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OK - Snoopy you seem to be missing the point. Just because a website reports MFA as being "poor quality" doesn't mean anything - if a website has a business model of driving traffic to its website, in hope that that traffic clicks their Adsense ad spaces, I would classify this as an MFA.

The definition states these sites "often" have poor quality content. Of course it could have good quality content, but that is extremely rare. Usually the content is written by someone with no genuine knowledge of the field they are writing about other than what they have read whilst preparing the article.


Top Contributor
OK - Snoopy you seem to be missing the point. Just because a website reports MFA as being "poor quality" doesn't mean anything - if a website has a business model of driving traffic to its website, in hope that that traffic clicks their Adsense ad spaces, I would classify this as an MFA. Sure, the typical MFA site has "poor content" - but that doesn't mean ALL MFA sites are poor quality.

That's a good summary..


Top Contributor
The definition states these sites "often" have poor quality content. Of course it could have good quality content, but that is extremely rare. Usually the content is written by someone with no genuine knowledge of the field they are writing about other than what they have read whilst preparing the article.

The 'definition' according to who? About.com :D Come on snoopy you normally dismiss these sites as bloated crap content themselves.

Snoopy - is BikeInsurance.com.au a MFA site?


Top Contributor
The 'definition' according to who? About.com :D Come on snoopy you normally dismiss these sites as bloated crap content themselves.

David a definition needs to come from somewhere, and preferably not one written by you, an unbiased source because at the moment you'd like to think just about anything with Adsense on it is MFA.

Snoopy - is BikeInsurance.com.au a MFA site?

No, I think the purpose of this site is to provide insurance.


Top Contributor
No, it was actually made for Adsense revenue.

Point made. Case Closed.


If this site is about Adsense revenue it wouldn't be leading people to get a quote.

Lets go back to the definition again,

Definition: Made for AdSense or MFA sites are Web pages created specifically around AdSense keywords. These are often poor quality sites with little or no original content.
MFA sites may use content copied or "scraped" from other Web sites or content generated by computer. The goal is to make content geared towards high-paying AdSense keywords. Many MFA sites also profit from arbitrage.

Creating content for the sole purpose of hanging ads is against Google's Terms of Service, "whether or not the page content is relevant."


Top Contributor
Snoopy, you have to know when to give up.

I made that site for the purpose of making money from Adsense. That was my plan when I bought the domain. That was my plan when I developed it. To create relevant content which attracts users who then hopefully click on an ad or two.

The site was Made For Adsense, period.

It's just one of many examples of how a MFA site doesn't have to be a 5-pager poor quality scraped content 10 min Wordpress job.

Bored of this argument now. If you don't get it now, you never will. Bye :)


Top Contributor
Snoopy, you have to know when to give up.

I made that site for the purpose of making money from Adsense. That was my plan when I bought the domain. That was my plan when I developed it. To create relevant content which attracts users who then hopefully click on an ad or two.

The site was Made For Adsense, period.

It's just one of many examples of how a MFA site doesn't have to be a 5-pager poor quality scraped content 10 min Wordpress job.

Bored of this argument now. If you don't get it now, you never will. Bye :)

David, if it were about adsense it would not have a quote form smack in the middle of it. Google isn't going to see this as a site created for the sole purpose for displaying ads. It doesn't matter much what you think. You think it is MFA just like you carsguide.com.au & gumtree are because you think just about anything with adsense on it is MFA, even your own sites.

This reminds me a TV drama where someone goes to the police and tries to get charged over something they didn't do, sorry David Google isn't going to buy it. Just try and get them can you account over that site. Tell them it is MFA & see what they do.


Top Contributor
Maybe the term for the "5-pager poor quality scraped content 10 min Wordpress sites" should be
MSFA == Made Solely for Adsense.
whereas better sites that could stand alone but are monetised by addition of adsense ads could be
MBAC ==Monetised by Adsense Content sites.

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