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Drops today - 2011


Top Contributor
it is puzzling

Funny how it works isn't it. What happened X years and 31 days ago (where X is an even number)?

A$ falls 30%. Commodity prices fall. Global share-markets fall in value?

The value of domains fluctuate with the stock exchange; perhaps the drops are a symptom of business restructuring [valuation] occurring at that time of financial crisis?


Archived Member
I like carwash.com.au but have a few concerns and would like to hear some opinions. Great domain right but look at the Google results.. even if you can get to the top organic spot, you're below the fold on a 1920x1080 resolution monitor.

I see the value in type ins and brandability but Google basically owns everything above the fold and most people aren't using 30" monitors or higher resolutions at this point.



Top Contributor
For me there are two organic spots above the Google Places results. These Google places results can pop up anywhere in the SERPS - I guess it depends on the quality of the organic sites and the location of the user.


Top Contributor
I like carwash.com.au but have a few concerns and would like to hear some opinions. Great domain right but look at the Google results.. even if you can get to the top organic spot, you're below the fold on a 1920x1080 resolution monitor.

I see the value in type ins and brandability but Google basically owns everything above the fold

I like it too if the price is right.

But you're spot on about terms like this (that are suitable for directories etc). Google has made it hard.

The only other slight concern that I have is that the previous owner may be a bit litigious in trying to get the name back. But I might be wrong.
And anyway, not that he/they would have any grounds imho.

Having said all that, I will be bidding. I don't want to stand accused of trying to keep the price down for my own purposes. ;)


Top Contributor
That's a pretty healthy figure.

I don't know about down south, but here in Brisbane car washes are huge. Probably has a lot to do with the water restrictions and general laziness / people being too good to wash their own cars...


Regular Member
I bid up until mid $2k, thought it went for a bit too much IMO

Thought it was a difficult domain to monetize.


Top Contributor
That's a pretty healthy figure.

I don't know about down south, but here in Brisbane car washes are huge. Probably has a lot to do with the water restrictions and general laziness / people being too good to wash their own cars...
Yeah, car washes are all over the place down here too.

We decided to take a break from our domain buying drought today.

Just wish Drop picked it up instead. :) D'oh.

No Christmas presents for the family this year. :D
Last edited:


Top Contributor
Congrats Oz - good pickup. :)

I'm sorry Drop didn't pick it up for you because it would have saved you $$$$.

However, in a perverse / selfish way, I'm happy NF got it for you at the higher price. The reason being is that it adds value to CarWash.net.au (which is mine). ;)

If anyone is interested in picking this up for a fraction of the .com.au, please hit me up. :)


Any thoughts on SocialMedia.net.au? Still under the hammer atm. I stopped bidding around the 1k mark....so tempting


Top Contributor
Any thoughts on SocialMedia.net.au? Still under the hammer atm. I stopped bidding around the 1k mark....so tempting

Hmmm I think for 1k it is probably on the money..

I remember social networking.com.au went for like 5k and people thought it was crazy...And Social Media is a better term too.


Top Contributor
I like carwash.com.au but have a few concerns and would like to hear some opinions. Great domain right but look at the Google results.. even if you can get to the top organic spot, you're below the fold on a 1920x1080 resolution monitor.

I see the value in type ins and brandability but Google basically owns everything above the fold and most people aren't using 30" monitors or higher resolutions at this point.

I've just done a post on this very thing - as described by Aaron Wall.


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