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Regular Member
In addition to Jonathan's comments, keep in mind that your CTR may be 30-40% at best (if you rank #1).

10,000 x 40% = 4,000

Also the CPC of $1 is for adwords 1-3 placement. If you're running adsense on your site it will be a lot less than that. :mad:
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Regular Member
It's a good question... I just don't know, as I don't really have any serious experience developing .net.au's. I would have thought not, but a couple of people who really seem to know their stuff swear that they are much harder to rank.

Only way to know for sure is it to give it a shot yourself. Make sure you keep us posted!

Re: .net.au's

kakadutours.net.au PR4, 1900+ links - Not in the top 50 for "kakadu tours"

The .com.au ranks #1 with PR4, 140+ links but does have age on its side.

The MFA .net even outranks the .net.au. :rolleyes:


Top Contributor
Yep, what Oz said. And even if you are running the 'top' ads, Google still takes a huge cut so don't expect anything close to $1 on a regular basis.

Interesting data on the .net.au! Could this be explained by other factors like the quality of the backlinks or the age of the domain?


Top Contributor
Hard to judge as it depends on numerous factors. I've got a very basic site at Hunter Valley Accommodation .net.au. I've put very little effort and time in. Keeping in mind that it's a very competitive term, it ranks front page on Bing but nothing on Google. From my experience Bing doesn't care but Google does.

I'd like someone to show me a thin .net.au site that ranks well for it's exact match term.


Regular Member
Hard to judge as it depends on numerous factors. I've got a very basic site at Hunter Valley Accommodation .net.au. I've put very little effort and time in. Keeping in mind that it's a very competitive term, it ranks front page on Bing but nothing on Google. From my experience Bing doesn't care but Google does.

This (huntervalleyaccommodation.com) parked domain ranks #35 for "hunter valley accommodation" and your 20 page, 2 year old site with 140+ links is nowhere to be seen.


Top Contributor
I'm not sure ABC.net.au is a good example as they own the .com.au as well, but it all links to .net.au site


Top Contributor
I personally doubt a keyword.net.au vs keyword.com.au domain would be worser off ranking in the SEs purely because of the extension. But that is just an educated guess.
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Regular Member
I'm still waiting to see a "thin" .net.au site ranking for its exact match phrase that isn't an authority in its market like the ABC or Grow. Anyone?


Top Contributor
I personally doubt a keyword.net.au vs keyword.com.au domain would be worser off because of the extension. But that is just an educated guess.

I thought the same but am now having doubts.

I think over time the net.au may suffer due to experiencing lower click through rate. All things being equal, human nature may mean a searcher is more likely to click on a com.au. Google definitely take CTR into account.

Also Google may assume that if someone uses the net.au they weren't first in. Would it be fair for Google to apply a +ve weighting to the first person to register keyword.ext ? You could argue a case for that, I guess.

Can't see any other reason why Google would discriminate.


Regular Member
Hey Troy,

centralcoast.com.au - Page 1
huntervalleytouristguide.com.au - Page 1
portstevens.com.au - Page 1
maitlandaustralia.com.au - Page 1
huntervalleyaccommodation.net.au - Nowhere
huntervalley.net.au - Nowhere

We didn't have to go far to see some examples.


Top Contributor
I thought the same but am now having doubts.

I think over time the net.au may suffer due to experiencing lower click through rate. All things being equal, human nature may mean a searcher is more likely to click on a com.au. Google definitely take CTR into account.

Also Google may assume that if someone uses the net.au they weren't first in. Would it be fair for Google to apply a +ve weighting to the first person to register keyword.ext ? You could argue a case for that, I guess.

Can't see any other reason why Google would discriminate.

Interesting you mention the first in thing as that's what got me thinking to begin with.
My own business name ranks #1 on Google although not our keywords but our "name" does have some serious competetion from offshore. It's an NET.AU and the com.au is parked and .Com comes in about #3 and .US about four.

So it got me thinking, I have a domain (33,000+ exacts) which is an net.au and the .com currently dominates the Aus Google search ... but again the .com.au is parked.
Figured there might of been an opening?


Top Contributor
Surprised they were available to register:
  • OpenRelationship.com
  • OpenRelationships.com

All part of a site network master development plan. :D
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