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Hyphens in the top sales


Top Contributor
It looks like we'll probably see the second hyphenated domain being added to the reported 4 figure sales list for 2013, with credit-cards.com.au dropping tomorrow.

It's currently at $1,000 on Drop.


Top Contributor
Just updated the top sales list:

Credit-Cards.com.au $2,750 - Netfleet

Did anyone else think this was a surprisingly low price?

I hate to be one of those people who say "I would have bid but..." but I genuinely was going to make an offer higher than the winning bid, but didn't bother because I thought it would go for more...

Surely pre-panda/penguin/EMD/etc this would have been a $10k+ domain? I'd rate is as one of the best hyphen domains available.


Top Contributor
Did anyone else think this was a surprisingly low price?

I hate to be one of those people who say "I would have bid but..." but I genuinely was going to make an offer higher than the winning bid, but didn't bother because I thought it would go for more...

Surely pre-panda/penguin/EMD/etc this would have been a $10k+ domain? I'd rate is as one of the best hyphen domains available.

I agree Shane, I was expecting it to go for more too.


Top Contributor
Sometimes with auctions you get lucky. I'd say this is one of those times. SEO Myth- hyphen domains don't rank well.


Top Contributor
Confused, was this actually a "BIM" (BIN)?

Didn't even realise this dropped, perhaps I wasn't the only one.. Don't mind it at that price.

Good luck to the new owner.


Top Contributor
Confused, was this actually a "BIM" (BIN)?

Didn't even realise this dropped, perhaps I wasn't the only one.. Don't mind it at that price.

Good luck to the new owner.

There was no BIN on this one. Just the highest offer.

Going on recent BINs it would have been $100k or something ridiculous!


Top Contributor
Health-Insurance.com.au went for $289 today.

Another astoundingly low price for a domain that would be among the best hyphens available.


Top Contributor
depending on my work load I'd probably do 50-100 google searches a day for research into projects and I can't remember the last time a hypen domain came up on the first page of my results.

do people actually type into the url bar health "HYPHEN" insurance.com.au ??


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