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gTLD stuff


Regular Member
how many .website names will you be grabbing ?

I won't be purchasing any more new domains at the moment as I've reached my threshold.

However, I have attempted to secure a .London domain name using priority pre-order so not sure what will happen.

Too funny - I tried to secure some premium .Melbourne and .Sydney domains using priority pre-order but then I received a message later stating the .Melbourne domains were withdrawn from public something or other so not sure what happened there... I was also unsuccessful with my attempt to secure a few .Sydney domains so I've taken a back seat for a while.

Hope everyone is having a win!


Top Contributor
I won't be purchasing any more new domains at the moment as I've reached my threshold.

However, I have attempted to secure a .London domain name using priority pre-order so not sure what will happen.

Too funny - I tried to secure some premium .Melbourne and .Sydney domains using priority pre-order but then I received a message later stating the .Melbourne domains were withdrawn from public something or other so not sure what happened there... I was also unsuccessful with my attempt to secure a few .Sydney domains so I've taken a back seat for a while.

Hope everyone is having a win!

i was at the melbourne auIGF today, other dntrade members were there so they

may want to harp in on my commments.

disclaimer: this is just my opinion and also opinionated, i'm ONLY detailing

this so others don't have the same issues i have had + for the benefit of

people who could not attend.

i went to the " .melbourne " seminar , so i though my feedback would be of

interest to members.

Adrian Kinderis from ARI spoke mostly and overall i felt it was a sales pitch

rather then an information session, mingled in with some statistical data

from other worldwide gTLDs successes anf failures.

it seems that overall they have a good view on how to handle the new gTLD

with the victorian government basically handing it over to ARI for their

current knowledge and partnerships with melbourneIT and crazyD for


there was question time at the end and i did manage to get a couple of

questions in ( surprise surprise )

my first was " why does MIT show domain available and CD show domain taken ?

the answer was " teething problems", but given we are now in "priority phase

till 27/9/14 and it started on 29/7/14 i would have thought "teething" would

have been sorted by now.

it was politely suggested that i shouldn't be concerned to which i replied "

try to tell my client that "

MIT guys talked to me after the session and here's what came from that:

first, nice guys willing to help and i think a little embarrassed by my

questions and the failure for thier system to work as i opened my laptop and

even the MIT guy struggled to place an order !!!!

the bottom line EVENTUALLY came to be that everyone can try to register a

.melbourne during this current period and if you and someone else wants the

same name then its going to be an auction between you 2, 3, 4, 5,6 etc

the actual auction process was described like the other gTLDs like .web .sex

process where the winner pays the underbidder but the winner gets the

extension ( PLEASE correct me if i am wrong )

ALSO names have been allocated as unregisterable eg: collingwood would

probably be one , then others have been classed as premium eg

doctor.melbourne and a price has been placed on them, ......price unknown ?

so if you think you can get a good generic for $65/$120 a year i think you

will be disappointed as it was staed that the premium price of the domains

was to prevent cyber squatting and also in my opinion the premium keyword

names have been allocated for later sale just like they did for "hobart" , "

sydney" etc.

although my personal view right now is after the session is they are thinking

" wholly sh^t we need to justify the purchase + all the extra costs we didn't

know we would have so the sooner we break even the more chance the people in

the government who made the decision have of keeping their jobs "

the government has taken many domains out eg: travel. , art. ,

springcarnival. etccccccccccccccc

no doubt, accommodation, hotel, tours, visit bla bla bla ???? how many are

there ?

but dig this ! if you go to register dentist. at MIT it shows available, at
CD it shows registered. which means you can not register at CD which is $65

p/a with a minimum 3yr rego, so your ONLY alternative is to enter the

"ballot" at MIT which is $120 p/a 3yr minimum.

BUT you can register at MIT casino.melbourne and pay, then you can come back

again and register it again and pay !!!!!! as its all going into the ballot.

teething problems !

it seems trademark holders RULE, which i think is fair.

But small business is going to be a problem as someone else bought up in

question time with an question about "theatre." being TAKEN already by

marrineer ( ambassodor ? ) where there have many theatres in melbourne ( by

the way theatre shows as available on MIT )

.melbourne isn't going away, its here to stay, they have put themselves into

a position of no return, they just have to go forward, doing "my numbers" it

will make profit, i think its going to take at least 5-8 years though.

ummmmm, sorry, didn't count in loss of interest so 8-10yrs at least

problem is 10 years is a longgggggggggg time in the internet these days.

there is a BUNCH of other stuff i'd like to detail but just don't have time, if people ask questions then maybe i can give a reply or an opinion.

this is a very quick overview so please read it like it is


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Noticed a banner ad here for a .rocks ad !
Next week on domainsherpa.com Adam Dicker will be revealing his conclusions on whether or not a .com with the same content will rank higher that a new gtld ? Should be interesting to see the results, about next friday this will be on the sherpas

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
.website is now available and i did a search for a name which was available for $14.99 I then searched for easy.website and the price was $1200.00 at dynadot. The price is $2199.99 at godaddy ??????


Top Contributor
I own a few of these new extensions but TBH I know little about what happens when extensions go under- does icann step in & resell the extension? Do people lose their email/websites etc.
there seems to be little control. Then again, it is the internet..


Top Contributor
I own a few of these new extensions but TBH I know little about what happens when extensions go under- does icann step in & resell the extension? Do people lose their email/websites etc.
there seems to be little control. Then again, it is the internet..

Yes I would like to see how much ICAN would do, how would they step in etc.

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