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Top Contributor
I'd also be careful with that domain name - the dodge company could probably take that domain off you in a second, as I assume both 'dodge' and 'charger' are trademarked.


Top Contributor
I dunno - I think the fact that the .com is a fairly large and active forum full of Dodge fanatics coupled with a lack of any explicit advertising probably has a lot to do with Dodge not cracking down on them - the bad publicity just wouldn't be worth it.

A small informational site with some adsense blocks on it is a totally different ball game though.

Still, I guess provided you don't put a significant amount of time or money into the development process, it's a risk worth taking.


Top Contributor
Just add a disclaimer:

DodgeCharger.com.au is not Dodge, we are in no way connected with them, we are a DodgeCharger enthusiast website for lovers of Dodge Chargers.

Something like that anyway and you will be fine.


Top Contributor
Yeah I agree, but I guess even the .com started out with only one member.

Any ideas what a good hit ratio is to determine whether something is worth pursuing?

I have a few in the 10,000's exact range ... is this enough? (providing of course the google function is moderately accurate)

Is there a rule of thumb in regards to numbers some like to use?


Top Contributor
It depends on the niche. I'd take 100 'car insurance' hits over 10,000 'britney spears' hits any day.

I like to multiply the monthly exacts by the estimated average CPC. It's definitely not perfect, but it should give you a decent idea of what kind of potential the domain has.

Good luck!


Regular Member

Always consult a layer first, anything I have said do not take as legal advice. :)

Wikipedia says a "layer" is a hen that produces eggs. :eek:

BTW I wanted to register crapdomains.com.au but it was already gone. :D

I thought I could offload 25% of my portfolio there. :confused:


Top Contributor
It depends on the niche. I'd take 100 'car insurance' hits over 10,000 'britney spears' hits any day.

I like to multiply the monthly exacts by the estimated average CPC. It's definitely not perfect, but it should give you a decent idea of what kind of potential the domain has.

Good luck!

Yeah that makes sense, thanks.

Is there a monetry figure you've found works in the past regarding potential?

ie: a name measures 10,000 exacts @ $1 or a name measures 1,000 exacts @ $10 both giving a $10,000 full potential figure.

Would the figure of $10,000 be enough to look closer at actual percentage breakdowns/strikerates or do you look for a much higher starting point, say 20k-30k?
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Top Contributor
I think generally over 10,000 is definitely worth a look in if you have the time.

And just because a domain comes up sub-10,000, doesn't mean it's not worth developing either. Some niches are super lucrative, but for whatever reason the big players haven't cottoned on to the idea of online advertising (yet) and the CPC will not reflect the money making potential. If the domain you're thinking of developing refers to a product or service, try to make an estimate on what kind of commissions you could reasonably ask for if you were selling leads.

On the other side of the coin, realise that if the CPC is really high, you'll likely be dealing with a lot more competition, and will have a much harder time ranking.


Top Contributor
Thanks Jonathan.

So where does .net.au stand in the scheme of things? Apart from someone going to the actual .com.au version, branding purposes and resale value, is there anything holding them back when it comes to type-in keyword matches apart from poor seo?


Top Contributor
It's a good question... I just don't know, as I don't really have any serious experience developing .net.au's. I would have thought not, but a couple of people who really seem to know their stuff swear that they are much harder to rank.

Only way to know for sure is it to give it a shot yourself. Make sure you keep us posted!


Top Contributor
It's a good question... I just don't know, as I don't really have any serious experience developing .net.au's. I would have thought not, but a couple of people who really seem to know their stuff swear that they are much harder to rank.

Only way to know for sure is it to give it a shot yourself. Make sure you keep us posted!

I'll try my best.

Thnks again.

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