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Direct registrations are happening


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well, I dunno how many are employed at that joint but their website lists 13 "staff” accordingly, the annual report 2015 they got paid well …when you look at it.

Provision for Bonus $21,044
Entertainment $25,000
Payments to suppliers and employees $6,375,803
Employee benefits expenses $2,216,970
Exactly what are employee benefits and expenses?

And…I went through their annual reporting and Interest earned really bugs me, it simply doesn't calculate according to the products stipulated in their annual report. The list below are the products held according to their report, included are the corresponding rates found at the banks site;

COOKING THE BOOKS - Total Interest Earned
= $246,726

Cash Management Account 1,042,973 @ 0.10% = $1,042.00
Term Deposits 2,251,367 @ 2.4% = $54,000.00
NAB Cash on Deposit 4,335,744 @1.5% = $65,000.00? [could be the NAB cash Manager]
National Australia Bank (“NAB”) 1,077,867 @ ? = $? [ no idea, product not found]
TOTAL = $120,000.00* [?]

[with $1m deposited into an unknown account type of which would need to earn 15.00% pa to get the $150k discrepancy]
NAB cash on deposit could simply be an everyday banking [transaction] account and if so, it’s only 0.10% similar to the CMA account – therefore, a mere $55k was earned. So where did the money go?
Based on rates available at nab.com.au

the .com.au name space doesn't need a new extension.


Top Contributor
Exactly what are employee benefits and expenses?
i think that might be trips to international events? i heard that mentioned a few years back.
thats $42634 per week, and $3279 per week per staff member !!!
to anyone thats a lot of money to be so loosly described


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what we should really be doing is getting ready for the next battle, i.e. how this whole thing is implemented.
Exactly Shane. The decision has been made, and whilst many don’t like or understand it, I believe we all need to accept it.

The registry and registrars currently hold the most influence.

We can moan and groan and bluster on forums and blogs, but the die has been cast. It’s not going to change unless something unforseen happens. The fact is, as individual domain investors / domainers, we are no more than a vocal, insignificant minority. That’s how we are viewed by the “powers that be”. Sure, we will be told how important our views are (especially at election time) – but the reality is quite different. Imho.

What we need to do now is:
  • Not panic – there is a long way to go yet
  • Save our energy for the real issue ahead (which is the implementation debate)
  • Get organised and get smart (just like the .co.uk registrants successfully did in the UK)


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if the board is exerting itself why was a motion carried to release the december minutes but that never occured? and Ned was told a blatant lie that the board hadn't indeed made that motion.
what then, something so trivial? perhaps, or just another sign of total disregard for everyone.


Top Contributor
Exactly Shane. The decision has been made, and whilst many don’t like or understand it, I believe we all need to accept it.

The registry and registrars currently hold the most influence.

We can moan and groan and bluster on forums and blogs, but the die has been cast. It’s not going to change unless something unforseen happens. The fact is, as individual domain investors / domainers, we are no more than a vocal, insignificant minority. That’s how we are viewed by the “powers that be”. Sure, we will be told how important our views are (especially at election time) – but the reality is quite different. Imho.

What we need to do now is:
  • Not panic – there is a long way to go yet
  • Save our energy for the real issue ahead (which is the implementation debate)
  • Get organised and get smart (just like the .co.uk registrants successfully did in the UK)

I've just posted started a thread about implementation, keen to hear what people think:


If anyone has any info on how other rollouts were handled, please let me know.


Top Contributor
I'm wondering how direct registrations will work in this respect.. this taken from auDA's email
"be more attractive to natural individuals than the current option,

This media statement from Auda certainly should worry existing.com.au owners


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you don't have to register twice as many domains - it is no different to the current situation where a .com.au owner feels they have to register the .net.au defensively.

If that werre true why are the .net.au numbers so low compared to .com.au registration......but implement .au and real defensive registration will occur


Top Contributor
this is correct, if there is a NEED for another extension WHY is .net.au so abandoned?

leave .net.au's where they are and give the .au to the .com.au...... GIVE

if this isn't a money-grab then show us by not taking any from current owners.


Top Contributor
It’s a TAX on Australian business for NO actual economic benefit
Have you complained to the small business Minister and Department of Communications Minister etc? They did not even know about it but it is not too late for them to now get involved but more people need to contact them!


Top Contributor
Have you complained to the small business Minister and Department of Communications Minister etc? They did not even know about it but it is not too late for them to now get involved but more people need to contact them!

You think the department that oversees AUDA didn't know about this?


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The thing all start up (and operating) businesses should be wanting is not just the .au!

Even 'if' a .net.au business got their .au (if auction was to occur) it would take years for awareness to gain traction.. and still the traffic leakage would be going to .com.au (initially)

I can therefore foresee businesses approaching .com.au holders..

therefore .com.au holders still hold the cards...


Top Contributor
The thing all start up (and operating) businesses should be wanting is not just the .au!

Even 'if' a .net.au business got their .au (if auction was to occur) it would take years for awareness to gain traction.. and still the traffic leakage would be going to .com.au (initially)

I can therefore foresee businesses approaching .com.au holders..

therefore .com.au holders still hold the cards...

Agree. I suspect it will be similar to the .co/.com situation. For the business that do decide to use .au without the .com.au they are going to have big problems with confusion. It is one thing to choose something short/new/cheap but another thing to be living with customer confusion years down the track.

So the ".au only" users are potentially going to be very motivated buyers if this website starts to work out for them. As far as domainers wanting the matching .au to their existing names, it is probably a very good thing if someone gets your .au and builds a popular site on it.


Top Contributor
therefore .com.au holders still hold the cards...

Agree @photoman

Even though the change will impact some markets, I'm personally still investing in good .com.au and recommending it to businesses, and don't see that changing. Lots of businesses, existing and new, need to come online every single day. They all need domains and a strong domain can give a business an edge.


Top Contributor
You think the department that oversees AUDA didn't know about this?
Yes the Ministers and their advisors didn't know.. so they say.... those who attend the Auda meetings from Dept of Communications and have a drink or sit in the background may have been fed the crap for too long from the board and supply members to question it... now they are being questioned themselves for what's happening.... especially now news of the Auda Board member Melbourne IT Yes vote solicitation email campaign has become public that it affected the survey results. http://www.domainer.com.au/justifying-the-end-result/

Things are happening right now at the Department of Communications Minister and Shadow Ministers offices... Call them if you have concerns or any information you can share to them. They are looking into things... maybe a senate enquiry is needed with some people called in to answer questions and be televised :) .
http://www.jasonclare.com.au/contact . Tel: (02) 9790 2466 ask for Jamie or Jason . Plus email them.
http://www.mitchfifield.com/contact.aspx Tel: (03) 9584 2455 ask for Luke or Mitch . Plus email them.

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