Thats all well and good, but it doesnt explain 'why'.
As a single word domain, the term 'exact' is obvious, but with 2 or more words there is no way that I can see something like 'best coffee in Melbourne' be deamed as an exact match to 'bestcoffeeinmelbourne' when anyone using a search engine would type it in with spaces from which googles own adwords tool (and assuming google search engine itself) treats hyphens and spaces equally.
If the statement is purely one of personal opinion, then fine, but from the outset it tells me the multiple keywords seperated by a hyphen are more an exact match domain than joined words which may mean nothing to a search engine....the only way around this would be the recognition of capitals to seperate the words eg 'BestCoffeeInMelbourne' which as far as I am aware this is not the case (happy to proven wrong).
No it may not be pretty from a core business sense, but capturing new clients, clickthroughs and redirects etc diferent story I would think.
Anyone else with views on this and why/why not hyphens (considered spaces by googles adwords) would be written off as non EMD's.