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Direct registrations are happening


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  • FREE .au for 5 years for existing .com.au holders . There is Zero cost to Auda, Ausregistry, registrars etc to give the .au to existing .com.au owners if the .com.au wants it. Do not be fooled it will cost them money. Lets see who really wants the new .au now if they will not make $$ from it!
  • NO auction.
  • The .AU name will be going to the existing ,com.au holders ( same as .uk Model)
  • FREE Change of Registrant ( COR). The remaining period of the registration will be transferred to the new registrant at NO cost This is due to the change in registration periods. Obviously if you pay for 5 years and the name is sold or COR to someone they should be allowed to just use the remaining period of the registration. A few in "supply" will fight this but a few smart registrars will embrace it as an opportunity to get a lot of peoples names moved over to them
  • 1- 5 YEAR registration periods
  • http://www.rdnh.com/ Same as Canada new Policy change $5000 fee against reverse domain name hijackers .which will go to the registrant who successfully defends against reverse domain name hijacking. The $5000 helps cover the registrants legal fees etc.
  • https://cira.ca/sites/default/files/attachment/policies/cdrppolicy_-_en.pdf $5000 to help stop reverse domain name hijackers
  • http://www.inta.org/INTABulletin/Pa...sputeOrderedtoPay5000ForReverseHijacking.aspx
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_domain_hijacking
  • http://www.rdnh.com/rdnh-resources/ carmans.com.au (WIPO Decision) February 2, 2016 etg.com.au (WIPO Decision) April 17, 2015
    wow.com.au (WIPO Decision) July 24, 2007


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    • This is the policy change Australia needs ASAP. This is needed before any new .au extension comes in and also now for all existing Australian domain name extensions .com.au and .net.au etc. Auda and Policy boards should have done this years ago... if you want to follow other companies keep up with some other things too that help protect existing registrant rights!
4.6 Bad Faith of Complainant. If the Registrant is successful, and the Registrant proves, on a balance of probabilities, that the Complaint was commenced by the Complainant for the purpose of attempting, unfairly and without colour of right, to cancel or obtain a transfer of any Registration which is the subject of the Proceeding, then the Panel may order the Complainant to pay to the Provider in trust for the Registrant an amount of up to five thousand dollars ($5000) to defray the costs incurred by the Registrant in preparing for, and filing material in the Proceeding. The Complainant will be ineligible to file another Complaint in respect of any Registration with any Provider until the amount owing is paid in full to the Provider.


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what keeps ringing true is quality .com.au and remove the crap from your folio, this is something you should have done years ago anyway, i see snoopy is using the same analogy of someone else owning the .net,au ( let them develop it and take the positive bleed towards your .com.au ) , take the bleed from the .au owner.
i agree with this excdpt the .au to comau is just to close and confusing to ignore IMO


Top Contributor
  • FREE .au for 5 years for existing .com.au holders . There is Zero cost to Auda, Ausregistry, registrars etc to give the .au to existing .com.au owners if the .com.au wants it. Do not be fooled it will cost them money. Lets see who really wants the new .au now if they will not make $$ from it!
  • NO auction.
  • The .AU name will be going to the existing ,com.au holders ( same as .uk Model)
  • FREE Change of Registrant ( COR). The remaining period of the registration will be transferred to the new registrant at NO cost This is due to the change in registration periods. Obviously if you pay for 5 years and the name is sold or COR to someone they should be allowed to just use the remaining period of the registration. A few in "supply" will fight this but a few smart registrars will embrace it as an opportunity to get a lot of peoples names moved over to them
  • 1- 5 YEAR registration periods
  • http://www.rdnh.com/ Same as Canada new Policy change $5000 fee against reverse domain name hijackers .which will go to the registrant who successfully defends against reverse domain name hijacking. The $5000 helps cover the registrants legal fees etc.
  • https://cira.ca/sites/default/files/attachment/policies/cdrppolicy_-_en.pdf $5000 to help stop reverse domain name hijackers
  • http://www.inta.org/INTABulletin/Pa...sputeOrderedtoPay5000ForReverseHijacking.aspx
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_domain_hijacking
  • http://www.rdnh.com/rdnh-resources/ carmans.com.au (WIPO Decision) February 2, 2016 etg.com.au (WIPO Decision) April 17, 2015
    wow.com.au (WIPO Decision) July 24, 2007

Of course we'd all love that, but it's never going to happen. If we expect to be taken seriously we need to come up with something more palatable for all parties - including the ones who will ultimately be making the decisions.


