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Drops today - September 2012


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weddingbands.com.au was a good domain.. great potential of developing it into some sort jewelry store


Top Contributor
music / jewellery ? you would have to halve your metrics to start, since yesterday i've asked everyone i have spoken to what they though it would be ( these are non domainers as well) and the survey is 50/50

i thought it would go higher then what it went for, i think its easily worth $3k as a site JUST for rings, no diamonds just the boring gold ring. ( i dated a jeweller for 10 years )



Top Contributor
NF at 1,118. Well done to the buyer!

I really like it too, I think of rings when I hear the term.



Top Contributor
Yes great buy.

I think of rings too - I actually didn't even register the alternative until it was mentioned!


Regular Member
Looking at dropped domain names today..... someone has wasted heaps of money on printer domains


Top Contributor
Don't mention printer domains. I got Wired magazine delivered today and the front page was how 3-D printers were going to change the world. I sold 3DPrinters.com.au for a lousy $600 or so a couple of years ago... :(


Top Contributor
Don't mention printer domains. I got Wired magazine delivered today and the front page was how 3-D printers were going to change the world. I sold 3DPrinters.com.au for a lousy $600 or so a couple of years ago... :(

That said if you reinvested that money and bought a $600 domain on Snapper or Drop a couple of years ago I'm sure you still got some good capital apprecaition...


Sometimes you need to free up some capital to find even greener pastures.


Regular Member
Check your Credit Cards - check your SPAM


Lesson learned today.

Had a dozen domains left sitting with Drop from an old purchase. Hadn't moved them out and they came up for renewal.

Credit card had expired, email reminders were picked up in a spam account. Complete cock up on all fronts.

You would like to think that someone from the registrar might pick up the phone and tell you that a dozen payments had bounced - but no.

Congratulations to Greg for picking most of them up!! My loss, your gain.


Top Contributor
bugger, interesting point you make about the registra chasing the unpaid invoice, you would think that would be profitable ( not for us domainers of course)

i get my 90 day, 60, 30 , 5 , 1 day reminders but after that NOTHING, i suppose the margins just don't allow for the staff to do it.



Top Contributor
You would like to think that someone from the registrar might pick up the phone and tell you that a dozen payments had bounced - but no.

Drop don't have auto renew so there would have been no attempts on your card.

You see the number of drops each day, they wouldn't have the resources to call every expiring domain every day to alert them.

Can't see anything they have done wrong here.


Top Contributor
last year i was driving my car unregistered ( for just 1 day) ! this year i found out after 2 months !!!! my drivers license expired, lucky for me i never got pulled over thus missing any fines, but our minds just slip up, we all have soooo many things to think about these days.

no company can be our carers and i don't know about you but my mobile phone number hasn't changed in 13 years ! how cheap is an sms these days?

its catch 22, domaining is sometimes based on domains droping so where is the moral ground here?



Regular Member
Drop don't have auto renew so there would have been no attempts on your card.

You see the number of drops each day, they wouldn't have the resources to call every expiring domain every day to alert them.

Can't see anything they have done wrong here.

Johno69: I have to correct you there. Drop, like every Registar does auto-renew. I can send you a copy of the three reminders they sent to me, that ended up in my Spam folder.

I happily take responsibility for my own cock-up, but am still surprised that after 3 contact attempts by email, the next step for any business chasing an invoice; should be an SMS, or a call centre call.


Top Contributor
I know they send out automated reminders, but was not aware they auto-renew.

If they had auto-renew the domains would have renewed and they would still be chasing you for the money.

Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong though.


Top Contributor
I know they send out automated reminders, but was not aware they auto-renew.

If they had auto-renew the domains would have renewed and they would still be chasing you for the money.

Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong though.

To clarify, if a domain is set for autorenewal and there's a valid credit card on file, the domain will auto renew. If the card is invalid the renewal will not process and you'll get email reminders


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