Cheyne, who's "we"?We offer 3 months free hosting to all DNTrade members, all they need to do is ask me.
I do know that NV use Synergy for their domain wholesaler, I really hope they are not just selling Synergy's hosting too.
Time will tell
I'm about to move IWP there, and that runs like a dogs breakfast on anything VentraIP related. So i'll find out pretty fast.
There are a couple of different ads running at the moment. Glad that one caught your attention though!Funny Venture Ip radio ads lately, let "Daddy Go" ...... don't go "Crazy"
i'm still very happy with NV, i did have to move a clients sites (4) off because of some weird email conflict which we couldn't figure out, once we moved it stopped?? still don't know why but i get less support calls from that client which was the ONLY one with the issue. i STRONGLY believe it was some setting in the clients computer we couldn't find.
i love backup buddy but it struggles repeatedly with their litespeed servers, it works and then it doesn't, it works but then the backup although says its good is actually missing small pieces and transferring sites fail, general the database fail on WP sites which is a major issue.