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Offering The Reserve Price To The Highest Bidder On AMA Domains


Top Contributor
Hey guys thanks for the feedback.
I agree with many of these ideas and I am taking them on board.
Many of them are echoes of my initial misgivings but I am not in a rush to change anything just yet, as I am keen to give the current format a fair go.

I am very interested to see how we progress with no-reserve aftermarket auctions since they are being rewarded in the current format and are producing some strong results like
Liqueur.com.au ($7,801)
JervisBay.com.au ($3,588)
HousePlans.com.au ($3,223)
Bs.com.au ($2,345)
Rp.com.au ($1,889)
Balustrading.com.au ($1,601)

This is what the current auction was designed to do and is starting to deliver results along those lines.

As far as my TODO list is concerned, dntrade is always very high on the list as the squeaky wheel gets the oil. As always I love the feedback so keep it coming.

as the purchaser of 1 of the above names i would say i would probably not have found the domain on offer if it was not in the everyday auction, maybe this is because i never had much experience with the AMA anyway.

i'm still learning so i do have a few frustrations but thankfully answers do get given on dnt which is great regardless of if they come via posts or PM.

so to be honest and give feedback/support to the new system i think/KNOW the seller did get much more then they would have prior to the integrated auction.


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