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Drops today - 2011


Regular Member
Thanks guys,

Wouldnt believe it but i offered a lot more to the previous owner for the domain a few weeks ago.

Havent won a domain on Drop, how does the invoicing system work? Got to transfer money onto CC to pay, which will go through tomorrow morning. Just paid for my trip to the Gold Coast for the magic millions sale. lol
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Top Contributor
Congrats Morgan, funny how that happens sometimes!

On another note, just a few 'forsale' domains on the drop today - woah!

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
NF have been getting 80-85% of contested domains previously. Be interested to know what happened today. It makes back orders less attractive. It also appears Austdomains is picking up a few too.


Top Contributor
Yea... weird day.

I was sent an email summary from Netfleet to say I was the highest bidder but they didn't grab the name I was after... then, later was sent an invoice because they caught it.

Thats never happened before...



Top Contributor
NF have been getting 80-85% of contested domains previously. Be interested to know what happened today. It makes back orders less attractive. It also appears Austdomains is picking up a few too.

What is this Austdomain business? Another platform or a register trying to catch drops?


Top Contributor
Yea... weird day.

I was sent an email summary from Netfleet to say I was the highest bidder but they didn't grab the name I was after... then, later was sent an invoice because they caught it.

Thats never happened before...


Sorry about this, when our automated system ran to do the billing our data was not yet up to date and needed to be updated manually. Once it was corrected the second email was sent with the correct information.

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
After yesterday's hiccup NF is back. Thanks NF.

Zhen, I think they're just a registry doing their own catching? I just saw they picked up a couple yesterday. Hmm.


Top Contributor
There have been some "cybersquatters delights" on offer recently. More today.

Wish my name was Brad Pitt. :D

P.S. I haven't checked, but I wonder if anyone picked some of these names up?


Top Contributor
CosmeticDentistsMelbourne.com.au $2 - Drop
CosmeticDentistsMelbourne.com.au $2105 - Netfleet


Top Contributor
CosmeticDentistsMelbourne.com.au $2 - Drop
CosmeticDentistsMelbourne.com.au $2105 - Netfleet

We have been actively marketing snapper domain names to end users for the past month or so with an outbound sales team, and this is a great example of it working well.

We are busy developing lead generation tools, sales pitch, and supporting documentation, and once we've refined we will be looking to provide to all, and to offer the service to market your domain names on Netfleet.

We are just trying different approaches really, and making sure we have all the answers for any questions thrown at us.


Top Contributor
We have been actively marketing snapper domain names to end users for the past month or so with an outbound sales team, and this is a great example of it working well.

We are busy developing lead generation tools, sales pitch, and supporting documentation, and once we've refined we will be looking to provide to all, and to offer the service to market your domain names on Netfleet.

We are just trying different approaches really, and making sure we have all the answers for any questions thrown at us.



Top Contributor
call me stupid ! but could i make a suggestion and change this thread to "drops for January 2012" , then start another next month? wouldn't that be easier for people to decide what they want to read eg: newbies.
We have been actively marketing snapper domain names to end users for the past month or so with an outbound sales team, and this is a great example of it working well.

We are busy developing lead generation tools, sales pitch, and supporting documentation, and once we've refined we will be looking to provide to all, and to offer the service to market your domain names on Netfleet.

We are just trying different approaches really, and making sure we have all the answers for any questions thrown at us.

Great news Mark, glad to see you guys innovating. With the aftermarket hotting up this will be a popular move!


Top Contributor
call me stupid ! but could i make a suggestion and change this thread to "drops for January 2012" , then start another next month? wouldn't that be easier for people to decide what they want to read eg: newbies.

Hi "stupid", :D

It's a good idea - well sort of anyway. The lifeblood of a forum is traffic, and basically anyone who has ever made a comment on a thread gets notified when a new post has been made. So they then perhaps access DNT and read. And so on ............

But I take your point, and so with great reluctance (and expense to management), I will create a new thread for 2012. ;)

Cheers, Ned

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