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The Recent Registrations Thread - 2012


Top Contributor
LOL , I got inspired by today's auction and hand reg

CarYardSales.com.au and its big bro CarYardSales.com


Top Contributor
some of you will laugh and the metrics are terrible so maybe i am just way ahead of everyone :rolleyes:

weddingmagnets.com.au, goes well with its sister ;)

hand reg today.



Top Contributor
Thanks guys, one of the few market segments that realestate.com.au haven't locked down - yet. Hopefully I'll have a script up and running on it in a few weeks.


Top Contributor
Just got news of the new royal baby...missed the big one (royalbaby.com) but hand reg'd:

royalbabyname.com & co.uk
royalbabysname.com & co.uk

Not sure what will come of them but thought I best get in first..lol....couldn't see much point in the com.au?


Top Contributor
royalbabyname.com & co.uk
royalbabysname.com & co.uk

Not sure what will come of them but thought I best get in first..lol....couldn't see much point in the com.au?

The only thing to come out of them will be a credit card debt.


Top Contributor
Re: Parkingspaces.com.au. The used term is "car park". Parking spaces has 16 searches a month, it is a dog & the comments are nothing more than back patting. [......roll out the argument about how metrics are not important for names with no metrics]

Names 5-10 times better are going for peanuts on the drops. boat.net.au, sleepproblems.com.au (around $20-30) even typingtutor.com.au which got the grand sum of $1 (3600 searches).


Top Contributor
C'mon Snoopy, this is a thread for hand registrations so ease up a little...

If you're not keen on someone's names, that's cool, but don't take the fun out of it for the rest of us.



Top Contributor
C'mon Snoopy, this is a thread for hand registrations so ease up a little...

If you're not keen on someone's names, that's cool, but don't take the fun out of it for the rest of us.


So totally unrealistic positive comments are ok but negative comments that might actually save someone some money are not?

If you saw someone making financial mistakes would tell them the truth or tell them they are making wise decisions?


Top Contributor
So totally unrealistic positive comments are ok but negative comments that might actually save someone some money are not?

If you saw someone making financial mistakes would tell them the truth or tell them they are making wise decisions?

True, we all appreciate helpful advice, it's just the way it's given.

I always look forward to your comments and I love the odd "pass the vodka" when someone gets carried away, but it's important to be constructive and encouraging where possible.

All of us are still learning, it's what makes things fun :)


Top Contributor
No dramas guys, I have had the cranky old pessimist tell me a pile if times the domains I have are worth nothing. Then I go to and sell them to end users at a hefty profit....there is always one in the crowd that loves the sound of the sound/site of their own profoundness. I remember when we used to laugh with him...now it's a little different.........lmao


True, we all appreciate helpful advice, it's just the way it's given.

I always look forward to your comments and I love the odd "pass the vodka" when someone gets carried away, but it's important to be constructive and encouraging where possible.

All of us are still learning, it's what makes things fun :)


Worth keeping in mind too that typed comments will be taken differently by different people. Maintaining an encouraging and positive community is to the benefit of all of us, and it only takes a bit of consideration when posting. :)


Top Contributor
Re: Parkingspaces.com.au. The used term is "car park". Parking spaces has 16 searches a month, it is a dog & the comments are nothing more than back patting. [......roll out the argument about how metrics are not important for names with no metrics]

Names 5-10 times better are going for peanuts on the drops. boat.net.au, sleepproblems.com.au (around $20-30) even typingtutor.com.au which got the grand sum of $1 (3600 searches).

In the end of the day its $19 for 2 years,

I mean from a look at the metrics quickly:

[parking space]

210 exact match search a month.

[parking spaces]

16 exact match search a month.

Whats to say you cant also target works like CAR + (the domain)

Really I think the domain is a decent one, its an area picking up pace in the market and it is some what brandable.

It is not always about the search metrics behind it look at partial match of the domain during the kw research.

Kind Regards.


Top Contributor

I totally missed this conversation and am only just reading it. Snoopy you've spent more money talking about it than I spent buying it. I don't buy or sell based purely on Google metrics.

The term 'parking spaces' was the main term used in a recent media article (below) by real estate agents. I don't care what they park there, a boat, a van, a shipping container which was one of the main points of the article - it's not just cars city people are now buying/renting spaces for.

I didn't buy the domain to flip it. Think a little bigger and further ahead.

Found the article: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/realestate/investing/parking-storage-boom/story-fndcursx-1226524618541

James was pretty much on the money above.
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