Just updated the top sales list:
Credit-Cards.com.au $2,750 - Netfleet
was that at Bin?
no spacey, its now a BIM.
"buy it maybe", BIM
Just updated the top sales list:
Credit-Cards.com.au $2,750 - Netfleet
Did anyone else think this was a surprisingly low price?
I hate to be one of those people who say "I would have bid but..." but I genuinely was going to make an offer higher than the winning bid, but didn't bother because I thought it would go for more...
Surely pre-panda/penguin/EMD/etc this would have been a $10k+ domain? I'd rate is as one of the best hyphen domains available.
Confused, was this actually a "BIM" (BIN)?
Didn't even realise this dropped, perhaps I wasn't the only one.. Don't mind it at that price.
Good luck to the new owner.
Health-Insurance.com.au went for $289 today.
Another astoundingly low price for a domain that would be among the best hyphens available.