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Top Contributor
Sounds like a great start. I believe Google give new sites a bit of a run (a honeymoon period you could say) just to see how they go. However if decent CTR & link building don't follow shortly after they can get re-assessed.

You might also be risking issues with a mild duplicate content penalty... but that's always going to be the case when creating more than a couple of sites at once.

Paz is right with the link building. I'm not all that up with social media optimisation but it certainly can't hurt, along with some cheapy directory submissions. Resist the temptation to interlink though, unless sites are on different C-Class IP's and preferably registered under different names.

Keep us in the loop!


Top Contributor
Well I have about 60 websites up and running in the last week or so, just waiting to see how they rank. Here is an example of how they look at http://www.armidaleaccommodation.com/sites/default.asp

Looks great Don, well done!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up to date as I've been doing a fair bit of development over the last few weeks. Your right about Google, intially you will appear at the top then they'll run the algo which picks up pagerank, etc then you'll drop, then start to work your way back.


Top Contributor
Thanks guys for the feedback, Paz any suggestion on where to get these social bookmarks? Because I have so many websites, trying to get links is so time consuming. I have the free bookmark widget which I will put on when I get time, but this is not a link builder. I will build a link page on each after I get them all up and running
David, yes I am aware of duplicate content, have checked some of the sites with copyscape and not that bad so far.
Troy, yes Google can be cruel as one minute your on page 1 and next minute your gone, I call it the Google dance.
All I can say is content is king and the links will follow. I still believe the domains will do the talking when it comes to how well the sites sit for the search term. Once I see how they sit on Google after they're on for about a month I will be able to see which one's need more work. Exciting times for me.



Sure Don, I'll send you a PM with the info. I'm sure you will get a nice discount if you decide to get many sites bookmarked.


Things are looking good Don, I understand completely how repetitive tasks can be very boring, will be better when you've got some cash to throw around and outsource all those boring jobs. Will leave you more time think up ideas and pay other people to get them ready for you.

I would advise you to leave it longer than a month, as google can be a pain, if you leave it for 12 months then come back, sites you thought were going to go good can die in the ass, while others can hit home. One thing is to have new content added, maybe once a week, and also to have new links coming in, once a week a few new links would help heaps. If you could tee something up with a content writer, and a link builder, then you might be able to get a GREAT discount.

I wish you the best of luck, and if you got any other question, shoot them through ;)


Top Contributor
Congrats Don, looks good.

IMO Google "Sandbox" can be anywhere between 1-3 months depending on quality of backlinks. Having an existing network certainly helps alot.

Noticed that your not using any analytical software, like Google Analytics?

Good luck!


Top Contributor
Hi Richard,
Thanks for the heads up, yes analytical software, like Google Analytics I can't put on my multi sites due to some software I need altered on my backend. More money to be spent, I do get some idea from adsense impressions, but not as in depth. Lots to do in time, but I do think I'm on a winner if done properly. I have adsense on a lot of websites and have not noticed getting pinged, the big thing is lots of unique content which is where my software wordflood is great. Can be purchased through my site at http://www.ebrandmarketing.com.au/
I think it is about $50US approx and is great tool for creating unique content, just copy someone else's and change it. I know its not ethical, but goes on all the time on the internet. I always check with copyscape just in case and you are an expert on the subject. In fact some sites when trying to copy text won't let you and have some sort of blocker.



Top Contributor
Ahh we have a name for that in Black Hat SEO circles.. "markov chain".

I once write a script that crawls foreign websites for links, indexes/scrapes the content, applies the markov and then saves the unique content to a database. But then i decided white hat is better for me :) ..mostly

Another one i have looked at previously is Word Presser, which is very similar to your program.


Top Contributor
Yes Richard, as long as you don't get caught hey and black hat is a dirty word. Writing your own text is always the best, but unless I have someone in each and every 300 od town/city its never going to happen for me.
I have travelled Australia twice and a lot of places I have been to, you'd think I would know enough about them, but that was 18 years ago and things change quickly as with with my memory ha ha.


Hey Don, does your software use some kind of templating system? Surely you can just put an analytics code in the footer template?


Top Contributor
just registered archeologists.com.au. Quite surprised that such a domain was available (I believe it's an acceptable way to spell it & in fact returns more Google results that what I would have thought archaeologists)


Top Contributor
Hi Paz,
I did ask my software guys about this a while back and the reply was it can be done, but for more $, so I did not worry about it. Google want a code put on each website. I tried it, but it would not work. It may have something to do with only having one ip address for my 100's of sites.



Hi Paz,
I did ask my software guys about this a while back and the reply was it can be done, but for more $, so I did not worry about it. Google want a code put on each website. I tried it, but it would not work. It may have something to do with only having one ip address for my 100's of sites.


You need a seperate code for each site you want to track, yes. But you should only need to put the code in once for each site.

You could put the same code in for all sites, but thats not going to be too much help as it will treat them all as one site!

If you have a look in the software package (if you're even able to edit templates) look for a footer.php or .tpl file and put the code in there ;)


Top Contributor
Now David, what are you going to do with that domain? :)

Create a directory of freelance Australian archeologists of course. Track down Indiana Jones types in the wilds of the Pilburra and get them to sign up for a low, low fee of just $250/month ($50 for 2 week trial)

I think archeologists.com.au can become a household name and the first port of call whenever suburban gardeners strike a fossil while digging in their vege patch...


Top Contributor
Create a directory of freelance Australian archeologists of course. Track down Indiana Jones types in the wilds of the Pilburra and get them to sign up for a low, low fee of just $250/month ($50 for 2 week trial)

Good business plan David, I thought that was what you might have in mind lol :D


Some nice pickups there Rhythm, im amazed Jujutsu wasnt taken, seems like a popular martial art

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