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Direct registrations are happening


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i'm hoping the new CEO, who on the outside looks to have had a very good past, is not going to risk his reputation by keeping the skeletons in the closet.
auda needs a culture shift not a BUS tour.


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Good point... obviously there is no real true demand for the extra .au extension when people could easily already register the millions of .net.au options which are still not registered and fully available.
Nearly all my friends and relatives do not wish to declare they want an ABN to make a profit because they like telling the truth. They number less than 3 million.
Therefore they do not have an ABN and could not register a .net.au even if they wanted to do so.
I cannot even gift them a .net.au even if I pay the COR and include a wp web site


Top Contributor
Big news.

I've just discovered that three auDA Directors have either retired or resigned (or perhaps been retired!). Things are definitely hotting up at auDA.

Speaking as a member, I think it is very piss poor that there has been no communication whatsover from auDA. It's a big deal imho.

Story at Domainer.

I'm guessing there will be a lot more Ned.


Top Contributor
Is this suggestion too simple?
Force AUDA to forget about the .au thing and
make .net.au available to any holder of an Australian bank account,
thus allowing growth in Australian domain space by people currently sending their Reg fee to places other than the lucky country.

Disclosure: I still have a couple of .net.au

.net.au needs to be phased out in my view, e.g. blocking new registrations. The situation for .net.au isn't going to improve no matter what the rules. It is a confusing tld that shouldn't even be presented to registrants as an option.


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.net.au needs to be phased out in my view, e.g. blocking new registrations. The situation for .net.au isn't going to improve no matter what the rules. It is a confusing tld that shouldn't even be presented to registrants as an option.
As confusing as .net?


Top Contributor
I'm guessing there will be a lot more Ned.

WOW.. Why would some auDA directors suddenly be leaving quietly of their own free will?

Some directors apparently only voted yes to a new proposed .au after they where assured there would be a separate body looking at how best to do implementations.... Maybe they have realised they where sold a lemon to get their yes vote.

Maybe some do agree now the Yes Vote stacking and little factual information they where provided was not right and they do not want to be part of it. It seems very few did their homework and knew of the fact there has been a decline in the direct registrations and renewals of direct extensions .NZ, .SG, .HK, .UK etc.

Most people including some directors if not all directors see clearly now this has always just been about some in Supply wanting to make more money. They have been caught out with true stats and global evidence. When the boss of ICAAN and other Board members says it themselves you have all the facts you need.


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WOW.. Why would some auDA directors suddenly be leaving quietly of their own free will?

No idea, and I don't actually know a thing about any of the directors that left. If I was in their position though I'd probably be concerned about being on the board of a dysfunctional organisation where conflicts of interest are seemingly tolerated. But I have no idea what has actually happened because AUDA has said nothing, just guessing on this.


Top Contributor
very piss poor that there has been no communication whatsover from auDA
obviously the need for change hasn't sunk in yet.
other note, for all the money spent on the website you'd think the staff page would be updated to the new CEO by now !


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Gday Tim..From the mobile home page
"Mr Boardman is expected to take up the role by end August, 2016"
Jo is still acting CEO says the staff list
You could always call them and ask if you had a spare moment tomoz


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It seems like direct registrations are the last thing auDA should be worrying about at the moment.

Sort out the board and the conflicts (perceived or otherwise) first, then have a proper independent review of whether or not direct registrations are truly a good thing for Australia.

Bacon Farmer

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Of course the directors of auDA whom are also members here could shed some light on the situation but their modus operandi seems to be keep the mushrooms in the dark and feed them garbage.

The truth will come out.


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.net.au needs to be phased out in my view, e.g. blocking new registrations. The situation for .net.au isn't going to improve no matter what the rules. It is a confusing tld that shouldn't even be presented to registrants as an option.
I have to agree with this. Supply pushed most .com and .com.au etc holders to get the .net versions for brand protection.... more extensions and more tlds is always the same cash grab from supply..... You need to register this other extension to protect yourself..It is a shameful cash grab made even worse when supply pushes those new extensions with their own marketing as being better etc etc.

