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auDA Membership

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I've created a quick poll to gauge a very rough idea of who are members.

We've also recently fixed an issue with the template where your profile displays if you're an auDA member or not. You can set this by clicking on your profile icon (to the left of Inbox), and scrolling down to auDA Member and Display auDA Membership:

Your membership status will then be visible in your profile under your avatar and post count.


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Top Contributor
I think it should also give you the ability to display publicly if you are not a member. I had to add this myself a while back. I did however do the unthinkable and applied to join a week ago (not accepted yet) - only to help get some Dntrade representation on the board.

What we need is people voting but most importantly 2 candidates who do represent dntrade members. We don't actually have the basics right now: 2 candidates. If the votes end up spread out between a whole lot of candidates or we don't have two people then joining AUDA probably isn't going to have much effect.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
So what is the process? Pay and then wait for approval? If approved something in the mail? Email confirmation? Time frame? .......thanks


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see below, click the link, fill in your details, pay by creditcard/paypal, a cheque will make you miss out, direct deposit if you do it today as they won't have your funds till tuesday.
you get a thankyou email
application goes to june meeting for approval and they send you information in the mail with maybe a baseball cap !

here is the link to join,

payment happens on the 2nd page by cheque, direct debit and they do paypal as
"Please include your Member Name in the transaction reference so we can
correctly identify your payment."


Top Contributor
This is what I got, it came the day after signing up looking at the email again,

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your application & entrance fee to become a Demand class member of .au Domain Administration Ltd. Below is a receipt for the entrance fee paid.

Your membership application will now be submitted to the auDA Board for approval at its next meeting on 20th June 2016.

Please note:

·Your membership will be activated on the date of approval by the auDA Board.

·You must be a member for 3 months before you are entitled to vote at a General Meeting of auDA.

·If for any reason your membership application is rejected, your membership entrance fee will be refunded in full.

·The auDA Board may request further information from you before approving your application for membership.

I will contact you again after the auDA Board meeting to let you know the outcome of your membership application.

Kind Regards,‪‪‫

Lisa Lunardi | Office Manager

.au Domain Administration Ltd

T: 1300 732 929 | F: 03 8341 4112

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I did receive a "receipt" pretty much straight away, and then I received this from a lady named Lisa Lunardi the following day.
Dear Rod,

Thank you for your application & entrance fee to become a Demand class member of .au Domain Administration Ltd. Below is a receipt for the entrance fee paid.

Your membership application will now be submitted to the auDA Board for approval at its next meeting on 20th June 2016.

Please note:

·Your membership will be activated on the date of approval by the auDA Board.

·You must be a member for 3 months before you are entitled to vote at a General Meeting of auDA.

·If for any reason your membership application is rejected, your membership entrance fee will be refunded in full.

·The auDA Board may request further information from you before approving your application for membership.

I will contact you again after the auDA Board meeting to let you know the outcome of your membership application.


Top Contributor
pretty much straight away
which is automated so nobody has looked at it yet.
I will contact you again after the auDA Board meeting to let you know the outcome of your membership application.
as you are weeks away from the closing date i wonder if you made a small error like postcode or typo of suburb would your application be presented or held back till after the meeting and THEN sent back for clarification THUS you miss out on voting??? when a quick phone call could have resolved it
does anyone know?

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Tim the post above yours shows that I received what would be considered a standard response, I don't think there are any issues, just a time frame that all new applications have to wait for, cheers


Top Contributor
my question or though off-topic sorry still remains interesting to me
he auDA Board may request further information from you before approving your application for membership.
this seems to answer my question, i missed it before.

your email: yes, its more "thankyou for your money" , hardly a WELCOME letter, yes i know its not been approved, so lets wait to see what he next correspondence brings you .


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