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James Wester on Sky Business


Regular Member
Hi Anthony. Cheers mate. Hi Segator and thanks to you. As I've stated previously to a member here, this first segment was more or less like a "Learn to cook" lesson or chat with some examples thrown into it. When we first went through this, even being as switched on with regard to the property markets, there were several people that had that deer in the headlights expression of "what did you just say" on their face and after a few conversation and some examples, then the lights came on and excitement was there. I hope that same excitement can be conveyed to others learning about domain names and why they are vital to expansion as well as leveraging risk associated by a competitor owning the domain name or names.

Thanks again guys.



Regular Member
Hi Jamison. :) Thanks for the compliment mate. I made several comparisons from brick and mortar business to virtual property. I used several analogies to draw a parallel to allow someone that may be the brightest of investment property gurus that had never considered a domain name as an investment or considered it to add value to an existing investment or business.

I talked about Woolworth's coming in and taking over Dick Smith. Dick Smith was already a brilliant store with great branding going on, but Woolworth's can definitely add more value to it and also on a simple level, have targeted marketing to "tech buyers". When I was asked about "what's hot" in the virtual property space today, it's a no brainer to know that the daily deals market is going through the roof especially on the heels of Groupon's ipo last month.

When asking for the example I used Voucher and Vouchers because of the domain name value. I don't know how many members he has in his database, but what I do know is that a little over 3 years ago I had the opportunity to buy vouchers.com.au and I passed. I have made some mistakes of course, like everybody, but not buying vouchers.com.au was my single biggest mistake. I'm a Yank. I did an analysis on the name and still didn't understand the value.

I can use that example of me not buying that domain name when I had the chance to buy it for peanuts July of 2008. I did not understand the value. I did not understand the potential. I did not predict "group buying". Hopefully with now signing on with Real Estate News as the virtual property expert for 2012, I will be able to share my knowledge with everyday professionals or even mom and pop investors as to the value of domain names and virtual property that will in turn add value to the .au market as well as hosting companies, web designers, web marketers and create a trickle down effect.

Sorry for a bit of the ramble- :) I got a bit carried away with explaining the Voucher/Vouchers thingo. I picked the DealsDirect / DealMe brands because I believe that out of the bunch, they'd be the most likely to benefit the most and be able to brand out Voucher/Vouchers better than a daily deals website because of the Deals Direct model. They're an online shop and when you look at the keyword value of voucher(s) they're the category killer names.

I have no idea really what the next segment will be about to be honest. I know that the sponsors here got mentions because of their professionalism and innovation to help grow the industry. Netfleet, Drop and VentraIP are all talked about during the interview. I think that the team at Real Estate News did a great job on getting out the first segment to actually allow people to go "hmmm" *lightbulb* and do a bit of searching around on the internet to find out more information. That's why it was important for me to point them here.



Regular Member
Hi guys. The second half of the interview will be on the 602 this weekend. It was a very tough editing gig on what to cut out and what to share. I think that what they've ultimately selected to air is really great and touches the bases on virtual property to real property really well. I talk about .com being the uber premium domain name extension and why it's ultimately important for brand protection etc as well as why here in Australia the .com.au is critical to own. It's a bit over 3 minutes and I was happy to see that Netfleet and Drop get some exposure as well as InvestmentProperty.com.au again.

I believe from what I've understood is that they're going to be airing this interview over Summer and I'll be on every other week starting week 1 in February. That one will be a summary of 2011 and a forecast of 2012. I'll start getting into other important things like apps, marketing and other things relevant to domain names and websites.



Regular Member
For those interested in watching the 2nd half of the interview on the 602 this weekend, the info is below. :)

Sunday 18th December
5.30 pm
9.30 pm
Sunday 25th December


Regular Member
Hi James. Last time they told me Monday or Tuesday and it was Thursday. So based on last time, I'd say Thursday but I will hope for sooner. :)

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