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Direct registrations are happening


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the fact they represent the domain name industry and have possibly the worst website out there,
Hey Tim, according to the annual report the Website Redevelopment cost for 2013 cost $96,508.00 and $69,178.00 for 2014
A TOTAL of $165,686.00 over 18 moths, if that doesn't make your blood boil.


Top Contributor
Hey Tim, according to the annual report the Website Redevelopment cost for 2013 cost $96,508.00 and $69,178.00 for 2014
A TOTAL of $165,686.00 over 18 moths, if that doesn't make your blood boil.

What would it typically cost an organisation like this? Not sure this really sounds high. Maybe it is?

What did their Christmas party at Melbourne's most expensive hotel cost? That is the kind of thing that is more a waste of money in my view.


Top Contributor
$165k is horrendous and in no way justified, there are many of us here that would be feeling the same right now.
we wouldn't be so greedy to charge so much, as for the real price we don't know if there is anything fancy behind the scenes of the site but even then you would push to go over $20k, then anything fancy we can't see right now add 10K max and i'd expect the structure to last at least 2-3years ( so 10k per year investment) then i'd invest in social and maybe james or someone could shed some light on an ongoing brand awareness campaign via twitter and facebook etc
so someones "mate" got a gift in my view.
traffic bandwidth and site size would have virtually nothing to do with cost until the awerness gather momentum.
it would always be a loosing $ website but its an essential part of the business and should be manditory to keep it up to date constantly eg: their "news" is a joke.

for that money you could have someone full time working on it, getting it out there, but its easy to see there is NO WAY that is happening.

xmas party: who are they impressing? only members and bureacrats that follow the friday night champagne "wedding crashes" season.



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Well they did spend approx $25,000.00 on Entertainment expenses for 2015

I'm sure it wouldn't cost over $165,000.00 its a very boring site!
its something like $100.00 per hour for 1,650 hours of work.

P.S - It must cost allot to hold those director meetings - Directors & Meeting Expenses for 2015 cost $108,814.00[/QUOTE]


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its only the "Website" not social media or IT support those expenses are listed in the Annual report as a separate expenses along with consultancy and security


Top Contributor
$165k is horrendous and in no way justified, there are many of us here that would be feeling the same right now.
we wouldn't be so greedy to charge so much,

Tim, the question is not "What would I have charged", the question is what is normal for an organisation like this. Is this expense really unjustified or not? Do similar organisations spend a lot less?


Top Contributor
P.S - It must cost allot to hold those director meetings - Directors & Meeting Expenses for 2015 cost $108,814.00

I guess if a % of directors are interstate that cost could easily blow out with airline and hotel bills.


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i think it is unjustified for what is perceived to being achieved.
FPR is right about 7k p/w but there isn't 7k p/w going into that site.
that expense should be audited IMO and then put to tender.



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I'm not sure about anyone else here on the forum, but right now I am hesitant in purchasing anymore domains as I don't know what is happening regarding direct registrations.

It's really frustrating..
-Should I continue looking out, bid on names
-Save my money for up and coming auctions to protect my assets.
-Risk purchasing .com.au names, with a current registration date, fearing the .net.au holder precedence on .au

I hate all this uncertainty..


Top Contributor
yep, thats the problems, we all feel the same i think.
some rules still apply, invest in quality names not heaps of average ones.
there won't be auctions if we can stop it ( just $22 to have your vote )
then your last one: ? this is it ! " eat this, what is it? just eat it, but what is it? you'll like it, how do you know i will? just eat it, whats it called? i'll tell you later, no thanks !!!, come on you can trust us, but you lied to me yesterday and i still have a bad taste in my mouth "
the other side to that is you find the .net.au is still available so you do a defensive hand reg, $$$$, sucks hey, buying a net !!!!
but i think it will be many years if it goes through before you actually see any affect so stick to rule 1, buy quality names.



Top Contributor
I'm not sure about anyone else here on the forum, but right now I am hesitant in purchasing anymore domains as I don't know what is happening regarding direct registrations.

It's really frustrating..
-Should I continue looking out, bid on names
-Save my money for up and coming auctions to protect my assets.
-Risk purchasing .com.au names, with a current registration date, fearing the .net.au holder precedence on .au

I hate all this uncertainty..

Those are good questions you raise Erwin. Perhaps the two auDA Directors who are active members on here could answer them?


Top Contributor
Recently I was wanting to purchase a .com.au name for which I already had the .net.au
After some back and forth negotiations, it became clear that the amount I might need to pay to 'control' the .com.au, I could potentially save for a future .com.au v .net.au auction.
The other issue I faced was owning both extensions but no certainty in having first rights to .au when released, making me think why spend the substantial amount of money on the .com.au in the first place.


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it would be auda suicide if you owned the net and com and didn't get the .au
+ as i mentioned in a different thread, if you dev it the profit along the way out weighs the end result, if you don't dev it then you have to believe if its that good it will increase in value or you might as well drop the .net now and move on


Top Contributor
I dont think it is, the people who know are, the reality is most don't know.
the moral delema i've already been through is "how can i sell a domain when there is a possibility of a .au" ? the solution in your mind is that it may not happen and if it does it will be done as fair as possible, you don't NOT sell a house on the possibilty one day in the future the area gets rezoned for highrise.
you buy a new car for the benefit NOW, not that you know there will be a better model next year.
i've bought reasonable domains that went straight to dev and got their money back in 9 weeks of online sales.
all this is doing is making everyone think harder before opening the wallet, but if they want it they want it

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