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James Wester on Sky Business


Top Contributor
I watched the segment this morning, and I'm definitely looking forward to the next ones.

It's a great thing for our industry.

Well done James!


Top Contributor
Hi James

Just watched the segment - great work. All about getting the message out there and you did just that!

Keep it up

Cheers, Mark


Regular Member
Hi Mark. Thanks very much. The first interview which I believe will have 3 segments or only 1 more that would be about 5 minutes was about the nitty gritty of "what is domain name investing" and "what is virtual property". Most experienced members here already know most of the answers that I have supplied to the questions asked, but could also possibly open up the forum for further enhancement of learning from one another which is a plus. Thanks again.



Top Contributor
Just watched episode 1 - was a pretty good overview of why someone would buy a domain and what they could do with it after they had. Nice work James.

Dntrade even got a nice plug!


I hope these videos end up on youtube so that I can refer potential buyers to them so they realise that paying a few hundred dollars for a decent domain isn't highway robbery and could actually be a great business decision.


Regular Member
Hi Rod. Google Bob Parsons elephant hunt.

Thanks Chris! The video will be on http://www.realestnews.com for sure as well as http://www.virtualpropertyexpert.com.au. My first quote that I put on my new website is similar to your comment about reality of pricing etc and understanding a motivating factor in which to do so through my experience is a successful sales close that I have used, "It’s better to spend the money now and control the asset that you need than to let someone else damage the integrity of that asset for future use which will in turn cost you more to repair."

Keep up the great work and blogging. I love reading it.



Top Contributor
Well done, James - watched it last night & it was great exposure. Have you had much feedback off the back of it?


Regular Member
Hi David and thanks mate. I appreciate it. I could compare this to my hot chocolate story actually when I have been thinking about it. Adrenaline, optimism and happy beans is always the way to forecast an intended result. Am I bombarded with phone calls and emails- definitely not, although there has been some interest with questions. The show have received some pretty positive feedback and there is going to be some personal introductions next week.

The way I see this playing out is that the first snow flake has just hit the mountainside. I believe it has hit in the right spot. I believe it can slide a bit and develop into a snowball and have some momentum. I'm first and foremost very grateful that I have been presented this opportunity. I hope that I can share my knowledge and create more synergy among people and businesses in general- especially here on dntrade.com.au.

Thanks again mate.



Regular Member
Well done James! I think this is a huge accomplishment, congratulations.
I look forward to watching the interviews.

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