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Top Contributor
"3.1 cents today:"

there are a lot of people made a lot of money along the way, todays price means nothing.

"I've told you before I've never said this so why keep making the same incorrect claim?"

sorry but i am sure you did, so firstly i will retract the statement until i find the QUOTE where you did make it.



Top Contributor
"3.1 cents today:"

there are a lot of people made a lot of money along the way, todays price means nothing.

"I've told you before I've never said this so why keep making the same incorrect claim?"

sorry but i am sure you did, so firstly i will retract the statement until i find the QUOTE where you did make it.


99% of value has been lost, the company is a disaster. Keep digging a hole or climb out, your choice.


Top Contributor
man we are soooo different !

they employed thousands of people during those years, they still do but now under the vodaphone banner.

thats what i meant

i look UP, you look DOWN



Top Contributor
man we are soooo different !

they employed thousands of people during those years, they still do but now under the vodaphone banner.

thats what i meant

i look UP, you look DOWN


Tim, you're looking down as well. Looking down at a big hole that you are still digging instead of just admitting this company is not "highly successful".


Top Contributor
Netfleet get to sell it twice....great.

This prime name for anyone who makes biscuits and want to call their new brand "biscuit" went for $455 this time versus $556 last time.

"Client requested policy delete" <-- I don't blame them. j/k
Netfleet get to sell it twice....great.

This prime name for anyone who makes biscuits and want to call their new brand "biscuit" went for $455 this time versus $556 last time.

"Client requested policy delete" <-- I don't blame them. j/k

it was actually a policy delete, not of the registrants choosing


Top Contributor
Why does this domain keep getting policy deleted? It is very generic - I don't understand.

Was the first drop a policy delete or an expiration?

I'm guessing it was the same owner as bread.com.au, if so maybe it was an old ABN or something the first time?


Top Contributor
Was the first drop a policy delete or an expiration?

I'm guessing it was the same owner as bread.com.au, if so maybe it was an old ABN or something the first time?

i seem to remember it was an expiration.

i agree it is shouldn't have a PD issue


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