to best address your most important issues, we welcome the submission of questions to engagement @ auda .org.au to help guide and facilitate discussion."


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Saw this article in relation to the Namejet scandal and it reminded me a lot of AUDA,


In particular AUDA looks at the legals (whether they can legally do something) and ignores the "optics" of the decision,
  • Minutes
  • Board switch of chair from demand to independent
  • Preventing AUDA Director Tim from talking about AUDA
  • Allowing blatant branch stacking with members having close or near exactly the same name
Probably all legal, but what are the optics of the decisions?

The code of conduct is also an example of where they ignored the optics, but they were totally wrong on the legals as well (unconstitutional).

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