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DigitalCameras.com.au for sale on netfleet

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor

When you add in camera the singular and mobile phone you get a slightly different view of things.

PS - 3dDSLR3d.com.au is available.
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Top Contributor
If general consumers won't buy a 3D TV, they sure as hell aren't going to shell out $$$ for a 3D camera. I also disagree that cameras will outpace phones as phones are constantly improving and within a couple of years will have DSLR quality. Speaking of DSLR, it's trending upwards and in a big way. It's the keyword replacement for digital cameras.

I don't know where you get your growth statistics shags, I at least try to support my arguments with data from Google. It doesn't matter where the article was written because that keyword has trended down worldwide. In other words, there is a change within the industry that is occurring globally. I'm not sure how else I can water it down for those who only understand gorilla math.

Lost your sense of humor General? ......... Irish Joke ............. Phones with DSLR quality? ......... the lens will be bigger than the phone :D

I accepted your data General then added my perceptions / interpretations of the stuation ... sorry but Google can't give me statistics on my perceptions .... yet !! ;)


Top Contributor
The only one that would really make sense is 3dcameras.com.au, all this other stuff is a jumbled mess of extra unnecessary keywords and terms in the wrong order. If 3dcameras.com.au is taken that does not mean registering 3dcameras3d.com.au is a good idea.

Here is another way to look at it Snoopy. Search = 3D Camera, domain = 3DCamera3D, result = 3DCamera3D ....or search = Camera 3D (yes some will use that search term), domain = 3DCamera3D, result = 3DCamera3D
Search either way brings a result for a "bookend 3D" domain - doesn't matter about how it looks or sounds does it? Those with "search habits" will for some time continue to search for "camera" then add 3D to search term whilst most will search the other way, 3D Camera. In the above example add plural = domain 3DCameras3D = result 3DCameras3D or 3DCameras3D or 3DCameras3D for same search term, still covering one return for singular 3D Camera search (the main one).

Some months ago I was somewhat chastised for suggesting the advantage of the "bookends" but now with some of my bookend domains gaining good SERPS it is now bearing fruit - sold one bookend 2 weeks ago for USD3850.00, a name I expected I would soon let drop, well it certainly wasn't on my keep list :)

3D Bookends are not what people search for however they do cover the expected search term as well as the reverse so from an SEO viewpoint it is practical - from a viewpoint of brandability or easy to remember site names well probably not very good at all but when you cannot have the el supremo domain name then the bookend is not such a bad option - in fact of recent times even when I can get a "prime" 3D name I still register the bookend in any case.

Whether you are enthused about the future marketability of 3D or not it has to be recognised that 3D presents a somewhat rare opportunity for bookending domains - 3DCameras3D dot whatever, not a pretty domain but it works (according to traffic and SERPS).

Snoopy, you know I am still wet behind the ears compared to you and many others in respect to domaining however I am slowly convincing myself that some of the tried and proven "must haves" for a premium domain name do not necessarily ring true with 3D names, not totally anyway.

My opinions in any case :)



Top Contributor

When you add in camera the singular and mobile phone you get a slightly different view of things.

PS - 3dDSLR3d.com.au is available.

Hi Pig Pusher :) - I looked at 3DDSLR3D.com but although I am certainly not a camera expert the term SLR isn't a self loading rifle but a "single lens reflex" camera as I understand it - hence the camera itself will not be a 3D camera as it has only one lens but moreso when a 3D Lens is attached it becomes a 3D camera - 3D Lenses have been available for some time now (years) for SLR cameras for the pros, hence I have 3D Lens, 3DLenses, 3DLensFilter, Lens3D, Lenses3D, LensFilter3D etc in com and au extensions specifically for the SLR or DSLR markets. Months back I regged SLRCamera3D.com however in hindsight not such an astute move (like about 1200 other crappy 3D names I regged :D).
Maybe someone in here who knows more than me about cameras can correct me if I am wrong.



Archived Member
Sorry mate, you're so way off the mark that it's pointless debating this further. Best of luck as this is the last time I respond to one of your posts.


Top Contributor
.....................- sold one bookend 2 weeks ago for USD3850.00, a name I expected I would soon let drop, well it certainly wasn't on my keep list :)..............................


What domain name was that?
Well done


Top Contributor
Some months ago I was somewhat chastised for suggesting the advantage of the "bookends" but now with some of my bookend domains gaining good SERPS it is now bearing fruit - sold one bookend 2 weeks ago for USD3850.00, a name I expected I would soon let drop, well it certainly wasn't on my keep list :)

Shags, if you register thousands of domains you are going to to sell something. Is it is profitable to register all this stuff? Personally I doubt it.


Top Contributor
Shags, if you register thousands of domains you are going to to sell something. Is it is profitable to register all this stuff? Personally I doubt it.

