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Drops today - September 2012


Top Contributor
I don't get this:

NSC.com.au was PD

Now the bidding was $181

By the way, does anyone know if it was a PD because of this?



A PD can be bid on like any other domain. We, Netfleet, and Drop just flag them as a potential warning, however do not restrict bidding.

No one will know why it was deleted, other than the complainant and auDA.


Regular Member
Can anyone explain this?

domain dropped yesterday - was busy and missed it - pleasantly suprised when I found it went under the radar at Netfleet, so went to hand reg.

Seems it was picked up on Drop - but when I checked drop there was no winning bid and did not show as caught by Drop.

New owner is not Drop but another, although is reg'd at Drop.

Is this whole process not as transparent as it should be?


Top Contributor
Can anyone explain this?

domain dropped yesterday - was busy and missed it - pleasantly suprised when I found it went under the radar at Netfleet, so went to hand reg.

Seems it was picked up on Drop - but when I checked drop there was no winning bid and did not show as caught by Drop.

New owner is not Drop but another, although is reg'd at Drop.

Is this whole process not as transparent as it should be?
Is it possible that someone else had the same idea and hand registered it at drop?


Top Contributor
i think i asked a similar question a week or so ago an dthe answer given to me was something like " if a bid was placed on drop and nobody counter bid then it won't show up " as the first bid is not seen.



Top Contributor
It's very simple and has been explained several times before.

Drop reserve the right to catch domains for Domain Active if no one has bid on them during the auction.

Netfleet reserve the right to catch domains for Publishing Australia if no one has bid on them.

Domain Active & Publishing Australia have agreed not to bid on competitive auctions to completely dismiss any fears of shill bidding.

The only parties who are disadvantaged by this situation are Domain Active & Publishing Australia who can only pick up the unwanted scraps. Everybody else has full and complete access to bid on any domain they want at any time and at any price.


Top Contributor
Record typo today?

Surely it is.

Update: Well maybe not, with drop winning it anyway.

Shit domain name IMO.
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Top Contributor
Well like it or not Americanisation of language creeps in...

Yeah true, but a search of the term in the big G, pages from Au doesn't show the term at all from how I see it.

Best of luck to Greg though, I'm sure he has some plans for it.


Top Contributor
Record typo today?

Surely it is.

Update: Well maybe not, with drop winning it anyway.

Shit domain name IMO.

I just missed this domain on Drop as I was away all day and just had proxy bids, plus mobile bidding on drop is a not doable lol, oh well I already have too many SEO domains to deal with.

That been said the domain variation with the "S" is more valuable in the Australian market over the "z" but I wouldn't define it as a pure typo domain, that been said if you look at all the aussie companies who spell it they all use the S.

This domain is worth the spend imo.
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Top Contributor

I am a natural "z" not "s" person

There seems to be 12,000+ per month that are the same (monthly phrase search)

Interestingly I have a saved review sheet for the phrase that is at least 15 months old & this search has increased by over 10% since then

Also, if it were the "s" then I would have thought it would have sold for closer to $10K


Top Contributor

I am a natural "z" not "s" person

There seems to be 12,000+ per month that are the same (monthly phrase search)

Interestingly I have a saved review sheet for the phrase that is at least 15 months old & this search has increased by over 10% since then

Also, if it were the "s" then I would have thought it would have sold for closer to $10K

By review sheet do you mean data from Google Keyword Tool, to be honest I wouldn't trust the data it pulls, I know personally from many markets it can be up to 5 times wrong, unless it is exact impression and CTR data from Adwords and you have been bidding on the term for the last 2 years.

From my analysis, the term is dropping in search popularity in favor of the short version.

That been said I still think it is worth the money.


Top Contributor
However, James don't you find that Google insights often reports declines in search volumes when your gut/commonsense tells you otherwise?

Eg 'cars' in Australia dropped by half (yet more cars than ever on the roads being sold etc)

Similar with terms like 'real estate', 'credit cards' and many more I'm sure.

The other thing specific to this search is that people seareching 'seo' are more likely to be internet marketing savvy compared to 'search engine optimisation/optimization'.

So they are more likely to be looking for info they can use themselves rather than seeking a commercial service. They are certainly going to be harder to sell to


Top Contributor
However, James don't you find that Google insights often reports declines in search volumes when your gut/commonsense tells you otherwise?

Eg 'cars' in Australia dropped by half (yet more cars than ever on the roads being sold etc)

Similar with terms like 'real estate', 'credit cards' and many more I'm sure.

The other thing specific to this search is that people seareching 'seo' are more likely to be internet marketing savvy compared to 'search engine optimisation/optimization'.

So they are more likely to be looking for info they can use themselves rather than seeking a commercial service. They are certainly going to be harder to sell to

Yeah I know that hence why I was bidding on this domain, I can see the value in it.


Top Contributor
It appears today there will be a lot of location + plumbing / electrical / painting domains.

They must have wasted a fortune.

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