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Draft recommendations from the 2015 Names Policy Panel


Top Contributor
"But if the panel recommendations are accepted, there will be a lot more choice." ???????????
that article is totally out of line, totally misrepresented.

i've spent almost ALL day today getting phone calls about this, its taking up loads of my time but it needs to be done.

whats going to happen is this :
1) they want us to get bored talking, so don't, but stop preaching to the converted, ring your clients
2) whilst we are b1tching we aren't talking to clients
3) become an auda member, its to late for this year but it will be for next year
4) fill in the survey
5) forget about uk and nz for now, get more surveys filled out
6) step UP, plan to get on the board in 2016 ? , maybe 2015 ?
7) fight fire with fire, if you are really good at writing pitches then stories@theprojecttv.com.au and get the bloody thing on the project !
imagine it ?
"do you own a domain name? well maybe soon you won't " " auda ( the governing body of domain names ) has a plan to change to .au. OHHH you haven't heard hmmmmmmm, thats because they aren't going to TELL YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! until its all done, ummmmmmmmmmm actually they don't plan to tell you EVER."

auda, get a life, and please please please do not think for one minute that all this information is staying locked into DNT, we are all spreading these thread links to our client base.

Further to my two comments yesterday,............
andrew, the best most succinct post about this subject so far, thanks it really detailed it all wonderfully IMO



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Here's an article on SmartCompany that you might like to add a comment.


If you're a member of FlyingSolo you might want to start a thread.

This appears to be the same AUDA press release / broadcast that's being put out to try and promote the change.
The minutes of the 23 February 2015 Board meeting were confirmed.
4. 2015 Names Policy Panel
  • Derek Whitehead advised that the panel had now met 3 times and had completed an issues paper which canvasses comments on several issues, in particular direct registrations in .au. The paper has been published on the website and will be promoted this week with comments closing on 1/6/15.
  • The Panel is schedule to meet again in June and July to discuss responses and finalise the paper.


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The Australian Federal Government Small Business Minister Hon Bruce Billson MP is accepting emails, phone calls and even appointments to discuss concerns on the proposed changes and addition of .AU
Contact details
Parliament Office
PO Box 6022
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
(02) 6277 7930
Electorate Office
(Principal Office)
20 Davey Street
Frankston, VIC, 3199
Postal address
PO Box 501
Frankston, VIC, 3199
(03) 9781 2333
(03) 9783 7912
Connect with Hon Bruce Billson MP
Email B.Billson.MP@aph.gov.au
  • the affect it could have on small business, business and larger community, economy
  • extra costs it may incur on small business
  • extra red tape
  • IP, trademark and domain name disputes it may cause and the affect that may have on small businesses
  • Damages small businesses may incur from the further promotion or implementation of the additional .Au domain name extension
  • Confusion the further promotion or implementation of the additional .Au domain name extension is causing and may further cause


Top Contributor
i was actually talking to a federal politician today , as in , i had his undivided attention and i mentioned this potential change which he was totally unaware of even though he owns his name as a domain name, he was VERY peevvvvvved that he had not been informed.
i simply said to him, well you're not a member of auda and ................... he cut me short and said " can you spell that " ?
i said " what" ?
i said, they are the people who control domain names in australia
he said, never heard of them
so i simply explained that any domain could be registered as a .au some time in the future without a businesses knowledge as they will not be notified by auda and he said " thats bullshit "
he's not happy, a federal politician who wants to protect small business isn't getting informed that somewhere down the track this could happen.
upshot: he's going to ask some questions as he is very strong on small business and online activities , nothing may come from it
moral: in form everyone you can
fairness: state your position + give all information possible and let each person decide themselves, but at least they will know.


Top Contributor
i was actually talking to a federal politician today , as in , i had his undivided attention and i mentioned this potential change which he was totally unaware of even though he owns his name as a domain name, he was VERY peevvvvvved that he had not been informed.
i simply said to him, well you're not a member of auda and ................... he cut me short and said " can you spell that " ?
i said " what" ?
i said, they are the people who control domain names in australia
he said, never heard of them
so i simply explained that any domain could be registered as a .au some time in the future without a businesses knowledge as they will not be notified by auda and he said " thats bullshit "
he's not happy, a federal politician who wants to protect small business isn't getting informed that somewhere down the track this could happen.
upshot: he's going to ask some questions as he is very strong on small business and online activities , nothing may come from it
moral: in form everyone you can
fairness: state your position + give all information possible and let each person decide themselves, but at least they will know.

Lets hope Politicians do look into this massive potential stuff up to stop it before it gets more media and push.

Auda is actually reportable at the end of the day to the Australian Federal Government /.... Malcolm Turnbulls department . http://www.malcolmturnbull.com.au/contact

Guess what Malcolm.. another Malcolm Turnbull may get MalcolmTurnbull.Au and not you !