The short answer Snoopy is NO !! I was definitively naeve when I started out, went beserk thinking I was going to become an internet real estate millionaire. I regged about 2000 names in the space of 4 months, the majority within 2 months in a spree. In hindsight it was dumber than dumb. I probably have about 130 resonable names out of the whole sorry bunch.

In the past 6 months I have regged maybe 60 names tops, none for nearly a 3 month period, being far more astute (hopefully) in my selection.

The pleasing thing though is that I got in reasonably early with this 3D stuff and some names will be sought after as the market matures but I am going to be dropping nearly 900 names over the next 4 months or so. If I get another 6 sales like the last one then I have recouped my expenditure (or 12 at half that, or 24 at 1/4 :) ). I agree with your statement, with that many names I am bound to sell something - I wasn't boasting about the sale by the way, it was a statement of relief.(it was my first Bookend though).



Top Contributor
What domain name was that?
Well done
Thanks Joe - sales have been very slow however I expect that to be the case as 3D is still very much embryionic - albeit there is a lot of exciting new 3D product being released and my 3D Movie sites are picking up with the release of a bunch of movies lately. The domain I spoke of was sold through Afternic and the Escrow process is not yet complete so will wait till the transfer is complete before broadcasting the name. Of course a sale is not a sale until the money is in the bank right ;) . It was my first "Bookend" sale albeit I have had some reasonable offers for some others ($xxxx for 3DMotorSports3D.com from 2 sources is one example).
I am feeling confident about the future of some of my names albeit it will be over time.



Top Contributor
What domain name was that?
Well done
Thanks Joe - sales have been very slow however I expect that to be the case as 3D is still very much embryionic - albeit there is a lot of exciting new 3D product being released and my 3D Movie sites are picking up with the release of a bunch of movies lately. The domain I spoke of was sold through Afternic and the Escrow process is not yet complete so will wait till the transfer is complete before broadcasting the name. Of course a sale is not a sale until the money is in the bank right ;) . It was my first "Bookend" sale albeit I have had some reasonable offers for some others ($xxxx for 3DMotorSports3D.com from 2 sources is one example).
I am feeling confident about the future of some of my names albeit it will be over time.



Top Contributor
Sorry mate, you're so way off the mark that it's pointless debating this further. Best of luck as this is the last time I respond to one of your posts.
General - I have mixed emotions about your statement :D - mixed between the first sentence and the second sentence :) .
The fact that you use the word "debate" is an example, in my opinion, of the obstinant and aggressive approach you take to some of your posts / comments and/or the interpretation / perception you place on comments by others. It is accepted however that you are always right and that your opinion is the only correct one and indeed the final one, end of discussion (or debate in your case). I really do not know what beset me to cause me to not accept your comment without me making further comment, other than that comment probably should have been to applaud your comment and praise your obvious insights into all matters pertaining to domaining and particularly that to do with the 3D market(s). :rolleyes:

You are the main reason I rarely stick my nose into this forum these days General - maybe that might change if you are true to your word above :rolleyes:

It is said that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit - I am using sarcasm as a defence mechanism so as not to use profanities :)

have a nice day,

p.s. maybe you could put your undoubted expertise to good use and offer expert comment and advice in the thread about hyphenated names - a thread not started by me but which I have contributed to with another obviously dumb comment / question


Top Contributor
The short answer Snoopy is NO !! I was definitively naeve when I started out, went beserk thinking I was going to become an internet real estate millionaire. I regged about 2000 names in the space of 4 months, the majority within 2 months in a spree. In hindsight it was dumber than dumb. I probably have about 130 resonable names out of the whole sorry bunch.

In the past 6 months I have regged maybe 60 names tops, none for nearly a 3 month period, being far more astute (hopefully) in my selection.

The pleasing thing though is that I got in reasonably early with this 3D stuff and some names will be sought after as the market matures but I am going to be dropping nearly 900 names over the next 4 months or so. If I get another 6 sales like the last one then I have recouped my expenditure (or 12 at half that, or 24 at 1/4 :) ). I agree with your statement, with that many names I am bound to sell something - I wasn't boasting about the sale by the way, it was a statement of relief.(it was my first Bookend though).


"If I get another 6 sales like the last one then I have recouped my expenditure (or 12 at half that, or 24 at 1/4 :) )."

Shags, if you been at this say 9 or more months though (which is what it sounds like) your expenditure is about to double so how does any of this work?

It sounds to me like around $27,000 in expenses and $4000 in sales. If you say that name was one you were going to drop then where is the business model in this? Your going to keep registering all those names for a 1 in 2000 sale?

People who really focus on endusers tend to sell at a rate of around 1:100 not 1:2000. At that level you've got a cost of maybe $1000 in regs annually for each sale, so if a sale is say $2000+ on average it works.

To summarise that sale wasn't anywhere close to being profitable, it cost you $27,000. The quality of the porfolio probably need to be 10-20 times higher than it is to work.
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