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including the ones who will ultimately be making the decisions
unfortunately they are the people with pockets expected to be filled.
as for reverse hijacking, cn't that be handled simply by a few extra fields in the registration form of a domain? prevention is much much better then court cases.


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So where did the money go?
Perhaps they were "domaining on the side"? Bit of speculation? Just kidding of course. ;)

I remember fondly that Simon Johnson used to give them similar hell about their expenses. He's now an auDA Director, so he'd be the bloke to ask - he's a member here.


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I find it extraordinary that so many people like to express an opinion on .au , yet so many dntrade.com.au members are not members of AUDA.
I guess it is free to comment compared to $20 or something to become an AUDA member with voting rights.


Top Contributor
my auda membership and YIP buttons are not working on dnt, maybe some others are having the same issue? if so contact chris.



Top Contributor
I find it extraordinary that so many people like to express an opinion on .au , yet so many dntrade.com.au members are not members of AUDA.
I guess it is free to comment compared to $20 or something to become an AUDA member with voting rights.

If someone becomes a member and votes what effect would that have?

I don't think any AUDA directors have even said which way they voted. What position are people voting for, do they even know?


Top Contributor
Of course we'd all love that, but it's never going to happen. If we expect to be taken seriously we need to come up with something more palatable for all parties - including the ones who will ultimately be making the decisions.
Actually you may find Auda is listening to these points. What is wrong with them? Do not give up so easily!
I have had it confirmed but not officially of course this is the way some are thinking.
  • .au will go to the .com.au owner as a grace period still to be decided. the .UK grace period is 5 years for the .co.uk owner. This is the current preferred method being discussed NOT the 6 months .nz model many .co.nz owners did not know about the .nz and so lost the chance to grab the .nz in time which has caused many problems in New Zealand.
  • Auda is interested in looking at a policy change and using the Canada model $5000 fee against Reverse Domain name Hijackers
  • 1- 5 year registrations is confirmed
  • FREE COR is also highly probable due to the change in registration period and fact other overseas extensions offer the same no cost COR.


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If someone becomes a member and votes what effect would that have?

I don't think any AUDA directors have even said which way they voted. What position are people voting for, do they even know?
It will cost you 22 bucks to join and find out the answers to your questions ...... smiley face emoji


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finally online auda membership application and payment, thanks auda.
hopefully the email is going to all owners and not just auda mmbers, i wonder why i got the email?


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I've heard rumours an organisation has already joined up 20 new people..... I wonder who their votes will be for and if they got their memberships paid for to secure voting numbers at the next board election....Makes one wonder about the recent Yes Vote Survey rigging scandal now exposed and .. Board membership vote counting etc....Some organisations could easily sign up all their staff at $22 and secure a board seat.. has it happened before and could it happen this time to push in more things certain groups or companies want for their own benefit?


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has it happened before
i'm not sure but i heard that th ereason for not doing online rego was that something like that happened and auda stayed with FAX because of it.

I've heard rumours an organisation has already joined up 20 new people
here we go, yes you can effectively buy yourself a place on the board and that is audas fault through keeping members numbers low, unfortunately, most likely this will work in their favour. with only 140+ members and only @ 30 MAX votes to get onto the board anyone could have a go getting 30 friends.
if auda had been more proactive to get members previously........... say have @ 1000 members which isn't really a big ask for 1.7mil owners the cost and effort to rig the election would be a lot harder as a winning vote would have to be @100
remembering you don't need to own a domain to be a member.


Top Contributor
my auda membership and YIP buttons are not working on dnt, maybe some others are having the same issue? if so contact chris.


Thanks for heads up Tim. It's all profiles, looks like we lost the customisation after an update. Will take a look and keep you posted.


Top Contributor
well lets put the right people on the board and have this longgggggggggg list of things fixed.
the money they have, surely they can afford a web person, the fact they represent the domain name industry and have possibly the worst website out there, everytime something major happens its placement IMO is almost hidden, why is notification of .au so far down the page? http://screencast.com/t/kieawp0C , why is a banner ad for general information more important then the decision to add .au ?

but these are all things for post-election.


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