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Drop dropped the ball?


Top Contributor
Are you open to feed back on which system gets implemented?
Yes I am open to hear ideas about it. We can chat on the phone if it is easier but also happy to hear feedback here.
If a group of people want to have a chat together I am also happy to host a session in a bar somewhere to brainstorm.
I can organise Cam to host a session in Brisbane and I can host one in Melbourne if there was enough interest.
We don't have to just talk about a new drop system we can also discuss parking solutions available at Above and the posibility of selling .au domains via Above.com's Marketplace.


Top Contributor
Yes I am open to hear ideas about it. We can chat on the phone if it is easier but also happy to hear feedback here.
If a group of people want to have a chat together I am also happy to host a session in a bar somewhere to brainstorm.
I can organise Cam to host a session in Brisbane and I can host one in Melbourne if there was enough interest.
We don't have to just talk about a new drop system we can also discuss parking solutions available at Above and the posibility of selling .au domains via Above.com's Marketplace.
I'm interested in attending in Melbourne.

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