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Is it too late now to register and get a vote at the upcoming meeting?
Not too late mate. Applications must be received no less than 7 days before the next meeting, which is 20 June.

So a bit of time, but don't leave it too late! :)


Top Contributor
Thanks guys!
Although I can't find the information on the website on what's a 'stakeholder', I've just realised I may not be eligible since I don't have an .au domain in my own name, I buy the domains in my mrs's name who runs a small business and has an ABN.


Top Contributor
Although I can't find the information on the website on what's a 'stakeholder', I've just realised I may not be eligible since I don't have an .au domain in my own name, I buy the domains in my mrs's name who runs a small business and has an ABN.
i was answering as you were asking about abn, no you need to be an owner od a domain not just an abn holder.

You do not need to be the registrant of a domain; or holder of an ABN, to apply for Demand Class membership.

This is from the auDA Constitution:

9.5 Qualification for Demand Class Membership
Any Legal Person that does not qualify for Supply Class membership may apply to be a Demand Class Member.

"Legal Person" means the legal definition of a person, including without limitation a natural person (individual) or an Organisation - see also clause 1.3(c);


Top Contributor
Today I have decided to join auDA and have paid my membership.
I hope that auDA will accept me as their member, and I hope my vote will make a difference on .au's future..
Fantastic news. If nothing else, our growing membership base will show auDA and the current directors that we are serious about the direction of the AU domain space.


Top Contributor
Nice one photoman. I also registered to become an auDA member this week too! I've been meaning to for a while and this thread has prompted me to get myself organised, pretty straight forward application and easy checkout with PayPal :)


Top Contributor
Today I have decided to join auDA and have paid my membership.
I hope that auDA will accept me as their member, and I hope my vote will make a difference on .au's future..
You are too late possibly? Did you need to join and pay by yesterday?

Can any Auda board member or someone with facts clarify please? When is the cut off for people to join as Auda members and vote for supply and demand board members.

There may be some new potential supply auda board members candidates worth voting for this time?
Neddy with your many years of experience and fairness are you putting your name forward as a Supply board member? You may get a lot of votes and make some people in supply think about what they have done and what they are doing.


Top Contributor
domain names its next week.
meeting =20th, in by 7 days before = MONDAY 13th, moeny is slow to transfer from thursday so it really closes wednesday 8th at the very latest, but people have decided or not??? if there is something you are unsure of just ask, if you think its silly PM us, i helped 1 member and once i answered his question he's onboard, sometimes its a perception not a reality.



Top Contributor
Neddy is also a "Supply" reseller and he can go for Supply board membership. He can be voted for and speak for people who have concerns if he wants to be a candidate.

Anyone can join as a Supply reseller and if they liked Neddy they could vote for him as a Supply Board Member. Do not forget last time someone got onto the Auda board in Supply with only 10 votes!?


Top Contributor
Neddy is also a "Supply" reseller and he can go for Supply board membership. He can be voted for and speak for people who have concerns if he wants to be a candidate.

Anyone can join as a Supply reseller and if they liked Neddy they could vote for him as a Supply Board Member. Do not forget last time someone got onto the Auda board in Supply with only 10 votes!?

I am not a Supply Class member as yet - though I do have an application in before the auDA Board.

Having said that, I would not stand for election for the same reasons I have never stood for Demand Class membership. I'd rather have the right to be vocal about things (good and bad). It seems to me that once you become a Director, some mystery virus strikes which stops people communicating with their constituents. ;)


Top Contributor
i've jut been informed by lisa at auda that if you were a member last year but missed the 1st june renewal deadline you should be getting an email 2nd chance till 30th june to renew. today or monday she said


Top Contributor
I am not a Supply Class member as yet - though I do have an application in before the auDA Board.

Having said that, I would not stand for election for the same reasons I have never stood for Demand Class membership. I'd rather have the right to be vocal about things (good and bad). It seems to me that once you become a Director, some mystery virus strikes which stops people communicating with their constituents. ;)

You would make a good board member and are just what is needed. I'm sure you would get a lot of real votes if you did put yourself forward.

Being vocal and doing email campaigns, propaganda press releases, mailouts with why direct registrations are needed etc to sway survey votes does not seem to stop some others..... You would have a right to keep your voice and also be on the board just as others are doing it seems for many years.

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