Contact malcolm and let him know your concerns and he also may have some once he gets the facts!
Malcolm's Office

Ground Floor, 287-289 New South Head Rd
Edgecliff, NSW, 2027
Postal Address
PO Box 545,
Edgecliff, NSW 2027
Tel: 02 9327 3988
Fax: 02 9327 2533
Email: malcolm.turnbull.mp@aph.gov.au
Parliament House Contact
PO Box 6022, House of Representatives
Parliament House, Canberra, ACT 2600
Tel: 02 6277 7480
Fax: 02 6277 3776



Top Contributor
Guess what Malcolm.. another Malcolm Turnbull may get MalcolmTurnbull.Au and not you !
auDA policy:

b) the domain name must not be, or incorporate, ... personal name... in existence at the time the domain name was registered*.
  • “personal name” means the given name(s) and/or last name of a person;


Top Contributor
HA HA HA, fantastic domainnames, i have a client in his electorate of wentworth, which i will phone asap.
my client is a LONG standing popular business, who has a vested interest in this change, and the point is FIND the GAPS, " 6 degrees of separation WE all have a connection to someone who knows someone, the higher up the tree we can get the better the message we can get out so make the effort for whatever side you are on, i don't CARE which way it goes really as long as its done fairly but at its present course its going to be an unfair money grab BOTTOM LINE.

people are saying it will take years to even make it to happen, but EVERY ONE needs to know that inaction NOW will make it happen quicker, and the wrong way IMO.

i've filled out the survey, WHAT A LOAD OF RUBBISH, 1a, 1 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b and then "general comments" , OMG auda is having a laugh at us, "yes, no, unsure, comments" as choices, are we 5th graders ?????????

i just did it as a test so i could enlighten my clients to the process, auda is railroading this, the everyday person doesn't have a clue and they are playing on it FOR PROFIT that isn't needed.

PLEASE everyone keep this subject alive on these threads, please feed additional external information into these threads as it does inspire others.

we all have different opinions and thats cool, and i do pay attention to the people who post the positives/negatives as come the end of the day i want to feel comfortable about my decisions, however it doesn't stop me from voicing my present opinions nor should it stop you voicing yours.
but having a voice is the most important thing and doing the survey is the most important thing ( even though its the worst survey i have ever seen and they really do not want your answers IMO )


Top Contributor
There is a very disturbing trend we are seeing daily as the push continues by some to " open up" or "stuff up" the Australian domain name space.

Why don't they do a focused push to promote .net.au again?,,, and again... How about promote the hundreds of thousands of possible .com.au names that are yet to be registered and still available

Is there anyone that doubts the push by some to get the .Au in will benefit them financially?

  1. Who is pushing for .AU and why
  2. Who will benefit Financially?
Should Board and Panel members be banned from making public announcements that in anyway push for a new additional .AU extension if in anyway there could be a conceivable conflict of interest or profit for them or their organisations?


Top Contributor
Australia needs .Au ... there are no names left for people.....Lets "open up" 3 million .Au names. for the good of the people..... and lets some of us make a lot of money from it..

"PROPAGANDA http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/propaganda
ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc."


Top Contributor
Auda is actually reportable at the end of the day to the Australian Federal Government /.... Malcolm Turnbulls department . http://www.malcolmturnbull.com.au/contact

Guess what Malcolm.. another Malcolm Turnbull may get MalcolmTurnbull.Au and not you !

Contact malcolm and let him know your concerns and he also may have some once he gets the facts!
Malcolm's Office

From what I understand of it it is Malcolm Turnbull's office which is pushing for .au to be brought in.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
The modern world ........... "let's change it or we are seen to be not doing anything or doing our job"
If it aint broke don't fix it

Bacon Farmer

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The General Manager of AusRegistry (and an auDA Board Member) has his say - https://www.ausregistry.com.au/product-innovation-will-produce-the-next-3-million-au-domains

George seems to think that even though the demand for domains is maturing the supply side industry has some strange right to keep growing their profits and "innovation" (ie opening up .au's and defensive registration demand from .com.au owners) will satisfy this.

Oh wait and fewer keystrokes for mobile users. I suppose replacing the . com.au and replacing it with .au would do the same thing? Oh right less money for the supply side.

"It is vital that we protect this national asset and honour the investment made in the namespace with every domain name sale to date." Honour and more money for the supply side.
Last edited:


Top Contributor
"The 2015 .au Survey suggests Australian domain holding levels are in decline (21% of the population, of which 61% are under one of the .au second levels). No matter how you spin it, the introduction of new Top-Level Domains has created increased competition. We’re also seeing considerable encroachment from search engines as the default tool for navigation."

The actual extension is growing so I suspect George is pulling out whatever stats there is to suit Ausregistry's future business plan, i.e. some argument on "holding levels" whatever that is supposed to be. Ausregistry's only interest is obtaining a new revenue source. I haven't come across a single business in Australia using a new tld.


Top Contributor
It's an absolutely perfect analogy. When you register a .au domain name you are a tenant and not an owner.

That's a terrible analogy. As a tenant you have a fixed lease that the landlord can terminate at the end of the lease period. With the domain name on the other hand, you can continue to have beneficial ownership of the domain until you choose to cease paying the renewal.

Furthermore, with a domain name you can do whatever you want, provided it is within the law and auda's rules. Try doing anything to your rental property without permission.

Oh and one more thing, you can't sell your right to a rental property, but you certainly can sell your 'right' to a domain name.

That makes a domain name a completely different 'asset' to a leased property.


Top Contributor
lets rewrite this
The path to the next 3 million domains

It’s clear that in order to achieve the next 3 million .au domains, the namespace needs to innovate and match our competitors in the marketplace.

to " its clear that in order to line my pocket with more.........................."


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