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gTLD stuff


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I'm not sure if it's what I search, horshack but can honestly say I've never seen one rank

I've seen a couple over time but it appears that they haven't had the money spent on them like other websites. Am I correct in saying that the extension shouldn't really make any difference to the ranking if the same SEO strategies are employed for a .asia name as to a .com/.com.au name or is there something else happening in the background with google.


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i asked my guys in vietnam and they say they don't use .asia or .com.vn they just always go for .com



Top Contributor
I've seen a couple over time but it appears that they haven't had the money spent on them like other websites. Am I correct in saying that the extension shouldn't really make any difference to the ranking if the same SEO strategies are employed for a .asia name as to a .com/.com.au name or is there something else happening in the background with google.

I'd have to do some research. But imagine you'd need to do more than base level seo as they're not really associated with any particular location

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Like most gtlds only a few keywords suit and are normally reserved by the registries, are the registries shooting themselves in the foot by doing this ??
If these things were ever to really take off i think there would need to be a lot development to get 'brands' extensions known to joe public


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google has said its not going to give preference to the new extensions.

businesses are being fooled into thinking google will, simply by registras not stating google doesn't give a S^^T

so spacey your answer is " does London have more silly people then berlin"?



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Will .london surpass .berlin ??
It's about to be released to the general public and they have advertised it well

Depends what you mean by surpass, most of .berlin is free registrations. Extensions looks just about dead to me (getting approx 50 reges a day).

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I do think .london has a much better awareness factor than .berlin, there were subway billboards, newspaper ads and even a tv ad. They have tried hard to promote it. I did read that there were 29 applications for housing.london So it does seem there is some public awareness. I do keep on saying that development will be the key factor with these new gltds.


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me did :D


but i have these ones



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just as 1 example, make of it what you will

radar.kiwi sells for $1591 but radar.kiwi.nz is still a hand reg ? so did the new owner just wake up there's a thing called the internet?

i'm not saying its a good name but interesting



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None for me spaceman, this one has been strongly marketed though I think. They must have decent budget.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
None for me spaceman, this one has been strongly marketed though I think. They must have decent budget.

Like most, only a few real opportunities as most keywords being reserved or long gone, i guess there could be a local/geo aspect to it but even then quite limited i think

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