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The Recent Registrations Thread - 2012


Top Contributor

Worth keeping in mind too that typed comments will be taken differently by different people. Maintaining an encouraging and positive community is to the benefit of all of us, and it only takes a bit of consideration when posting. :)

Encouraging bad registrations doesn't help anybody except registrars.


Top Contributor
You did ask for it.

Metrics are very important for selling domains. Not all domains are registered to flip. I think Snoopy's confusing buying and selling. Buy low, sell high Snoop! :D It's much easier to double my money if I start with $1.


Top Contributor
In the end of the day its $19 for 2 years,

I mean from a look at the metrics quickly:

[parking space]

210 exact match search a month.

[parking spaces]

16 exact match search a month.

Whats to say you cant also target works like CAR + (the domain)

Really I think the domain is a decent one, its an area picking up pace in the market and it is some what brandable.

It is not always about the search metrics behind it look at partial match of the domain during the kw research.

Kind Regards.

Its is never just $19, it is $19 x (number of similarly poor names registered - usually hundreds). Probably a good example was Shags who if I believe lost around $40k+ whilst being egged on by some. Now most were negative in that situation but we still had some filling him up with all sorts of positive nonsense about those names.




Top Contributor
I registered these a while ago as it's coming to Australia or is here now, not sure.


At the moment all that lenders look for is bad credit blemishes, but soon they will be able to look for positive credit reports.

It's been available overseas for a while and as usual we were last to take it up.

Not sure if it will become a huge search term, but worth a punt.



Top Contributor
what are the benefits of .net.au over .com.au

benefits: if you own a premium .com.au then you block your opposition by owning the .net.au especially if you hand reg it, if you don't own the .com.au then you get to pay a lot of money trying to outrank the .com.au, you get to work longer hours trying to do that, you get to do traditional marketing at great expense only to realise that all your efforts have simply bled sales into to the .com.au ..... your competitor.:rolleyes:

BUT, if you are good at SEO and get it to rank higher then the .com.au ( as you know you will NEVER own the .com.au ) then you can steal sales from them which is great as they do all the advertising and people just click on the first listed.

there are a few people doing exactly that here on DNT very successfully but they are VERY clued up on SEO and do it themselves as if you had to pay for it then it would cost you a fourtune.

I'm talking PREMIUM domains here, sectors like, cars, health, various insurance, finance etcccc.

if you are talking "dubbodentist.net.au" then its a dead fish.


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