The game is up people now know more extensions is for the benefit of supply to make money. There are now over 500 world different extensions polluting and confusing people. Pure GREED from some.

I note the foreign owned Neustar Inc owners of Ausregistry themselves promote 300 extensions....Most of the extensions are questionable and most of them with very low registration and renewal numbers. This is a well known fact.


"...expands Neustar's registry services, which operates the .biz, .us, and .co TLDs, in addition to over 300 new TLDs."

I do not think Ausregistry / Neustar Inc USA have the best interests of auDA or Australians at heart in their push for the new unneeded proposed .au extension. The proof is undeniable their goals are more profits no matter how many new extensions they need to come up with.


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i only own .net.au for a couple of domains for brand protection, the other hundreds anyone can have and none have been taken, there are many living proof examples just like this to confirm there is no need for a .com.au and a .au


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[QUOTE="findtim, post: 81064, member: 1203" ]i only own .net.au for a couple of domains for brand protection, the other hundreds anyone can have and none have been taken, there are many living proof examples just like this to confirm there is no need for a .com.au and a .au[/QUOTE]

Ausregistry / Neustar Inc ( foreign owned USA company) , auDA, auDA board and Supply.. are you listening and willing to accept the facts the new proposed additional Australian extension is not actually needed?

People have plenty of options now to meet the limited demand Australia has. Including the aftermarket and also the fact most .net extensions are still available and not registered.

There is also .org.au , .asn.au .id.au etc or over 500 existing extensions available.


Top Contributor
Of course the directors of auDA whom are also members here could shed some light on the situation but their modus operandi seems to be keep the mushrooms in the dark and feed them garbage.

The truth will come out.

This is a big part part of their problem, the accepted culture is NQR. They should be embarrassed that the news of 3 directors leaving has come out on Domainer.com.au instead of by their own press release. Any other organisation would be rushing out a release this morning in this situation.


Top Contributor
Ausregistry / Neustar Inc ( foreign owned USA company) , auDA, auDA board and Supply.. are you listening and willing to accept the facts the new proposed additional Australian extension is not actually needed?

People have plenty of options now to meet the limited demand Australia has. Including the aftermarket and also the fact most .net extensions are still available and not registered.

There is also .org.au , .asn.au .id.au etc or over 500 existing extensions available.

I don't think they care about that, it is just about selling 500k defensive registrations and hoping it takes off to some degree. Ausregistry and AUDA will make money no matter what.

Both Ausregistry and AUDA have no track record of making an extension successful. .Com.au was dominant well before they were on the scene. In Australia their best effort was .id.au, even when it was launched blind Freddy knew that extension had zero chance of success.


Top Contributor
I don't think they care about that, it is just about selling 500k defensive registrations and hoping it takes off to some degree. Ausregistry and AUDA will make money no matter what.

Both Ausregistry and AUDA have no track record of making an extension successful. .Com.au was dominant well before they were on the scene. In Australia their best effort was .id.au, even when it was launched blind Freddy knew that extension had zero chance of success.

Actually you make a good point. Even the Department of Communications could have easily run the Australian domain name system without auDA or Ausregistry.

People registered .com.au because of the USA and .com market not because of any Ausregistry and auDA marketing, foundations, grants, christmas parties or award nights. They are just wasting money with behind the dot magazine etc. auDA should not pay to be in that Ausregistry / Neaustar inc. advertising magazine either. auDA may be better to disassociate themselves from it completely.

I will never trust buying anything of most of those new extensions. If I see a .com, .co.uk, .co.nz or .com.au I do trust it a lot more as a start to click on or buy from.\

Strange to see how many .org.au .id.au and .asn.au names are being run commercially Ausregistry and auDA may not be aware of or doing anything about. Better to focus on current problems including the current auDA board open positions and not just on more profits and pushing the unneeded additional .au extension proposal.

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