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Top Contributor
for some reason I thought about this domain tonight and thought I'd check out what had become of this record breaker

well... nearly 5 months on and the answer appears to be "SFA"

i did a search for "investment property" (without quotes) and looks like their forsale.investmentproperty.com.au subdomain is languishing around #325

makes me feel slightly better about not developing the $200-$300 domains i've bought in the last few months :D


Top Contributor
for some reason I thought about this domain tonight and thought I'd check out what had become of this record breaker

well... nearly 5 months on and the answer appears to be "SFA"

i did a search for "investment property" (without quotes) and looks like their forsale.investmentproperty.com.au subdomain is languishing around #325

makes me feel slightly better about not developing the $200-$300 domains i've bought in the last few months :D

It could be worse, could be the dreaded "for sale" page on a domain they obviously overpaid for.


Top Contributor
for some reason I thought about this domain tonight and thought I'd check out what had become of this record breaker

well... nearly 5 months on and the answer appears to be "SFA"

i did a search for "investment property" (without quotes) and looks like their forsale.investmentproperty.com.au subdomain is languishing around #325

makes me feel slightly better about not developing the $200-$300 domains i've bought in the last few months :D

Probably down to the site not been SEO friendly and also running the main site off a sub domain is not wise.

I would run of sub folders, a clear case of development taking a lead yet SEO not been factored in.


Top Contributor
Obviously overpaid?

Look back to the start of this thread and see what people thought of it, it is "one of those sales" in my view where the price is just way of of kilter with reality. Price made no sense and no follow through with development probably reinforces the poor decision making.

I'd compare it with the 185k sale of unclesam.com several years ago or the culinary.com 112k auction before that. Sometimes auctions aren't rational exercises.


Top Contributor
You've argued until you were blue in the face that a domain is worth what someone is prepared to pay for it. Nothing more nothing less, no exceptions.

You even put something relating to this in your signature.

Have you changed your mind already?


Top Contributor
Sometimes auctions aren't rational exercises.

Hit the nail on the head. Auctions tap in to emotion and competitiveness.

You might have in your mind a figure that you are prepared to pay but as the auction progresses you can easily justify to yourself amidst all the action that it is worth that 'little bit more' and hence overpay.


Top Contributor
I think you are a bit confused here. People under and over pay all the time.

Yes I realize that. However this contradicts your oft stated opinion that a domain is worth whatever it sells for.

Remember the domains that I said were worth low $xx but that the cor charges would make it hard for them to sell? You insisted if they couldn't sell that means they are worthless.

How many times have you said 'if a domain was worth X, it would sell for that'

Short memory I guess...


Top Contributor
You might have in your mind a figure that you are prepared to pay but as the auction progresses you can easily justify to yourself amidst all the action that it is worth that 'little bit more' and hence overpay.

Thats right and it happens to us all. Eg you decide you'll pay $20,000 for a domain. Say the bidding goes to $20,100 and you know (somehow) that there will be no further bids. Nearly everyone would pay $20,101 to secure the domain even though they know they are 'paying too much'


Top Contributor
Yes I realize that. However this contradicts your oft stated opinion that a domain is worth whatever it sells for.


As I have told you before it would be better if you *actually quoted me* instead of saying that I said something, because most of the time when you claim I said something you have it all muddled up or just plain wrong.

Remember the domains that I said were worth low $xx but that the cor charges would make it hard for them to sell? You insisted if they couldn't sell that means they are worthless.

If something can't be sold of course it is worthless.


Top Contributor
Hit the nail on the head. Auctions tap in to emotion and competitiveness.

You might have in your mind a figure that you are prepared to pay but as the auction progresses you can easily justify to yourself amidst all the action that it is worth that 'little bit more' and hence overpay.

I think it can go either way personally. Their is emotional elements like you say, and I think also the "well this guy it bidding to 10k so it must be worth around that level" as a factor. Competition also as you say, the bidders focus on other bidders not the seller and want to "win". So all positive factors for the seller.

On the other hand sometimes you can have one really strong bidder in with other bidders which might result in worse outcome than a private sale (ie the guy is willing to overpay, being willing to pay way higher in a private sale than where it ended at auction). I personally like auctions but but several times I've sold names for less at auction than recent offers.

Also other issues like registering to bid. Had one recently where a couple of people had tried to buy a particular name before, one told me just before the end of the auction he couldn't be bothered with the registration process (can understand that because I probably wouldn't bother with it also unless I really had to have the name) and another said the auction house couldn't process his application in time.

The other issue can be if a name passes in well under reserves bidders tend to think it must be worth what it ended at, the flip side is some people won't bother bidding unless they think it will sell so the market has never really been seen for the name. You might have 7 bidding and another 3 others will to bid if it looks like it will sell.

Personally like auctions though as I think it best approximates where the market is most of the time.


Top Contributor
You have to be joking

Maybe someones Daddy didn't love them enough as I don't see anything negative about this.

The comms from the sales on home and land packages would pay for the name very quickly. Its a great thing for the .com.au industry in general and once again shows the complete lack of respect for people in the industry in general trying to have a "red hot go".

Also it s a great job done by Webshow Room who are doing wonderful work out of Brisbane


Top Contributor
The comms from the sales on home and land packages would pay for the name very quickly.

How do you figure this? It isn't even ranking in a meaningful way & the traffic value is around $10/click. The way it is now in will never pay for itself in my view.


Top Contributor
Money would have been better spent on adwords. Or even better left in the bank.

That amount of money is a drop in the bucket in terms of investment properties.

I'm sure there is plenty of change left for adwords. They probably already have more than enough cash in the bank given the industry.


Top Contributor
That amount of money is a drop in the bucket in terms of investment properties.

I'm sure there is plenty of change left for adwords. They probably already have more than enough cash in the bank given the industry.

The fact is the site isn't anywhere meaningful on the paid section or the organic section. It took a year to get a site online and it is doing nothing. People can defend it as long as they like but I think the result is pretty obvious.

They've actually done better than I thought though, I didn't even expect them to get a site up. I think this has been seen a lot in terms of domain sales, massively overpay then do nothing or something half baked. If they had plenty of money left you'd expect them to at least fix up all the typos and missing text on the site. The site doesn't even have an ABN on it.

Why do people continue to defend such mediocrity?

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