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P.S. Whose side are you on snoopy - anyone would think you are out to destory the domain name industry in Australia with your constant negativity!

I'm on the side of saying it how it is rather than needing to "support" something as though it is on life support.

Some days it is like being in a .tv or .mobi forum, where a chunk of people feel the need to "defend" or "pump up" things. Anyone with a bit of distance from the situation would normally associate that with a sign of weak investment.


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weird loads up fine for me:confused:


The site wasn't up for a year, it currently ranks 134th for the term and the sites is full of errors. Would you like me to provide an affidavit from the owner about how he has made no money?

18 months of your 5 years are up and rather than saving them money it has cost them money in my view, because of the price they paid and what they would get if they tried to sell it.

The site has been up for months.

Tell me, when do you think this name well be ranked well? Name a date and we will look at it again.

I couldn't care less when or if it ranks better maybe they have done no S.E.O.

neither you or I have any idea if they made 0 sales or 10 sales and I doubt they would bother telling domainers who are curious these details most likely to busy doing deals.

anyway no point trying to convince you the domain was a smart purchase for a end user as we have seen these arguments many times before so I am done with this thread.

It has already started to become a diatribe at least it's getting the forum a bit more active.:D

Have a good night:cool:


Top Contributor
I'm on the side of saying it how it is rather than needing to "support" something as though it is on life support.

Some days it is like being in a .tv or .mobi forum, where a chunk of people feel the need to "defend" or "pump up" things. Anyone with a bit of distance from the situation would normally associate that with a sign of weak investment.

I would say something is worth whatever someone will pay for it. If the owner paid $125,001 dollars for it then thats what it is worth. Also remember there was another bidder who bid $125,000 - so at least 2 people / companies / investors thought the domain was worth $125,000. Just because you don't agree with them doesn't mean its not worth what the owner paid for it. I think few business investments pay themselves off in 18 months (and it unreasonable to argue that) - more like 10 years - so that is my date, lets give it 10 years and come back and see how they are going. The point is somewhat academic though cause the owner is unlikely, in eight and a half years time, to disclose how many leads / much money has been made directly from the website for the sake of settling a forum thread. And don't forget there are other reasons to buy a domain apart from just 'making money' from it directly. For example stopping your competitors from getting it. I just don't think its as black and white as you seem to be implying, and personally I don't see why you are so intent on proving its not worth what they paid for it - move on..


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I'm on the side of saying it how it is rather than needing to "support" something as though it is on life support.

I don't agree. I think you are endlessly negative and talk things down for a reason I cannot put my finger on. No one is suggesting the .com.au market is on "life support" simply because we don't agree with your view on this domain. I just think you talk things down for the sake of it and unless the domain in question is in the top 0.01% of super ultra premium domains its worth nothing in your opinion.

Just out of interest if you think the owner paid to much for the domain what do you actually think investmentproperty.com.au is worth to an end user, not a domain investor? And why?

Some days it is like being in a .tv or .mobi forum, where a chunk of people feel the need to "defend" or "pump up" things. Anyone with a bit of distance from the situation would normally associate that with a sign of weak investment.

I think the proof is in the price paid. If it was a theoretical argument about what a certain domain would sell for if it were for sale (eg bank.com.au) I might agree with your above statement. All I am saying is someone thought the domain was worth that much to them so good on them, accept it. Would I have paid that much for it? No. But that doesn't mean it wasn't worth what the owner paid for it for them. I think there is a big difference between "pumping up" things, being neutrally positive and being downright negative.

If in your eyes the .com.au market is such a weak investment why do you spend so much time around it (ie in this forum - talking everything down)?


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As I've told you several times before, I've developed many sites, probably 20 or more. A few have been successful. Some mediocre, most didn't make much or made nothing at all. I've probably made 300-400k overall profit through the years .

Would you mind showing me these few examples?


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He showed us something to do with Dinosaurs

In fairness I think that was an example of what he owned at one stage.

Please remind of something Snoopy.

We would have our faith back.........................:eek:


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Would you mind showing me these few examples?

You ask me the same question a few months ago and I posted some examples for feedback.

There is plenty of others as well, other sites that have been only mediocre performers shares.com.au or complete flops like freegames.net, businessideas.com.au, coincollection.com and probably a dozen others which were developed and didn't work out.

How many times will the same questions be asked and the same answers given? Is your cut and paste button stuck or are you just forgetful?
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I'm sorry snoopy but if they are what you consider a successful site then, frankly, that kind of proves my point.

No offence intended...


Regular Member
Just whois'd this domain and they have registered it using a person's name @ the actual domain. Could we see it drop again in the next couple of years if the person moves on???

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