What about .rich for foods like chocolate.rich ?
i find it interesting that the longer extension of .photography has many more regs compared to the shorter .photo and .photos
Would say it is a few things,
-First mover advantage
-They did promotion to the photography community
-The uniregistry tlds (.photo) aren't available at most big registrars so would expect a much lower count.
I'm not a fan of the new extensions but i couldn't refuse to register 'Animation.Marketing' especially after reading about the mega bucks spent investing into this type of media -
By 2016 "video ad" spending will reach $5.4 Billion by 2016 according to Break Media. - See more at: www.insivia.com
Interesting that some folk state they are not keen on these but grab one or two anyway, i am a little in the way of thinking you either accept them or you don't, not specifically you. I am just noticing many detractors still dip their toes in …. these are interesting times. I think the .london and .berlin gtlds have an automatic groundbase to land on. Only early days for the internet in the big scheme of things.
I agree on .flights and .properties
But the .dating space has been annihilated by stuff like Tinder and the likes. Smartphone Apps seem to have become the major standard now with these.
It will be interesting to see what happens when .flights, .dating and .properties are launched as I consider these to be sensible domains with good potential due to the ease of branding.