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Top Contributor
Who uses the word 'enviro'? The buzzword for anything related to environmentalism is 'green', and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I wouldn't hold your breath about enviro being an 'in demand keyword' in 5 years time.

There's also the opportunity cost to consider - 6 years ago there were tons of finance and insurance related domains free for reg that would easily sell for $X,XXX these days. I'd be incredibly suprised if you ever manage to sell an undeveloped 'enviro' domain for four figures.

Shags: You should listen to snoopy - the vast majority of your names will never be worth more than reg fee.

By the way, 3dhosting.com.au is available, and a far better domain than 3dwebsitehosting.com.au. Any takers?


Top Contributor
The answer to that is ZCorp. 15 years ago.

"impressive" - Contex

Jonathan -

6 years ago there were tons of finance and insurance related domains free for reg that would easily sell for $X,XXX these days

"sorry you missed the boat"

I wouldn't hold your breath about enviro being an 'in demand keyword' in 5 years time.

Who would of thought the word term "cloud" would become a popular computing term 5 years ago? but nearly every possible keyword with the word cloud in it is registered as a dot com... cloudbanking.com cloudvideo.com, cloud etc...

In March 2010, Microsoft's CEO, Steve Ballmer, made his strongest statement of betting the company's future in the cloud by proclaiming, "For the cloud, we're all in" and further stating, "About 75 percent of our folks are doing entirely cloud based or entirely cloud inspired; a year from now that will be 90 percent."[32]

yet the idea of cloud computing was around in the 60's -

So Mr. wizard who are you to predict the future outcome of any keyword or domain name? Enlighten us? can you honestly say that 3D website hosting is a keyword combination that will not be worth anything in the future? Sure you see its worthless now but are those stats you see now any indication of future performance?


Top Contributor
I'm not saying it *can't* happen, I'm just saying it's not likely. Your odds of successfully picking a 'buzz word' in advance are about on par with winning the lottery, and as such I don't think it's a particularly sensible strategy.

The other issue is that on the off chance that you do somehow luck out and pick correctly, the technology is likely to be superseeded within several years anyway.


Top Contributor
I just happen to have the eleventeenth best name so am way down the queue but I will get something for it one day.

Highly unlikely, just take a look at drop prices, names that are half usable sell for 2 figures. Even very strong names don't exactly have endusers knocking the doors down. Stuff that is "eleventeenth" in a niche with no market right now has very little chance in my view.

In my view you'd be better off buying some names with definite value rather than renewing a whole lot of domains you think might make it one day.


Top Contributor
Who uses the word 'enviro'? The buzzword for anything related to environmentalism is 'green', and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I wouldn't hold your breath about enviro being an 'in demand keyword' in 5 years time.

Agree. Personally I avoid anything that is cool or a trend like the plague, because they are typically over speculated without much of a market. People end up with the "eleventeenth" best name is a niche with almost no demand anyway. We've seen it with wap, 3g, dubai etc and now 3d. Not many ever wanted a domain with 3g in it to the extent of paying a premium over reg fee and the same will be true for 3d.

Would rather spend $500 on doorknobs.com.au than a bunch of theme names.


Top Contributor
Would rather spend $500 on doorknobs.com.au than a bunch of theme names.

i agree - but, mobilephone.com wasn't registered until the year 2000 yet webphone.com was registered in 1997 -

mobilephone.com is valued at $500k whilst webphone.com is valued at $15k which one would you prefer?

3D.com wasnt registered until 2004...yet 3DTV.com was registered in 1997 which one would you prefer owning today?

Your odds of successfully picking a 'buzz word' in advance are about on par with winning the lottery, and as such I don't think it's a particularly sensible strategy.

"people win the lottery every week"

I avoid anything that is cool or a trend like the plague

"the trend is your friend"

they are typically over speculated without much of a market

3D gets 37m Global monthly searches 5m Local monthly searches - yeah, its a very small niche market???? LOL...

3D technology will be a TV / internet reality and websites will be hosted in 3D -

3Dwebsitehostingor 3Dhosting is still "hosting" its like "onlinehosting" or "internethosting" or "cyberhosting" or "webhosting" or "cloudhosting"



Regular Member
Agree. Personally I avoid anything that is cool or a trend like the plague, because they are typically over speculated without much of a market. People end up with the "eleventeenth" best name is a niche with almost no demand anyway. We've seen it with wap, 3g, dubai etc and now 3d. Not many ever wanted a domain with 3g in it to the extent of paying a premium over reg fee and the same will be true for 3d.

Would rather spend $500 on doorknobs.com.au than a bunch of theme names.

Are Solar domains a trend then?


Top Contributor
Are Solar domains a trend then?

If people are going out registering dozens of these names then yes. I haven't actually heard of speculators targeting the term but I'm sure there is very few sales in it. It is another term where the technology is important but the scope for selling domains is limited, just like the world doesn't need a whole lot of coal, nuclear or wind domain names.
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Top Contributor
i agree - but, mobilephone.com wasn't registered until the year 2000 yet webphone.com was registered in 1997 -

Big difference between getting the key term versus registering one of thousands of related terms that will likely never be worth anything. People aren't registering names like mobilephone.com, they are getting names like greatmobilephonez.com after other people have already picked through the niche.

"people win the lottery every week"

Only fools would consider that a real money making strategy because the odds are stacked against the person buying the ticket.
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Top Contributor
Yeah, you guys are right - its foolish to consider any investment as guaranteed, after all the odds of actually getting it right are stacked against you...there's really no point trying to find any niche out there... there's no point to domaining at all because all the rich guys have the good keyword domains, i would need to win the lottery just to afford one good domain...right?

creation date for 3D.com is 2004 - http://whois.domaintools.com/3d.com

Exact local monthly searches for 3D in Australia = 3600 not 1000

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