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Top Contributor
1) you say there have been no big sales in au

Tim, that is not what I said & I guess that is why you are off on tangent to nowhere,

Here is what I said,

It is really simple, I said "The highest .com.au sale reported in the last 10 years is $125,000." I don't know why people are arguing against that, it is a fact. There was two other sales reported in 2002 slightly higher, flowers.com.au $153,000 & cars.com.au $141,000.

Little doubt some unreported names have sold higher but what is the chance of roulette.com.au selling for the highest price ever reported for a .com.au sale? No chance.


Spend some time rereading the thread, ditto for Ned who is bringing up sales I have already mentioned like flowers.com.au & cars.com.au ~150k - which are over 10 years old.


Top Contributor
what a waste of 5 pages.

Are you referring to the fact that you were the leading poster (by far) with 29 posts in this thread? ;)

But on a serious note, someone who I very much respect has just said to me that there is too much wasted energy going into this thread. And he's right - we've all got better things to do.

So I'm out.

Love and kisses to you Snoopy.


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